The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

It's not a bad thing at a certain level, but when you ditch something entirely over a bunch of small things like a skeleton, giving women beards, and the way hair is colored, not to mention calling people who defend anything about the game hipsters or Bethesda fans... Well that's just rediculous.

Anyways, I've said my piece, the rest of this thread I'll talk about impression only.
Good call, the thread is about early impressions after all. Bitching without playing it can go elsewhere, preferably Reddit.
I have to say that it is really ironic that Obsidian banned players from naming characters certain words in a game about companies and corporations trying to control and dictate to the consumer on how act and live their lives. The theory going around is that Obsidian didn't want to deal with the headache of streamers naming their characters offensive names and dealing with a flood of post to their Twitter account and forums of people getting triggered and offended. What probably would have helped would have been Obsidian releasing a statement before the games release saying;
"Listen, we know that a bunch of streamers are going to be playing our game and will probably act immature and edgy like naming their characters offensive names and slurs to get a rile out of people. To avoid controversy and receiving floods of complaints from viewers we have banned a large number of offensive words and slurs with the character creation menu."
If they did that then most people wouldn't have mind. They would have probably been like: "Okay, in this day of age where everyone is easily triggered we can understand a company not wanting to deal with a headache like this."
So a friend told me that NPCs react to what you wear, is it like the faction disguise system in New Vegas were it was basically a status effect or is it more dynamic?

It's more dynamic. Disguise works like extra layer of protection when stealthing through restricted area (something similar to enforcers in new Hitmans). If guards see through your disguise you can pass speech checks to save your ass (there's a limit to it, then the guards turn hostile).

It also seems that you won't get attacked by your allies if you wear their enemies' armor (town guards won't kill you if you wear bandit's armour).

How does the faction stuff work overall?

It seems to be like New Vegas- you kill and steal from a faction- you lose reputation, you help faction you gain reputation. Only new thing I've seen on gameplays is the fact that if you're slightly in the red reputation (they saw you stealing, and you've had 0 rep with them) you can wait a few days for them to forget and return to neutral.

How is Unarmed and Melee combat like?

No unarmed. You can whip gun stocks, use 1 and 2- handed weapons. Seems similar to New Vegas, but looks smoother and punchier.

So I got off the starting colony and finished first main questline involving the power plant. I've seen a lot of people describe this as being gray and gray, I think such a description doesn't really do it justice. On one hand you have the Manager of the town, whom withholds medicine from the sick and dying so only the productive employees can get it because he doesn't have enough to go around, enforces all the goofass company polices in place and believes in all the corporate slogans and holds them close to his heart. but see he is true believer and especially the one motto about the company being a big family and he tries to do right by them, but he is just an idiot. Literally a person the saying don't attribute to malice for what can easily be explained by stupidity was talking about.

He's also ready to step down as a mayor and exile himself (effectively killing himself) if it means that the deserters will happily rejoin the town population.
Definitely seems like a more interesting quest when compared to Ghost Town Gunfight/ Run Goodsprings, Run, but are there any consequences down the line?

Anyway, how are companions? From what I've seen the favourites are Vicar and the robot, but how's the rest? Do they join conversations, comment about your deeds and surroundings, are their quests involved?
Anyway, how are companions? From what I've seen the favourites are Vicar and the robot, but how's the rest? Do they join conversations, comment about your deeds and surroundings, are their quests involved?

Parvati has a ton of barks and conversations around Edgewater.
Anyway, how are companions? From what I've seen the favourites are Vicar and the robot, but how's the rest? Do they join conversations, comment about your deeds and surroundings, are their quests involved?

Not sure about the first part, but yes, they will join in on conversations and make comments about things. Each one has a personal quest too, so pretty much the whole New Vegas companion system was transplanted into this game.
You've not been paying attention to the goings on of the world if that's how you think.

I actually have. Folks are pissed about this nonsense for the sake of being pissed about it because they think they have some retarded ass moral high ground against these people. Gender politics do not affect you. Ignore it and move along. It's not that hard, I do it every day. You can too. I believe in you.

Did mods fix Fallout 4? You are acting like a Beth fanboy. Obsidian doesn't shit gold. This game is not worth it. I will instead be getting Disco Elysium when I have cash to spare. Plus, I am not giving 2k one dollar of my money.

