The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I don't know why everyone thinks the Gauntlet itself is special, it's literally a glove with no actual powers that he uses to hold the Infinity Gems.

The one in Thor was an Easter Egg only, they obviously weren't planning to do Infinity Gauntlet until the development of the Avengers.

My personal head-canon is that the Gauntlet in Odin's vault is one from another Universe, and as the Infinity Gems are only effective in their own reality, it's totally inert and is a show-piece only.
Without the glove the gems are only at half strength. The big deal about the glove being put on is that the next time we see him, he will be after gems, so we can expect Xandar to be assaulted along with Earth. Loki probably let him walk in.
The glove in Odin's vault has been confirmed to be different to that in the post-credit scene.

I'm aware of that. I don't see what the point is in changing it to two gloves though. Seems like a needless change.

My thing is this: Did they just replace Warlock with Vision?
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Yes, James Gunn has no intention of including Warlock (and sadly Richard Rider) into the MCU, apparently his cocoon was just an easter egg.
I just saw Vanilla Sky. Not brilliant, but great. Ordered the bluray.

Edit: So it seems, that because certain people got the impression that Joss Whedon was caling sterilized women monsters in Age of Ultron, Joss Whedon hass left twitter under the backlash. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Well that happens when you give power to a group founded on aggressive self Righteousness, Raise crows and they shall peck your eyes out I guess.
Perhaps now Joss will realize that being a pathetic sycophant to feminists doesn't get you anywhere, and there will always be a way to upset them and give them a venue to express their extremist and bigoted views.

When will people learn that they're impossible to please? That it's much, much better to simply ignore them like the idiots they are rather than catering towards them.
do people seriously expect any director to have complete artistic control over a film being produced by fucking disney? regardless I wish this superhero movie fad would just die already.

guardians of the galaxy was fun but beyond that it's mostly just been bland and uninspired formulaic junk
I dunno. Michael Bay is bland. Fast and Furious is bland. At least marvel is visually exciting, rather than visually garbled.

Marvel movies, the ones I like, are formulaic sure, but nobody expects them to be anything but fun action movies. And that's what they are for me.
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You gotta be extremely idiotic and just predisposed to get offended if you though that Black Widow's line about being a monster was in relation to her being sterile instead of the fact that she was raised and trained to be a killer from the crib down to showing her killing a man as part of her upbringing....
I'm surprised the man doesn't have final cut. But then again with what I've learned of Disney recently I'm kinda not.
You gotta be extremely idiotic and just predisposed to get offended if you though that Black Widow's line about being a monster was in relation to her being sterile instead of the fact that she was raised and trained to be a killer from the crib down to showing her killing a man as part of her upbringing
Are you serious? People will find anything to hate over.

Also I watch Marvel movies because super heroes is a weak spot for me, in terms of entertainment. And Marvel does their jobs the best.
Agents of Shield.

See, nobody cares.

Seriously though, the fact that "Agents of shield is laughably bad" isn't the name of ANY article, better yet isn't even spreading by word of mouth, is facepalm worthy to me.
I got myself Age of Ultron through unmentionable means, and could just not be arsed to watch it again. The story is just a hodge podge of ideas. I can very clearly see that Joss didn't have full creative control. And it's also a case of overpopulating a movie with things. But I didn't really hate anything, so it's got that going for it.
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Agents of Shield.

See, nobody cares.

Seriously though, the fact that "Agents of shield is laughably bad" isn't the name of ANY article, better yet isn't even spreading by word of mouth, is facepalm worthy to me.

Agents of Shield starts getting good in Season One after the episode Tracks. Have you even fucking watched it? Motherfuckers don't even watch a show long enough to judge whether it is good or not, then diss it for no good reason.

Not to mention the AoS explanation for the heli-carrier isn't required for viewers of AoU to even care. Shield had some shit put away just in case. "Plot hole solved".

It's good for an ABC show,

Fuck off Akratus. What do you watch? Fucking gay ass Anime?

Oh that is right. You are from the Netherlands. Explains everything.

From your blog I see you like Avatar. :V
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