The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Haven't seen AoS, after Smallville, Arrow and The Flash I have completely tuned off any and all superhero related live action shows out of my radar so I never got to watching any of it. In any case I don't really need any kind of explanation for the Helicarrier, it's Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury, motherfucker faked his death twice and has more card up his sleeve than anybody, him refurbishing the old Helicarrier in secret after Winter Soldier is not outside of his character for me to wonder for too long how he got it just like I don't need a long explanation on how Stark got to organize, fund and invent shit for his Avengers group, I think the movies have made a good enough job for me to fill the blanks rather easily.
Haven't seen AoS, after Smallville, Arrow and The Flash I have completely tuned off any and all superhero related live action shows out of my radar so I never got to watching any of it. In any case I don't really need any kind of explanation for the Helicarrier, it's Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury, motherfucker faked his death twice and has more card up his sleeve than anybody, him refurbishing the old Helicarrier in secret after Winter Soldier is not outside of his character for me to wonder for too long how he got it just like I don't need a long explanation on how Stark got to organize, fund and invent shit for his Avengers group, I think the movies have made a good enough job for me to fill the blanks rather easily.

Daredevil is worth watching though.
Final thoughts on AoU:

+Diverse locations
+The Twins
+Hulk explored more
+Party Scenes
+Ultron's Voice
-Cheap plastic-y Aesthethic
-Incomplete thor subplot
-Hawkeye's Family
-Lack of Ultron in Age of Ultron
-Weak characterization of Ultron
-The Vision
-Ending copout
-Dumb mid-Credits Scene
-No end credits scene

Vision was one of my favorite parts. I thought they nailed his character perfectly.

Listened to a podcast with Whedon...

As I thought, the Thor scene would have once made more sense, but the execs didn't really care about plot cohesion and removed it. The movie was running a bit long they thought.

Exec- "Throw in another fight scene here and have Ultron say something snarky."

Whedon- "But what about that scene with Ultron that really sells him as a villain?"

Exec- "No, cut that and add in a joke about the Hulk's dick"

Whedon- "Well, can I at least keep the pool scene, with the Loki cameo?"

Exec- "No, cut that scene down, we need some more jokes between Hawkeye and Black Widow while Sokovia is being lifted into outer space."

Whedon- "Can I go to the bathroom now?"

Exec- "Yes, your handler will be here shortly to escort you to the bathroom."
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What foreshadowing? That he's in them? So he's foreshadowing himself? The other element to him is the infinity stone, which we already knew about from Guardians of the Galaxy. It's ok if you think he's cool, I think he has a cool voice. But I think the character isn't executed well in any way. The time they wasted on him could've been spent on the actual villain, whom, the movie is named after. There were too many characters in it anyway.
What foreshadowing? That he's in them? So he's foreshadowing himself? The other element to him is the infinity stone, which we already knew about from Guardians of the Galaxy. It's ok if you think he's cool, I think he has a cool voice. But I think the character isn't executed well in any way. The time they wasted on him could've been spent on the actual villain, whom, the movie is named after. There were too many characters in it anyway.

What foreshadowing? You know nothing of the events that are transpiring if you don't know the comics. Vision is basically taking Warlock's origin story, so he may be the Life avatar against the worshiper of Death/Nihilist Thanos. His lines mirrored Warlock's in one of his scenes. Everything about his origin screams Warlock yet it lines up with Ultron too. Anyway, he has really cool powers, a good actor, great scenes in the movie, and I'm sure he is playing a huge role in the Infinity War movies. The gem in his forehead is Mind instead of Soul so there is a chance Warlock might show up but I'm not sure.

Not only that but he gets with Scarlet Witch. Some of the best stories involve Vision. I get you don't care for him, but he played a big role in the movie and in things to come. He stopped Ultron from escaping by cutting him off from the net.
I don't think any qualities from the comics should be assigned to the movie, nor future movies that haven't come out yet. Ultron escaping through the internet also directly contradicts dialogue from Tony that he's so big he doesn't even have enough harddrive space, and he's the most fucking technologically advanced and rich character in this universe. I didn't see much of his life mascot-ness in the movie, he just went all: "Ultron: Humans are lame. Vision: Nuh-uh." in that one conversation at the end. But I'm totally willing to change my mind in the future about Vision, if this is but the setup for a very effective part in a newer movie, but we'll have to wait and see for that.
I don't think any qualities from the comics should be assigned to the movie, nor future movies that haven't come out yet. Ultron escaping through the internet also directly contradicts dialogue from Tony that he's so big he doesn't even have enough harddrive space, and he's the most fucking technologically advanced and rich character in this universe. I didn't see much of his life mascot-ness in the movie, he just went all: "Ultron: Humans are lame. Vision: Nuh-uh." in that one conversation at the end. But I'm totally willing to change my mind in the future about Vision, if this is but the setup for a very effective part in a newer movie, but we'll have to wait and see for that.

