The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

"The same people responsible for the absolutely awesome The Matrix. delivered such a bad movie." lol was that sarcasm?
Nope, sorry, wrong you guys.

Far too many people like the matrix way too much. It's obviously earned pleb-status.
doesn't matter. It IS a great Sci Fi movie. It steals a lot from older movies, but at least it is doing a good job. I find people that don't like Matrix always a bit ... suspicious :wtf:

To be more serious, sure we can talk about Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions, but The Matrix, the first movie is a classic by now.
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The Matrix is like the first Xmen movies, I liked them as a kid, but on repeated watches I came to think they are really dumb.
Now that I've got some time to think about it properly, I decided to condense my thoughts on AoU into a more concise format:

Pros and Cons:

+ Focus on characters who do not have their own solo franchises, especially Hawkeye
+ Humour worked 95% of the time
+ Vision (Bettany’s performance, the makeup; overall portrayal was excellent)
+ Opening sequence
+ Pietro and Wanda (especially Pietro) (I cried)
+ Teamwork when fighting
+ Global scope, rather than just NYC
+ Asshole Tony
+ Rhodey
+ Sam's mention of searching for Bucky
+ Ultron
+ The 'new Avengers' team
+ Clint giving his baby the middle name ‘Pietro’
+ Set up for Ragnarok, Civil War, Black Panther, Infinity War
+ Thor’s fighting abilities (dem kicks) and subplot (although lots was cut from it)
+ Steve was utilised much better than in the first Avengers
+ Hulkbuster fight
+ Saving civilians was shown to be a priority in all battles
+ Visually shot better than the first
+ The new costume designs for each Avenger
+ Jocasta reference

- Lots was cut! And it was painfully obvious (major issue!!!)
- New character development sacrificed for focus on already established ones
- Plot is a bit iffy at times (probably due to the cutting)
- Bruce and Natasha (only because we were thrown straight into it) (although I like the character development because of it)
- Ultron's 'ultimate' Vibranium design (SPIKES AND EDGES!!!)
- Humour was unnecessary in minor instances (although it wasn’t as bad as the first Avengers)
- The terms Tony and Steve ended on. All of the conflict and tension between them was ignored when they departed at the end
- Rushed ending
- Thor simply glossing over the explanation of the Infinity Stones (but they were explained in GotG)
- The Thanos mid-credits scene felt shoehorned
- Shorter running time (even if it is by one minute)
- Steve was the butt of jokes
- Fury and the deus ex machina Helicarrier (what does this mean for AoS?)
- Ending the movie right before Steve can finish saying ‘Avengers assemble!’
- Not showing the vision Wanda makes Bruce see to turn ‘savage’
- Steve’s reaction to Wanda’s vision isn’t explored

Overall 7.5/10
I agree with everything, except the Steve being the butt of jokes and the Thanos scene as cons.

Eh, I can see why Cap works as a good target for Team Banter because of his personality, but he's supposed to be the stoic commander of the Avengers, not their verbal punching bag. With Joss Whedon, Iron Man seems more like the leader of the team than Cap.

The Thanos scene was just kind of shoe-horned because it served no purpose, we knew from the Avengers 1 Post-Credit scene that Thanos is up to shit, and we know from GOTG that he wants the Infinity Gauntlet, it just served to further needlessly hammer the point of "HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW AVENGERS 3 IS THE INFINITY GAUNTLET?" which we knew already.

It should have been something that lead into Civil War, like Zemo or Spider-Man. Maybe even a Doctor Strange related scene.
Cap felt like the leader, but he wasn't a douchy leader like Cyclops, he was the one who kept everyone grounded and focused, he even served as the foil of Stark's mad scientist shtick. To be honest I find the "stoic leader" archetype to be extremely boring, with Cap it felt more like they respectd him, but they were close enough to give him some shit for his more boy scouty tendencies.
The infinity Gauntlet was stated to being kept in Asgard, so Thanos getting it means that some shit is going on in Asgard, Thor Ragnarok might even be his first appereance proper.
What? Pay attention already! Hawkeye was the verbal punching bag!

"Pretending we need him helps keep the team together."
"We are fighting an army of Robots and I have a bow and Arrow, none of this makes sense..."
Hawkeye was both the lamest and the most endearing member of the group.
Again I agree with you. On a hot streak Walp! Keep it going. .

One thing I personally wanted to see, was cap lifting Mjolnir. But I get that that would've shifted focus from Ultron in the scene, the scene being his introduction after all. But then again, the whole movie shifted focus from Ultron.