The "mods will fix it" comment was actually my failed attempt at humor. In most cases, I would be inclined to agree, but the cost of entry is next to nothing so it seems like your bitching for the sake of it which entirely par for NMA and the Codex but in this case it seems petty. I am a fan of what Obsidian does, yes, but I'm softer on this game because the cost of entry was next to nothing. I'm not one to complain about a free meal especially one this good. I'm not saying some of the criticism isn't valid. The game is laughably easy and unbalanced as fuck, but I'm enjoying everything else for the most part. It's just some of the stuff people are whining about is painfully fucking stupid and while they're free to make those criticisms, I'm also free to call that bullshit out for what it is.
By themselves yes. The difference is what else I mentioned. I.E. stopping at boycotting, which I usually do, or making it a point to go further and trash someone's livelihood more directly once their job is lost, which I see a lot of SJWs do.

Most People on the left are good with Boycotts.
Also, weren't People on the right responsible for James Gunn originally losing his role as director on Guardians 3 for stuff he said on Twitter 10 years ago?

Like yeah, People on the left can overblow things, but so can those on the right. It's not a matter of political affiliation, it's down to the internet being a boiling pot of People shouting.
Not sure about the first part, but yes, they will join in on conversations and make comments about things. Each one has a personal quest too, so pretty much the whole New Vegas companion system was transplanted into this game.
Overall, would you say that the game feels like borderlands. Because from what I've seen with the humor, characters, and world that's the impression I got. Also I've heard the gunplay being compared to Destiny, would you say that's accurate.
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I'm getting a very strong impression that Obsidian have become much more mercantile with this title... well, that and lucky, as well. If it's a good game it won't bother me.


They announce this right after 76 got it's beta period started, if I recall correctly.

They actually release the game and ship review copies right as 76 dishes the whole subscription service thing out. During the last week The Outer Worlds has been praised very highly, and what's important - is getting directly compared, and quite often, to 76 and it's shenanigans. People would spend casheroni on this game ONLY because it ''flies'' in the face of Beth. It may seem that Obsidian has found the way to do it - don't make really good games. Rather make games that serve as some sort of a symbol for the people that they are rejecting a form of maldevlopment in gaming. It's weird.

In the mean time I'm actually getting mixed signals about whether to buy this game at all. If I will be buying, though, it will be Steam. Period.
I'm getting a very strong impression that Obsidian have become much more mercantile with this title... well, that and lucky, as well. If it's a good game it won't bother me.


They announce this right after 76 got it's beta period started, if I recall correctly.

They actually release the game and ship review copies right as 76 dishes the whole subscription service thing out. During the last week The Outer Worlds has been praised very highly, and what's important - is getting directly compared, and quite often, to 76 and it's shenanigans. People would spend casheroni on this game ONLY because it ''flies'' in the face of Beth. It may seem that Obsidian has found the way to do it - don't make really good games. Rather make games that serve as some sort of a symbol for the people that they are rejecting a form of maldevlopment in gaming. It's weird.
I can't say I really blame Obsidian for that. Remember that Bethesda screwed Obsidian over with getting bonus pay over the Metacritic score for New Vegas being 84 instead of 85. Many people believe that Bethesda convinced critics to rate New Vegas lower than 3 as they didn't want New Vegas and Obsidian to get a higher score and praise over themselves and Fallout 3. They are the new owners of Fallout after all. They are the ones ushering Fallout into a better and new beginning. They deserve more praise, not Obsidian. Bethesda reminds me a lot of Disney with both of their motto's being "Let the past die" and disrespecting the original IP creators yet happily use the past and try to use nostalgia to lure back fans when they fuck up.
The difference is that Beth nostalgia is a mixed bag. Disney’s Star Wars nostalgia is wearing thin because, well, think about it. After Episode VII I could tell Star Wars was absolutely FUBAR. Now they’re rounding their unholy trilogy up with Rise of Skywalker, which will likely kill all other pre-existing Star Wars fans with heart attacks.
I have to say that one of the things I find odd for a game that is suppose to be a satire and critique of corporate and consumer culture is that there is little to no references or representation of the exploitative commercialization of sex. Sex is of course one of the strongest drives in human nature. Every company and corporation throughout history has commercialized sex for both men and women to the point of exploitation. Given how the themes of sexual exploitation was handle in New Vegas and the previous Fallout's I was kinda of expecting the same in The Outer Worlds but sadly there isn't. A minor peeve, I know, but I find it odd coming from a M rated game from a company and writers who weren't afraid of exploring such themes in the past.
Overall, would you say that the game feels like borderlands. Because from what I've seen with the humor, characters, and world that's the impression I got. Also I've heard the gunplay being compared to Destiny, would you say that's accurate.

