The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Going on a documentary binge, watched: Going Clear, We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists, The Hacker Wars, How Anonymous Hackers Changed the World and am watching: Terms and Conditions May Apply. Some of them are better than others, "Hacker Wars" for example is made by "over 9000 films" and so is very much from the hacktivist side, and very sensationalist and propaganda-y. But as long as it has bits of intriguing information and history I will enjoy that at least. Terms and Conditions May Apply is interesting in how it dives into what information is stored by social media on any given person. It is a lot.
Here's my quickie, no-spoilers Fury Road review based on seeing it this afternoon:

It's no secret that I hated the trailer for Fury Road. In fact, the trailer is actually one of the reasons I decided I ought to see it: I had to reconcile my negative impressions with the good buzz the movie's been getting. And when I say good buzz, I don't mean the usual crony lickspittles who fawn over every pile of garbage the big studios churn out. I mean I see critics like A.O.Scott from the New York Times and Michael Phillips from the Chigaco Tribune - people who have some judgement - giving it good marks.

As I'm walking into the theater I'm thinking that, in order for me to like this movie, the trailer cannot have been representative of the whole. In other words, they would have had to put all the things I don't like in the trailer, and everything that isn't in the trailer would have to be pretty good.

As improbable as it seemed at the time, that's what happened.

I still hate the part where Max steps on the lizard. I think it's stupid. I'm not a fan of the guy leaping onto the car in slow motion. In fact, I don't like any of the slow motion bits in the movie. But actually there are only a couple of them and they're very short. They're not pervasive to the style. The guys sweeping back and forth on poles was far-fetched in the trailer and remains so in the movie, but that's not really a huge part of it either.

So, apart from all the stuff that was packed into the trailer, it's pretty good.

Saying Fury Road is better than the first two Mad Max movies is crazy talk. But does it have to be better? It's hardly an insult to say it's not.

It's difficult to compare those movies to this one, actually, because Fury Road is as different from the first three as The Road Warrior was from Mad Max. The whole feel of it is different for a bunch of reasons. Despite that, and unlike so many other late seqeuls and reboots, Fury Road manages to live up to its brand rather than being The Road Warrior's embarrassing bastard step-son. I think that's the most surprising thing about it.

It's success is mostly based on George Miller's bizarre imagery (the most bizarre of any in the series, and that's saying something) and his skill at directing action sequences.

So overall I liked it.
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I have recently watched "JFK". It's really worth watching. It's a film based on the book written by the detective who dedicated his life to investigating JFK assassination and he's the only person in history who indicted someone in being part of a group who organised Kennedy's assassination.
Watched Michael Mann's Blackhat after a friend kept hyping me up about it.

Sadly, it falls short. The very close camera work annoys me, the shooting scenes are not as good as you'd expect from Mann, and the technical hacking part of the movie often falls flat on its face. Casting isn't all that good either. Not a fan of Chris Hemsworth at all in this role. He's not really bad or anything, he's just not good at it.

Too bad, it had potential and a lot of the most annoying errors would be easy as hell to fix.
Still certainly worth seeing though.
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Oh my, I am back to some of my sweetest childhood memories. I am currently watching again all the Ghibli/Miyazaki movies I know. So awesome.

So far my road started with:


Howl's moving Castle

Spirited Away

And today Nausicaä

Spirited Away and Monoke are probably my favourites. Even though for some reason I have trouble watching The grave of the fireflies. I don't like it when animes get TO realistic, but that's just preference, it is still very good. Also, I want a damn Susuwatari >_> !
I really, really like Howl's Moving Castle. I own the bluray. Surprisingly I wasn't big on the japanese voice over, and switched to the english one. It's not as well acted as I would like, but slightly better acted than the japanese one in my opinion. In contrast to every other anime movie I've seen so far. The english voice over of Spirited Away for example is quite worse than the japanese. But for Howl's it makes sense in my mind as it is based on an english novel by an english writer, in a western setting. Although I don't like subtitles at all, authenticity and quality come first.
American dubs for anime tend to be pretty shitty, only a handful are good at all. I don't like the Miyazaki english dubs as they are done by Disney who is more worried about having big name stars voicing characters rather than professional voice actors doing the job.
Yeah, the Spirited Away dub was awful. Who in their right mind would use such a screeching, badly acted voice for the main character?
I have to say the German voice overs are pretty awesome for most animes. Thankefully.

Games on the other hand ... I can't stand german voice acting in games. It's stiff. Unatural. Not believable.
Watched Michael Mann's Blackhat after a friend kept hyping me up about it.
Maybe I'll check that out, since it's Michael Mann. The ads I saw did nothing to entice me to see it.

I'm thinking about going to see Tomorrowland, since it's a) directed by Brad Bird and b) tanking at the box office. Again, the ads don't make it look very enticing.
I watched Mad Max: Fury Road on Saturday.

Great fun. I felt it was like Dredd in that it was a water-tight, well carried out and very fun action movie that wasn't about "saving the world" or some massive Earth shattering event, but was just another day in the life of the protagonist. The practical effects were very refreshing and utterly excellent, it made the action have that much more impact and intensity. It put me in a very post-nuclear mood and I'll probably end up playing Fallout soon.

So yeah, great movie. I look forward to Mad Max: Wasteland and I hope that action movies in general take note of what Fury Road managed to get so, so right.


I'll probably do a more detailed write up later.
Was that every decent action set-piece and plot twist from the fucking movie?! :twitch:
And I still can't get over how Sarah Connor looks like a 14 year old now with overly bushy eyebrows.... also wasn't she blonde? Every line that girl has said in the trailers just reeks of overacting and it's obvious she is either not good at using her face to emote in a believable manner or she doesn't give a shit about this job.
Until that trailer I was on board. Shit. Age of Ultron disappointed a little too.
I am glad that I am not the only one. I mean yeah, you have to be kinda brain damaged to prefer that thing over T1 and T2. Albeit now that I am thinking about it is not fair for those that are really mentaly challanged, the sad truth is the people that love Terminator Genyiosis do it willingly and of sound mind.