The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Saw Mad Max last night. It was fucking awesome. Looks like WB let George Miller do whatever the hell he wanted and it was beautiful.

FWIW, I sincerely hope my pessimism has been dead wrong. It would be a nice surprise, for once.

Of the first three movies I like Mad Max the best. The Road Warrior is a close second, although it's very different from the original. There are some things about Beyond Thunderdome I like a lot (and I think, overall, it's a pretty good flick), but it's clearly the least-good of the first three.

I watched it in one of those "4D" rooms, kind of a pointless gimmick but the movie was pretty enjoyable. Only complain I have is that it shouldn't have been PG13, there should've been a lot more blood.

That Speakers car gave me a half chub.
Eh, I didn't have a problem with the violence level. Everything was at atleast 80mph anyways.
I watched it in one of those "4D" rooms, kind of a pointless gimmick but the movie was pretty enjoyable. Only complain I have is that it shouldn't have been PG13, there should've been a lot more blood.

That Speakers car gave me a half chub.

Fury Road is rated R.
The MPAA rated it R in the US. Not really surprising considering that
a pregnant woman falls out of a moving vehicle then has her baby cut out of her while she's still alive. Plus all the squicky stuff with blood tubes, milk slaves, sex slaves, the violence, substance abuse, etc.
10/10 from me. I saw it twice this weekend. The second time I was able to take it in more. The guitar guy needs his own sequel!

It felt more like a Fallout(mostly Tactics) movie to me than Mad Max in places. All the towns, people, settings and factions just screamed Fallout. Funny how after 30 years Mad Max comes full circle and resembles the games/films that in influenced.