The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

I actually caught the last 20 minutes or so of the original last night. Pretty hard to compete with that, even if it looks a bit dated now. The whole feel of it is different - almost horror instead of just sci-fi/action.
You know, Genesys at least looks to be in "so bad it's good/funny" territory. Rather that than another Rise of the Machines or Salvation which were dull and boring.
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Only if Arnie would sing in said musical, that would be golden ! Come with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if you want to liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive
Okay that was pretty damn funny. Though the Terminator franchise has been dead to me since 3 and confident I'm not the only one. I wasted $12 plus popcorn on 3 and didn't even bother with Salvation and still won't for Phil Col.. er I mean Sega Genisys. Maybe when Terminator: Redempshun comes out I may go...
Check out Volkodav (Russia, 2007) meanwhile, guys! It's a fantasy movie plagiarizing Barbar Conan alright; heavily inspired by Slavic mythology, customs, and old architecture. Don't expect top-notch quality movie nor some original story, also the end scenes are plagued with fugly CGI nonsense. I liked it for some reason though. ^^
I watched the film adaption of Watchmen (I had the pleasure of reading the comic first.)


I liked the direction and cinematography, that was pretty neat. The intro was absolutely classic. Other than that, it was pretty mediocre. I can understand why they changed the ending as they did.
Hm, I thought Watchmen was quite awesome. A refreshing departure from other superhero movies.
Finally watched Kung Fury (didn't have any beer at home, I know, I'm a bad german). So fucking glorious.
Check out Volkodav (Russia, 2007) meanwhile, guys! It's a fantasy movie plagiarizing Barbar Conan alright; heavily inspired by Slavic mythology, customs, and old architecture. Don't expect top-notch quality movie nor some original story, also the end scenes are plagued with fugly CGI nonsense. I liked it for some reason though. ^^

A soviet version of Conan would be awesome.

A muscular Lenin crushing imperalist wizards which destroyed his tribal village of socialism.

Also I saw that movie, I don't think that it has that much in common with conan, though I see the similiarites here and there. It kinda felt like Beastmaster. If only that both movies are kinda B-Movies. Hmm, but maybe I am wrong ... it's been a decade >_> by now that I saw it.
As far as comic book adaptations Watchmen was pretty good. Thing is, they of course have to be compared to what is basically a master piece of the medium, the movie format is limited in the alloted time it has so it couldn't possibly include all the themes, subtleties and such of the original story so, like usual, the original material is always superior. But when you compare it to other similar works you can't help but admire it, Specially if you have read the previous two attempts at film treatment for watchmen (one of them included the Comedian fighting Iraki terrorists and Veidt being a uper villain from the beginning who wanted to take over the world, and Rorshaq was just a homeless man with greasy hair covering his face).