The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I don't like that term because it equates it with the likes of Transformers, and I'd like to think it had a lot more meat and was much better written/enjoyable.

It was a fun popcorn flick, but it was well written and actually had a bit of heart, it wasn't the explosion porn no script shallow Micheal Bay movies.
I disagree. I thought the first Avengers had slightly above average writing, but this one is kind of a mess. A lot of good scenes, but bad structure and terrible focus. No central themes or arcs. Still fun, but little more. Just MORE avengers. I think I can say with a certain certainty, if you liked the first you'll like this one.
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If you haven't already, I'd urge you to re-watch the first Avengers.

I really liked the Avengers on first viewing, but once the hype and novelty had worn off as the MCU became larger and the whole inter-connected thing became more normalized, on re-watches I found the Avengers to be rather poorly written, very shallow and downright boring in places. The dialogue was just endless quips with no actual development and the action was just the Avengers using their various powers to just mindlessly blast the faceless generic green aliens in the face, with no interesting uses of their powers or using eachother for cool co-op sequences.

Obviously it's down to personal preference though.
I saw Ex Machina in a theater this afternoon. I liked it quite a lot. Not perfect, but well conceived and well executed in most ways. I kind of hate the title because it sounds really pretentious and it brings to mind the phrase deus ex machina, which has a negative meaning and has nothing to do with this particular story. Speaking literally I suppose it fits, but I think it was a poor choice. Otherwise I was happy. Ex Machina feels like an unofficial prequel to Blade Runner, actually.

Re: The Hulk - I think it's funny how, whenever you see Hulk in a movie, his shorts are always magically capable of stretching to fit him whenever he goes green.
Overall, very fun movie that was kind of filler-ish in that it was just an Avenger's adventure with no colossal developments and Earth shattering changes/character deaths, it was almost like a Marvel Event comic brought to the silver screen. It didn't particularly grab me or become very memorable like Guardians of the Galaxy or The Winter Soldier, but I still enjoyed the experience and I thought it was a fun movie.

That's kind of what makes me feel go "meh" about it.

Not the whole time, but once we get to Vision and find out about the Mind Gem, the whole movie just felt like a commercial for the Infinity War movies. Like the whole movie was just a way to get the Avengers (or rather Thor) to know about the Infinity Gems. Otherwise it ends being a bump in the road which fleshes out Hawkeye's character (finally), and makes Black Widow and Hulk into a thing for some reason; even if there is a believable underlying common ground they managed to find. Ultron was a way better villain than Loki, tho, who is a good character, but makes for a lousy villain.

I do agree that I find this to be better than the first Avengers. The character focus was nice and ended up being something meaningful for the character(s) rather than fluff like in the first movie.
I saw Ex Machina in a theater this afternoon. I liked it quite a lot. Not perfect, but well conceived and well executed in most ways. I kind of hate the title because it sounds really pretentious and it brings to mind the phrase deus ex machina, which has a negative meaning and has nothing to do with this particular story. Speaking literally I suppose it fits, but I think it was a poor choice. Otherwise I was happy. Ex Machina feels like an unofficial prequel to Blade Runner, actually.

Re: The Hulk - I think it's funny how, whenever you see Hulk in a movie, his shorts are always magically capable of stretching to fit him whenever he goes green.

They designed pants for him that stretch fyi


Age of Ultron did feel a bit like a Transformers movie in some regards. It had more story of course. I would consider it a popcorn movie as well. Vision needed more screentime. He was one of the most interesting characters, instead we got a bunch of Widow/Hulk bullshit, and the Hawkeye family. I don't think Hawkeye's wife was very convincing and some of the dialog was off.

"I totally support your avenging?"

Stuff like that grated. Or how they portrayed Ultron as this snarky murderbot. He needed less snark, more "I'm going to murder your whole family."

Those two points right there detracted from the experience. I despise the way Scarlet portrays Widow, so I am a bit biased on this point, but Hulk and Widow together? Please. We need a Directors Cut. The "dream" scenes were hit or miss, Thor's sub-plot slowed the movie down, despite all of this, I did enjoy the movie.

