The Outer Worlds - Early Impressions

From what I gathered the views towards The Outer Worlds seems to be mixed. Its not a bad game but its also not the groundbreaking dream game that Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain promised or dreamed of making. Rather, it feels like a game that had too much input and interference from the younger devs and interns.

Are you gonna play it? The cost of entry is literally a dollar.
So far all negative things I hear is some yank and right wing whinning, so I am looking forward to enjoying the game.
Are you gonna play it? The cost of entry is literally a dollar.
Did mods fix Fallout 4? You are acting like a Beth fanboy. Obsidian doesn't shit gold. This game is not worth it. I will instead be getting Disco Elysium when I have cash to spare. Plus, I am not giving 2k one dollar of my money.
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Did mods fix Fallout 4? You are acting like a Beth fanboy. Obsidian doesn't shit gold. This game is not worth it. I will instead be getting Disco Elysium when I have cash to spare. Plus, I am not giving 2k one dollar of my money.

So...this whole time you've been complaining this much about a game you haven't even experienced?
So...this whole time you've been complaining this much about a game you haven't even experienced?
"You have to play the game in order to criticize it!" Fuck off. Go back to bitching at how mean Kiwi Farms is and how its full of mean ol' trolls. Fuck this game and the hipster cunts like you who defend it.
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I don't expect New Vegas level of seriousness (w/o Wild Wasteland) from OW since the first day I saw its trailer, so as long as the writing is decent enough (perfectly fine with "wacky" tone) that's a buy for me once it's on Steam. Because I don't have Win10 for XGP and don't want to use EPIC.
"You have to play the game in order to criticize it!" Fuck off. Go back to bitching at how mean Kiwi Farms is and how its full of mean ol' trolls. Fuck this game and the hipster cunts like you who defend it.

But... it is, that's kind of the point of the site. They formed to troll Chris Chan and while I don't like him, he got harassed by members of that site.

Also, didn't you rage quit this site a couple years ago because a guy who was posting Swastikas got banned?
And didn't you also rage quit a Discord Server because one of the Mods felt they were being harassed?
But... it is, that's kind of the point of the site. They formed to troll Chris Chan and while I don't like him, he got harassed by members of that site.

Also, didn't you rage quit this site a couple years ago because a guy who was posting Swastikas got banned?
And didn't you also rage quit a Discord Server because one of the Mods felt they were being harassed?
No I quit the Discord sever as Arnust was being a tin pot tyrant with the server and letting the power get to his head. Look, I haven't slept in 24 hours so sorry if I acted like an asshole. If you like the game that is fine but don't try to tell me that the game is a masterpiece when it is clearly not.
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Wait, having to play a game to criticize it is now a controversial opinion?

So a friend told me that NPCs react to what you wear, is it like the faction disguise system in New Vegas were it was basically a status effect or is it more dynamic? How does the faction stuff work overall? How is Unarmed and Melee combat like?
Things are getting heated; let’s all just calm down, and bond over this meme
Found a better one:

Legion has the best memes.

Also, theory that people are throwing around is that Obsidian may have censored certain words from The Outer Worlds as they didn"t want streamers to name their characters offensive names for their livestreams and broadcasts. Best comment I saw on the Codex about that is: "Do streamers lack the free will not to name their character something offensive?"

The answer to that is YES! :V
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The humor is apparently starting to grate on some people. It seems that the devs traded the dark, cynical and sarcastic humor of the original Fallout's and New Vegas for quirky, LOL! So Random! humor that is popular now today with the entertainment industry thanks to the MCU. Can we just all agree that the MCU and its quirky humor is a plauge on writing and storytelling?

No argument there, and now we've got a generation of kids who will think of that as quality work. Shame really.

There will never be a situation where gender politics will have any relevant impact on my life directly.

You've not been paying attention to the goings on of the world if that's how you think.

NMA: I swear I won't get political about this game.
*game is not to their liking*
NMA shaking fist angrily.
Ah, never change, you little balls of impotently angry floofs, you :)

Waiting for the Steam release. Maybe it's a game that I'll actually play for once...

Doing my best, though can't really help it with this one. The writing has been on the wall for Obsidian for a while, and now we're seeing the end result, especially since Microsoft is a huge virtue signaling corporation.

Aren't those the same thing?

By themselves yes. The difference is what else I mentioned. I.E. stopping at boycotting, which I usually do, or making it a point to go further and trash someone's livelihood more directly once their job is lost, which I see a lot of SJWs do.

... Banned from where and how would they know?

