The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I theorize that it might have more to do with the Thunderbolts, maybe even with a more "artificial human" angle. I mean Stark literary hasn't "learn" anything, the Ultron crisis might have actually make him more obsessed with the idea of AI and artificial life from the Infinity Gems, he was basically told he was in the right thanks to Vision and Fury wasn't so against the absolute vigilance initiative from Winter Soldier except for the part about Hydra being involved, combine them both, you'll have some well intentioned extremists in the making. Maybe they'll try to fuck with cosmic shit, that may actually make way for Infinity War.

I don't think we will see what Stark thinks about Ultron and the consequences until Cap 3. It was the same with Avengers. We didn't see his PTSD until Iron Man 3. I know he feels responsible for Ultron, but he felt like he was in the right for trying to make the world safer, so he acted justified, hence his creation of Vision, but he is cracking. It has been a progression from the first movie up until AoU. Wanda saw it. It sets up Civil War and Infinity War. They seemed to leave on good terms, but with Tony and Steve they are always a second away from butting heads. It has been the case in the comics for years. Same in the movies. Every movie they end up fighting or trading verbal blows.

I think the Thunderbolts protecting Earth while the Avengers are off fighting Thanos would be the perfect setup for the eventual Masters of Evil team. It would throw people off the whole superhero movie thing - a team of villains that act like heroes while the heroes are away. Marvel has their stuff planned out in advance. You gotta give them that. Who would have ever thought a Celestial would grace the silver screen? Jack Kirby would be happy, yet equally annoyed at Stan Lee for being a dick.
Posting on the one hundred and eleventh page!


So who's going to Mad Max this weekend? I know I am.
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I want another ticket for my movie ticket collecting box. I have The Hobbit 2 and 3 but not 1 because I threw it away before I started collecting. This is so interesting for you guys probably. Not really of course.

Who's going to see Ant Man? I will. Even though I have low expectations. I'm also going to see Mission Impossible 5, which looks not great, but fun. And I'll go see Star Wars seven too. I'm only watching all of these movies because I have more money now. Otherwise I'd save up for the next Christopher Nolan movie, or David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino etc.
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If I were you, I'd hit some underground theater, if there are such around. Watching older and/or low budget films is, in my experience, a much better way to spend money when it comes to cinematography.
Movie tickets here are rather generic Receipts on white paper with the info on the screening printed on them, so really no point in collecting those here.
Still, you don't know which movies will have a starwarsian legacy, leaving the receipt worth like a thousand dollars. Unlikely, but Starwars tickets are indeed valuable.
I am sure they are also the kind of receipt that has vanishing ink so people don't try to use it on a sleep deprived Theater attendant.
So against all odds the new Mad Max is supposed to actually be really good. Some critics are even saying it's the best yet in the franchise. I'm very excited to see it and hope it lives up to the hype.

I saw Age of Ultron yesterday though and that was a bit of a dud. Felt identical to the first Avengers movie to me just with the aliens swapped out for robots.
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It can't be the "best" in the franchise, people that say this are suspicious. It's a good sign that its actually worse than the other Mad Max movies. Could be still a decent action flick though.
It can't be the "best" in the franchise

Why not? Just cause it's new?

To be serious though, in some parts, yeah. As strange as it sounds. But see movies like Mad Max are not just action movies. The 80s in particular have seen a lot of action movies (which decade hasn't ...), but while the rest was somewhat forgetable Mad Max became a classic. I can't tell all the reasons, but its obvious that the movie has some great quality behind it. That's the reason why Max Max has now 4 movies and Commandos well only one - don't get me wrong I absolutely love Commandos, but hey, it is extremly cheesy. And a part of it is probably the nostalgia. See, the first Mad Max really was not just about blowing stuff up, compare the action scenes to what you see today. It feels more believable, at least to me, and Maxs motivations make more sense. He's on a vengance. Damn the whole scene where his sone is killed and his wife seriously injured? That alone has a lot of qualities that later Max movies never achieved.

