Oh boy, here we go again, we certainly didn't have this kind of discussion in quite some while. Alight boys n girls, lets do this.
You don't like that they revived it after its previous owner let it die?
Sometimes, some things should be either done right, or left alone. Just because you can do someting, doesn't mean you have to or that there is even a need to.
Well Fallout 1 didn't really need a 'restauration' in my opinion, but I think (hope?) you get the picture - yes pun intended.
There is also a bit of a missinformation here, If my memory serves me correctly Bethesda simply managed to outbid 2 other companies that also wanted the Fallout IP, I definetly remember that Troika was keen on buying it and had even already a prototype in development.
See here:
So this idea that Beth was this glorious shining knight in armor that saved poor Fallout from a cold and dark demise is rubbish. It's as simple as that. Bethesda needed a new IP next to Elder Scrolls, that was known and could be easily adopted to their own formula, there is certainly more Oblivion in Fallout 3 than there is Fallout. And if you look at how many projects today in the indy-genre and kick-starter community gave live to old games many people thought as dead, it's also quite possible that someone might have picked up Fallout at some point. Who knows. But that's just speculation on my part. The point is, Fallout was bought by bethesda for millions of dollars and I do not believe even for a second that this was done out of nostalgia. Bethesda is run by investors. They want returns. They want sales. And that's what Todd Howard delivers.
You would prefer that Brotherhood of Steel be the last game in the Fallout universe,
Well, look at where we are now then? Fallout 76 that easily follows the footsteps of Brotherhood of Steel in terms of retardness, bugs and yeah, even ratings. Glorious revival of an old Franchise! You know, at this point I would expect Fallout 5 to be a Battle Royal Game without any story line, just ... go out there from a random vault and kill everyone before the radiation kills all in a certain time ... I would not put that past Bethesda. The thing that drives Bethesda these days, is money and popularity.
even though Bethesda's games led to countless fan-made mods and new fans discovering Fallout for the first time?
Fallout tourists, you mean. Not fans. How can someone be a fan who disslikes Fallout 1 and 2? I am not talking about you right now, just the countless of drones that entered these forums over the years, trying to
educate us in how stupid we are for following the old concept and how we should accept Bethesda and their take on the franchise. Well, now they have their Fallout 76 that's not even a role playing game anymore. It's just an assumption, but I also have the feeling the overhwelming majority of Nu-Fallout fans, doesn't really like Fallout 1 and 2. The gameplay, the looks, the narrative. It's simply to different from Fallout 3. And I am not even blaming them. Selling a role playing game to a shooter fan, is useless. Because that is what all Bethesda games are. First Person Shooters with shitty combat. Even Skyrim for that matter, just with swords and axes really.
And while mods are funn, 90% of the content out there is bascically reskinn of the stuff you already have in the game. There are a few interesting mods out there, but they don't make the game. If the game can't stand on its own legs without mods, then there is an issue. But I we should give credit where credit is due, yeah, the availability for mods, has been pretty amazing. But even that, is becoming less of an asset, when you look at Fallout 4 and now Fallout 76.
It's an honest question. I'm trying hard to understand your point of view.
Well, let me put it like this.
We are a weird bunch here. Well most of us are anyway. Kinda like one of those old Gentlemenclubs or Secret Societies like the
Freemasons that run the country, that exist for god knows how long, that have their traditions and where they spend their time sitting in their chairs and talking about the 'good old times'. In our case, it's role playing games. Fallout 1 wasn't the only game here that had a huge influence on us, mind you. There is Icewind Dale, Baldurs Gate, Diablo, Planescape Torment and many more. Each one of them, a great game in their respective genre. And we see time and time again how those franchises are bastardized, mainly for profit and popularisation, they are huge brands and sell tons of money. But most of us here do not care about populairty. We want a certain kind of experience. Yes, it is a Niche today, but no one ever forced Bethesda to buy Fallout and turn it into what it is today, just as no one ever forced Blizzard to make Diablo 3. We certainly didn't. Particularly when people try to tell us, how we're outdated and old fashioned for still believing that a sequel to a game, should follow the same footsteps in gameplay and looks. Turning Fallout in basically a first person shooter, isn't what most of us here consider an improvement. It's merely a shift in a different direction. I am not blaming anyone for liking this direction. But no one can expect us to approve of it. Particuilarly when you consider, that the gameplay for it self, is not outdated infact it's actually becoming, in a limitted fashion, popular again:
There is zero reason to not take Fallout as a franchise, and release something that's very similar to what Fallout 1 offered in terms of gameplay, with updated visuals of course.
Did he? I can't find it. Source, please?
He said it jokingly at some press conference. He wasn't serious about it.