It has to be a built-in list, or there's something in the game's code that checks for these words and alerts Obsidian. If either of those are true, I suspect someone will find a way to wipe that list or the related code, but it's still skeevy for a single player game.

Guys is it pathetic that I LITERALLY do NOT have a dollar to spare?

Not at all. Honestly, the only reason I have Game Pass to begin with was to get Forza 6 registered to my account before it was delisted, and to get the 100$ DLC bundle for it that was on sale for 5$. Being able to play Outer Worlds because of it is just another bonus. Saved me 60$ in the end.


All that said, it looks like the Steam forums and hundreds of other players and watchers are noticing this stuff too and aren't happy about it. I found several reviews on XBOX Live saying similar things, and I can't blame them for being disappointed, but given the staff at Obsidian these days, it's no surprise all this stuff was in the game.

At the very least however, they have made a quality RPG framework that someone else could license from them to design a game without this stuff. Where have I heard that before...

If the mood strikes me, I'll go back to playing long enough to get the vicar I mentioned earlier in this thread to join my party. He looks more like the kind of person I'd enjoy traveling with, though my overall stance on this game is unlikely to change.
Honestly, I think people are just desperate to have a game similar to New Vegas. Bethesda has done a wonderful job at destroying a once loved franchise and their once die hard fanbase. Even MrMattyPlays, who was once the biggest shill for Bethesda, has become jaded and disillusioned with Bethesda. Compared to Fallout 4 and 76, The Outer Worlds is leagues better and a much more enjoyable experience but Tim and Leonard stated that this game was going to be their Magnum Opus. The start of a brand new beginning for RPG's and its fans and it just doesn't feel like it.
Honestly, I think people are just desperate to have a game similar to New Vegas. Bethesda has done a wonderful job at destroying a once loved franchise and their once die hard fanbase. Even MrMattyPlays, who was once the biggest shill for Bethesda, has become jaded and disillusioned with Bethesda. Compared to Fallout 4 and 76, The Outer Worlds is leagues better and a much more enjoyable experience but Tim and Leonard stated that this game was going to be their Magnum Opus. The start of a brand new beginning for RPG's and its fans and it just doesn't feel like it.

Agreed, and it's a cruel irony that the Vault Boy, once a mascot for a company that was all kinds of evil, is now a major face of Bethesda, itself a tentacle of the even more evil Zenimax.
Agreed, and it's a cruel irony that the Vault Boy, once a mascot for a company that was all kinds of evil, is now a major face of Bethesda, itself a tentacle of the even more evil Zenimax.
The Vault Boy has become part of a brand and a mascot which is ironic as in the original Fallout's and New Vegas the Vault Boy and Vault Girl were suppose to be a satire of corporations using a cute cartoon mascot as a face for their evil corporation and them trying to hide their sinister nature with a cute and lovable mascot. Much like Disney with Mickey Mouse. Art imitates life as they say.
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Light spoiler warning I guess.

So I got off the starting colony and finished first main questline involving the power plant. I've seen a lot of people describe this as being gray and gray, I think such a description doesn't really do it justice. On one hand you have the Manager of the town, whom withholds medicine from the sick and dying so only the productive employees can get it because he doesn't have enough to go around, enforces all the goofass company polices in place and believes in all the corporate slogans and holds them close to his heart. but see he is true believer and especially the one motto about the company being a big family and he tries to do right by them, but he is just an idiot. Literally a person the saying don't attribute to malice for what can easily be explained by stupidity was talking about.

On the other hand you have leader of the deserters, who comes off as all warm and caring but is just a vindictive selfish asshole. Yes she really does want to look out for her people but also wants to punish those who didn't follow her out there because she really thinks her hardships are worse and hold more merit than theirs. Because when it all comes to it, some people are Idiots and others are Assholes.
I really wish that the devs added a faction that is a not too subtle jab at Bethesda where their products are broken and buggy but their company motto is "It just works!". Would have been nice to see them throw some shade Bethesda's way after the bullshit they pulled with the Cabot House and Kid In A Fridge quest lines in Fallout 4 which was just a giant middle finger to New Vegas and its fans.
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"You have to play the game in order to criticize it!" Fuck off. Go back to bitching at how mean Kiwi Farms is and how its full of mean ol' trolls. Fuck this game and the hipster cunts like you who defend it.
Wait, having to play a game to criticize it is now a controversial opinion?

It's not a bad thing at a certain level, but when you ditch an experience entirely over a bunch of small things like a skeleton, giving women beards, and the way hair is colored, not to mention calling people who defend anything about the game hipsters or Bethesda fans... Well that's just rediculous.

Anyways, I've said my piece, the rest of this thread I'll talk about impression only.