Anyone else felt it weird that a female jarvis replacement appeared out of nowhere?
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I think someone like Stark was itching to use the female voiced AI for some time, probably only kept JARVIS because of loyalty and because Potts would get mad.
I wish Marvel did director's/extended cuts. There's a ton of deleted scenes. Some of caps best stuff was cut out of the Avengers, and all of the films have good deleted scenes. I'm sure some of the issues with AoU could've been alieved too.

Take a look:

And this is fun:
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Well the scene that introduced the new female AI wasn't deleted, it was just very brief. At one point Stark is flipping through some metal cards marked with tape and markers and he plugs in one with the word "Friday" on it (probably a reference to His Girl Friday, a comedy involving a sarcastic secretary) and then the voice comes up.

I mean the guy called the Hulk Buster "Veronica".
I agree with everything, except the Steve being the butt of jokes and the Thanos scene as cons.

Eh, I can see why Cap works as a good target for Team Banter because of his personality, but he's supposed to be the stoic commander of the Avengers, not their verbal punching bag. With Joss Whedon, Iron Man seems more like the leader of the team than Cap.

The Thanos scene was just kind of shoe-horned because it served no purpose, we knew from the Avengers 1 Post-Credit scene that Thanos is up to shit, and we know from GOTG that he wants the Infinity Gauntlet, it just served to further needlessly hammer the point of "HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW AVENGERS 3 IS THE INFINITY GAUNTLET?" which we knew already.

It should have been something that lead into Civil War, like Zemo or Spider-Man. Maybe even a Doctor Strange related scene.

Cap felt like the leader, but he wasn't a douchy leader like Cyclops, he was the one who kept everyone grounded and focused, he even served as the foil of Stark's mad scientist shtick. To be honest I find the "stoic leader" archetype to be extremely boring, with Cap it felt more like they respectd him, but they were close enough to give him some shit for his more boy scouty tendencies.
The infinity Gauntlet was stated to being kept in Asgard, so Thanos getting it means that some shit is going on in Asgard, Thor Ragnarok might even be his first appereance proper.

One thing I personally wanted to see, was cap lifting Mjolnir. But I get that that would've shifted focus from Ultron in the scene, the scene being his introduction after all. But then again, the whole movie shifted focus from Ultron.

Anyone else felt it weird that a female jarvis replacement appeared out of nowhere?

For the record, possible SPOILER territory/theorizing/movie critiquing ahead...

I don't think the Thanos scene was shoehorned in. The first credit scene in Avengers showed Thanos, then didn't address him at all until GotG. It simply showed who was pulling Loki's strings and got the hype going for Infinity Gauntlet/Wars while the second one showed that Thanos was somehow aware of, and possibly even influencing things going on during the Ultron event. Now he will be playing a more direct role as opposed to using pawns.

One thing worth mentioning is, the Gauntlet that was shown in Odin's vault during Thor had gems in it already, so the one Thanos picked up is different, at least it seems to be, with Feige even going as far to say there are two Gauntlets. Maybe one is just for looks. Either that or the Easter Egg in Odin was just for fun. It should also be noted that one Gauntlet shown was for a left hand, the other a right. It is also possible that Thanos was let into Asgard by Loki to receive the Gauntlet, but he may have already had it in the first place.

As far as the team leader comments, Cap leads in the field, he gives orders and handles tactics, while Iron Man handles the technical stuff, like when he busted through the shields at the Hydra Base, or when he figured out how to stop Sokovia from destroying the planet. Ultimately the Avengers work as a team. Iron Man has often lead the Avengers, as has Captain America, and Thor. That is why the call them the big three. The Justice League in DC has a similar concept.

I think Cap lead perfectly fine, the problem is, Stark is doing his own thing, making murder-bots, causing mayhem to a certain extent, and now he quits the team in a sense at the end of AoU. So Civil War looms, what role Stark will play is questionable. He was Secretary of Defense in the comics at one time. Stark has a lot of personal demons after AoU, even more so than before.

As for the "female Jarvis replacement" Friday, she is actually straight from the comics!

The Veronica reference is an Archie comics thing. Betty and Veronica. Banner was with someone named Betty and now he made Veronica. Whedon is weird with his Easter Eggs.

Vision lifting the hammer must be because he was an Android, well, and he has an Infinity Stone in his forehead. Cap lifting it would have achieved nothing in the movie plot wise, but if the shit hits the fan and Thor is down, I guarantee he would be able to lift that hammer.
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