I did feel like the tone was off on this one in parts. Certain scenes were obviously edited and chopped up. I can imagine we missed out on a little bit of backstory between the Twins. Hawkeye is probably one of my favorites from the series since he can actually be hurt, unlike the "Gods" he rolls around with. They did a good mindfuck in those regards. Quicksilver saving his life, instead of Hawkeye dying (like many thought), was a surprise. A bit of a waste, wish Widow died instead.

Fury, Hill, WarMachine, and Falcon were all present in some fashion, so that was fun. I honestly was pissed when they cut off Avengers Assemble at the end.
They designed pants for him that stretch fyi
Do they shrink back down to blue jeans or something when he's done? 'Cause otherwise he ought to wake up under a tent-sized pair of shorts.

I think a good comparison would be Mr. Fantastic's suit. I suppose when it isn't being stretched it can go back to it's original shape. At least that is how I remember it works.
I think a good comparison would be Mr. Fantastic's suit. I suppose when it isn't being stretched it can go back to it's original shape. At least that is how I remember it works.
They could have included a matching t-shirt or something. Maybe some socks.

One of the things I liked about The Incredibles was that they included an explanation of the superhero clothing.
Well the Hulk did lose his pants at one point in Avengers 1.

Yeah, then that old dude gave him some jeans. Stark pimped everyone out since then. Cap had those magnetic transistors that made his shield come back to him in AoU, just like in the comics.
And Black Widow had those super strength bracelets that showed up out of nowhere. Too bad Hawkeye still was issued with a limited number of arrows.
And Black Widow had those super strength bracelets that showed up out of nowhere. Too bad Hawkeye still was issued with a limited number of arrows.

I don't believe those are strength enhancing. Hawkeye did have more arrow types in this one though. I hope he shoots Antman off one of them. Then I can die happy.

I need to watch AoU again.
I really really really Liked Age of Ultron, but the 2 hour format didn't benefit the movie at all, there was a lot going on and it had to be compacted to fit with the format the theaters can make more money from....
Goodthing is that Infinity Wars is gonna be a 2 parter.
Walpknut, this one actually was the longest Marvel film to date, if the internet didn't lie to me. It certainly felt like that to me.
People are declaring DC the winner with just one shitty trailer, and here is Marvel making interesting characters and an entertaining movie without resorting to color pallettes with 50% metallic blues, greys and browns.
Well I think it is clear by now that Marvel is really on a roll, well not only Marvel, but I just feel they have done better decisions compared to DC at least in the recent past. Spiderman well was really a mistake with what, 4 or 5 rather shitty movies? Hopefully they will fix this. But the Avangers was O.K., the last 2 X-MEN movies also nice, not to mention Guardians of the Galaxy which was absolutely entertaining. And now the Daredevil Series on Net Flix? Pretty great. Can't wait for Season 2. So Marvel is the clear winner in my opinion, at least for now. So I am somewhat excited for Avangers 2. And for the future here. The chances are very good that we will see some very interesting archs. Infinity gauntlet, Civil War and more.

Though I have seen Jupiter Ascending recently. And oh my god. I can't believe that the same people responsible for the absolutely awesome The Matrix. delivered such a bad movie. Something must have really gone wrong at some point. No clue what it is, but outside of the visuals the movie was bad, like really really bad. And in some cases I really had the feeling that the visuals have been even worse compared to the Matrix. The sad thing is that as a movie it actually had SOME potential inside. It did feel somewhat in fresh, in some instances, particularly as I think they really tried to tell a story and building a world outside of your standart holywood stuff - even if a lot of it gave me the feeling of watching a Warhammer flick, but that was actually a good thing. Though it lacked so much quality in all the other parts. From story telling, to dialogues, tone etc. The movie simply doesn't know what it wants to be. So it fails really hard. But I have to give the movie some respect, as far as I know it is neither based on a book, sequel, reboot, spin off or what ever. Hence why it is so sad that it flopps. It will make it even more difficult to sell original content to Holywood now. And they will throw their money at more reboots and sequels.