Obviously I am a bit exagerating here, but nostalgia plays a big part, at least for someone like me. I have grown up with movies like Mad Max or Alien or what ever. If they now make new movies, well, they simply can't create the same feeling. No matter how hard they try.

It can't be the "best" in the franchise.

Good luck with your future Alien movie hopes then. :cool:

There have been rumors for the past no clue? 20 years about some new Alien 5. I say, let us wait and see. Anyway, to answer your question, I have not really high hopes for a new Alien movie. For me Alien as franchise was pretty much finished with Alien 3. Alien 4 is a bad abomination. No clue why there is such a big fuss about new Alien movies - and I am saying this as a really big fan of the franchise. I mean seriously, at some point a franchise is simply finished and most of the stories told, there are enough comics to explore things outside the movies, but comics are a different kind of medium.

There have been 3, well at least 2 very decent movies. What else do you want? No to mention that they most probably will never ever do the same kind of movies like with Alien and Aliens. Why? Because the target of those movies is a different one compared to today, where you have to save the whole world or universe no less. You can somewhat compare it to the previous Superman movies and the last one, the tone is a very different one. Alien? The movie for it self was extremly simple. It was a horror flick/haunted mansion in space, to speak so. With incredible effects (for its time). What makes both Alien and Aliens extremly good as movies is the interaction between the characters. It's more about survival. Truckers in space that happen to meet something that they can't fight. Not some big complex plot or mystery that has to be solved, all of the stuff with the space jockey and where the creature is coming from is the icing on the cake. The real meat are the actors. Considering how Prometheus worked though I just can't see modern movies following in those footsteps anymore. I mean already Aliens was extremly different from Alien, but at least it was still about survival. I would not be surprised if the new Alien 5 would end up with Aliens invading earth, big military units, or something like that. Just to get big explosions inside. Or maybe they will explain where the Aliens come from, their home planet or what ever. Which would be the worst thing ever. Like I said. The first Alien movie was or is the best one.
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It can't be the "best" in the franchise

Why not? Just cause it's new?
Essentially, yes.

George Miller made the original with $100,000 of his own money. It was a work of passion.

The new one is a multi-million-dollar brand exploitation flick. That means the investors expect a solid return on their investment, and it means that Fury Road has the same odds of being better than Mad Max as Prometheus had of being better than Alien. Since it's a brand exploitation flick it has a low ceiling, and no floor at all. It also has to cater to all the PC forces that rule the movie industry today - the ones Joss Whedon has apparently run afoul of recently. Not catering to them could hurt the investment return.

I saw Being John Malkovich the other day. What an odd movie it is. Funny though.
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Wow you guys really think the first Mad Max was the best in the franchise? I thought it was the weakest. I assumed you were getting upset about the implication that Fury Road might be better than The Road Warrior or Beyond Thunderdome (both of which also had fairly big budgets).

I'd honestly be surprised if it were the best in the franchise but it still looks really good, and it's cool to see someone putting their action movie's giant budget towards classic practical effects and stunts for once instead of computer graphics.

It also has to cater to all the PC forces that rule the movie industry today

This whole thing seems really blown out of proportion too. I don't see how having female characters who are actually, y'know, characters instead of one-dimensional sex objects or revenge motivators is a bad thing or means that the feminist matriarchy is taking over the world or whatever.

Edit: I know Thunderdome is really polarizing and some people consider it to be the worst but my point was that I thought Road Warrior was most people's favorite.
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It is the best in the franchise. Mad Max was very different from the tone and character compared to Mad Max 2 and 3. If only for the fact that Max had a family, it gave him more of a human character. His attitude changed a lot with later movies. Still, all of them are good. But the first one is the best one, for me at least. Though Mad Max definitely became a bit bizarre at the end with the third movie.
Glad that you said of your, because if you said all opinions are wrong it would also mean that all opinions are at the same time right.