He cut his access off, he didn't download his memory, so Vision had the capability to shut him down, to keep him from jumping to a new body. It is a thing Vision can do. I'm willing to bet Ultron had a fail safe hidden though. Vision said he was on the side of life, just as Warlock did. I'm telling you his dialog was almost word for word Warlock, they just stole some of his lines. I have the fucking comics. The "I AM" line gave it away, as did several other things. They do use the comics for inspiration. Anyway, I'm tired, I liked Vision, you didn't. Great talk.
I still have arguments to make, but let's indeed drop it.

I saw Apocalypse Now this morning, fucking amazing flick. Watching those combat scenes on bluray with a 1000 gulden (old dutch money) sound set was fucking amazeballs.

My one and only gripe: The ending was too quick. Either I'm missing something or it was an anticlimax. Willard just
kills the colonel real quick and goes away.

Or was that some kind of metaphorical necessity? A lot of build up but a quick and unsatisfying ending? Like a parable to some forms of violence/war.
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It was Brando being an asshole over his payment, so they had to cut his screen time.

But yeah, you can interpret it metaphorically too.
Momentarily going back to the MCU, how do you think "Civil War" is even gonna be handled? In the MCU none of the heroes have any sort of secret identity to speak of (Tony Stark came out as Iron Man in a public conference and has included that fact as part of his persona and company since the end of the first movie, Cap America is a government sanctioned agent, he has no life outside of being a super hero and his identity is public knowledge for those who even care, Black Widow similarly is a spy and she has no life outside of that either, Hawkeye has a wife and kids but he also has no secret identity, neither does Banner, in fact he is a fugitive as of the end of Age of Ultron) A registration act storyline would have ZERO dramatic impact nor make any narrative sense, maybe they are gonna make a completely different conflict for the Cap America movie? What do you think?
I think the registration will be changed to suit the MCU. For one, I think Stark has some major demons after everything he has been through. That puts him in a place where he doesn't trust other people as much. He didn't want the rest of the Avengers in on the Ultron project, aside from Banner who he needed. So the Civil War might have something to do with the Avengers being more closely monitored, and all the other heroes/villains at large. You have to take into account that Captain America: Civil War is really Avengers 2.5, so it will feature a bunch of the heroes already around plus many more. Off the top of my head Black Panther and Spiderman have been name dropped. Black Panther might be in an Ambassador role, therefore not in suit. Ant-Man is probably going to be a secret hero, come to think of it he could play Spiderman's role to a certain extent - the hero with a family to protect that will be harmed if their identities are exposed.

I see Sokovia bringing the Avengers to light in the wrong way. Already Sokovia had it out for them. They hated the shit out of the Iron Legion. Add one more major event like that, probably something similar to the Stamford Incident, and the governments will be raising hell over "enhanced" people; Calling for the Hulk to be arrested or contained, and the others as well. The Civil War in the comics ended up pitting one team of Avengers on the run against a government sanctioned one. Shield had Stark tech troops dubbed "capekillers" so they basically had power armor to fly around in.

So far Baron Zemo and Crossbones have been confirmed, so I am curious if anything to do with Thunderbolts will ever be brought up, certainly they want people to think Cap is going to die, and Bucky is going to replace him. Speaking of which, Cap will be looking for Bucky, especially with Falcon on his trail after AoU. Crossbones will have it out for Cap and Falcon big time.

Ultimately we might end up with something like Avengers Academy (New Avengers Facility at the end of AoU), where government sanctioned heroes are trained, payed, and monitored. Really this has been eluded to to some extent on Agents of Shield, where ever since the first episode they have always cataloged and registered any person with powers, placing them in a database, etc..

We might not get anything like Civil War, aside from a few nods here and there unless...lets' say they don't waste Michael Douglas's character and we still have Pym in the story. Then the only thing they really are missing, aside from a shitload of heroes, is Reed Richards who can have a stand in. So we have all the enhanced people introduced on AoS and the Netflix show's like Daredevil, eventually Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Iron Fist to work with. Further theorizing here, we might not get a full resolution of the storyline in the one film. We have no idea what Avengers: Infinity War will be like, especially being split in two parts, maybe the Civil War will still be going on. Oh and don't forget Spiderman will be getting a Marvel Studios sanctioned solo flick soon too.

It should be said that Thor will be gone in Asgard dealing with Ragnarok, so he will probably be out of the picture for Civil War, not unlike the actual comic. I think with the devastation heroes have brought to the world the governments/World Council will crack down hard. Shield might rise from the ashes (they have been active on the show in secret) and become a horrible enemy for the heroes to fear, at least the ones who don't want to go along with the "Initiative". Once again, in the comics, Nick Fury was on the run, with Shield in charge by Maria Hill at one point, and Tony Stark at another. Fury recruited his own team on the side. I'm curious if they might do the same.

Basically, it's too early to tell.
I theorize that it might have more to do with the Thunderbolts, maybe even with a more "artificial human" angle. I mean Stark literary hasn't "learn" anything, the Ultron crisis might have actually make him more obsessed with the idea of AI and artificial life from the Infinity Gems, he was basically told he was in the right thanks to Vision and Fury wasn't so against the absolute vigilance initiative from Winter Soldier except for the part about Hydra being involved, combine them both, you'll have some well intentioned extremists in the making. Maybe they'll try to fuck with cosmic shit, that may actually make way for Infinity War.