Correct on both counts. This did feel like those two to me...and now I feel like playing Destiny again.

Most People on the left are good with Boycotts.
Also, weren't People on the right responsible for James Gunn originally losing his role as director on Guardians 3 for stuff he said on Twitter 10 years ago?

Like yeah, People on the left can overblow things, but so can those on the right. It's not a matter of political affiliation, it's down to the internet being a boiling pot of People shouting.

In the case of Gunn, he was let go because it's not a good look for a child oriented company to work with someone with potentially pedo leanings. Which is telling because Disney brought him back onboard this year for the job he was fired from.
I'm getting a very strong impression that Obsidian have become much more mercantile with this title... well, that and lucky, as well. If it's a good game it won't bother me.


They announce this right after 76 got it's beta period started, if I recall correctly.

They actually release the game and ship review copies right as 76 dishes the whole subscription service thing out. During the last week The Outer Worlds has been praised very highly, and what's important - is getting directly compared, and quite often, to 76 and it's shenanigans. People would spend casheroni on this game ONLY because it ''flies'' in the face of Beth. It may seem that Obsidian has found the way to do it - don't make really good games. Rather make games that serve as some sort of a symbol for the people that they are rejecting a form of maldevlopment in gaming. It's weird.

In the mean time I'm actually getting mixed signals about whether to buy this game at all. If I will be buying, though, it will be Steam. Period.

Yeah. The timing was too good on both counts, and if opinions stay mixed, that won't help them long-term. Hell, Private Division siding with Epic already soured the game for PC players, and if there's no modding, oh boy.

I have to say that one of the things I find odd for a game that is suppose to be a satire and critique of corporate and consumer culture is that there is little to no references or representation of the exploitative commercialization of sex. Sex is of course one of the strongest drives in human nature. Every company and corporation throughout history has commercialized sex for both men and women to the point of exploitation. Given how the themes of sexual exploitation was handle in New Vegas and the previous Fallout's I was kinda of expecting the same in The Outer Worlds but sadly there isn't. A minor peeve, I know, but I find it odd coming from a M rated game from a company and writers who weren't afraid of exploring such themes in the past.

That's because the company has changed so much since that time. Now it's CDProjecktRED, a younger studio, doing the exploration of that.
I have to say that one of the things I find odd for a game that is suppose to be a satire and critique of corporate and consumer culture is that there is little to no references or representation of the exploitative commercialization of sex. Sex is of course one of the strongest drives in human nature. Every company and corporation throughout history has commercialized sex for both men and women to the point of exploitation. Given how the themes of sexual exploitation was handle in New Vegas and the previous Fallout's I was kinda of expecting the same in The Outer Worlds but sadly there isn't. A minor peeve, I know, but I find it odd coming from a M rated game from a company and writers who weren't afraid of exploring such themes in the past.

Interestingly, they were going to make the Community Center into a brothel but didn't have time so they just filled it with raiders.
Interestingly, they were going to make the Community Center into a brothel but didn't have time so they just filled it with raiders.
That is really interesting; now taking bets on whether the Combat Zone in F4 was meant to be something more than “kill the raiders and get the prettiest companion”.

Gotta love that brogue.
Didn't they cut the brothel (and brothel quests) from Temple of Elemental Evil?

Could almost be a pattern...
That's because the company has changed so much since that time. Now it's CDProjecktRED, a younger studio, doing the exploration of that.
The major difference is that CDPR is a Eastern European game studio. The female devs aren't afraid and are actually excited to explore themes such as sex, sexual and gender exploitation by corporations. Obsidian is a California game studio. As someone from Texas and me coming from Washington who has dealt with droves of them coming into our state, we would know better then anyone as to what the politics of your average, sheltered, white, upper middle class, college educated, far Left leaning California woman is like.