The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

What the fuck ... triplets ... like ... seriously? The other brother is played by Eddie Murphy.
Oh my god...

Just What I've Been Waiting For All These Years!

This could be a real, legitimate disaster.

The only way I'd be interested in a new Conan movie is if they let John Milius write and direct it.
What the fuck ... triplets ... like ... seriously? The other brother is played by Eddie Murphy.
Oh my god...

Just What I've Been Waiting For All These Years!

This could be a real, legitimate disaster.

The only way I'd be interested in a new Conan movie is if they let John Milius write and direct it.

I won't watch a new Conan movie unless they resurrect Robert Howard and get him to write the script.
What the fuck ... triplets ... like ... seriously? The other brother is played by Eddie Murphy.
Oh my god...

Just What I've Been Waiting For All These Years!

This could be a real, legitimate disaster.

The only way I'd be interested in a new Conan movie is if they let John Milius write and direct it.

I won't watch a new Conan movie unless they resurrect Robert Howard and get him to write the script.

Troront apropo Conan, have you seen the great documentary "Milius" about the controversial director John Milius. I highly suggest you do, its on Netflix streaming still I believe.
Sad about Milius' debilitation, he was of that Coppola/Scorsese/Spielberg/Lucas/DePalma/Stone set, great generation of film makers.

I won't watch a new Conan movie unless they resurrect Robert Howard and get him to write the script.
That's going to be hard to do since he ventilated his skull. Oliver Stone wrote the first one, and he claims he had intended a dozen more installments.
Sad about Milius' debilitation, he was of that Coppola/Scorsese/Spielberg/Lucas/DePalma/Stone set, great generation of film makers.

I won't watch a new Conan movie unless they resurrect Robert Howard and get him to write the script.
That's going to be hard to do since he ventilated his skull. Oliver Stone wrote the first one, and he claims he had intended a dozen more installments.

Yeah I totally agree man it was quite tragic. I never knew he was associated with the BBC/HBO series Rome. I am very very much a fan of it. If you guys haven't seen it I highly recommend.
...have you seen the great documentary "Milius" about the controversial director John Milius. I highly suggest you do, its on Netflix streaming still I believe.
I didn't know there was a documentary about Milius. I know he's a crazy guy who doesn't exactly fit into the Hollywood circle-jerk. Plus he wrote the screenplay for (and came up with the name for) Apocalypse Now! before he co-wrote the Conan the Barbarian screenplay with Oliver Stone, and then directed it.

If Stone and Milius write and direct a new Conan flick, I'll see it.

I should read the Conan novels some time, too. I've never picked one up.
Mwah, Robert E Howard was an average writer. I have all of his conan writings, and they were enjoyable. But I read the whole 1000 page thing without reading anything else in between. And it got old quickly. I really like it because I stuck with it and it won me over even though I still think it's not that good. But it's good.
I liked his world building more than anything. The Hyborian Age idea always appealed to me. The MMO wasn't half bad either, making me even more interested in, among other things, the Marvel comics that were released based on Conan.
Yeah, they are fun to read, but I wouldn't call them good. I have the old versions with the Frazetta covers somewhere. Very much like the Elric books, moody, pulpy, anti-hero, but also kind of ... unsophisticated. If you had read then at 14 you'd love them, but at our advanced age, it's too late. I was just at a tag sale today and some old dude had just about every Conan comic from 70s and 80s, was kind of tempted to make him an offer for the lot, but there's no way I'm reading through more than 4 of them before I'm burned out. Early Cerebus is a fun read too, given that it started out as a Conan parody.

On topic: having a lot of fun now that my kids are older watching and introducing them to good fantasy classics from the 80s - Dark Crystal, Time Bandits, Watership Down etc.
having a lot of fun now that my kids are older watching and introducing them to good fantasy classics from the 80s - Dark Crystal, Time Bandits, Watership Down etc.
Before you know it, it will be Jake Ryan and Ferris time.

Don't forget The Princess Bride, Legend, Labyrinth, and, last but not least, The Neverending Story.

"Bastian, say my name!"

BTW, Cimm...if you haven't read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline yet, you should check it out. The movie version is in the works as we speak.
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BTW, Cimm...if you haven't read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline yet, you should check it out. The movie version is in the works as we speak.

Yeah I listened to the audiobook (narrated by Wil Wheaton no less) a few weeks ago. You're talking to a guy who grew up with a tabletop Missle Command console in his basement! Got a kick out of it, I knew all those hours of playing Tron: Deadly Discs on the Intellivision would pay off some day!

Making a movie out of that must be hell to navigate through all the copyright law.

What's funny though, is in the 80s, didn't we think it was lame and the 60s were cooler - music, muscle-cars, counter-culture etc.

"The Dark Crystal is my favorite movie of all time."

I'm not a big fan of puppetry, but Henson was a unique talent. CG has become so ubiquitous in movies, it's like it killed all other forms of special effects dead. Which is a pity, because the green screen stuff is so disassociated, and is always lacking in some kind of tactile, temporal feel. You'll never get another Tom Savini, everything now is so slick and overproduced. I can't muster any interest in the epic CG slugfests at all. Cities crashing, giant robots fighting, superheroes ragdolling each other, this shit doesn't move me in the least.
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BTW, Cimm...if you haven't read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline yet, you should check it out. The movie version is in the works as we speak.

Yeah I listened to the audiobook (narrated by Wil Wheaton no less) a few weeks ago. You're talking to a guy who grew up with a tabletop Missle Command console in his basement! Got a kick out of it, I knew all those hours of playing Tron: Deadly Discs on the Intellivision would pay off some day!

Making a movie out of that must be hell to navigate through all the copyright law.

What's funny though, is in the 80s, didn't we think it was lame and the 60s were cooler - music, muscle-cars, counter-culture etc.

"The Dark Crystal is my favorite movie of all time."

I'm not a big fan of puppetry, but Henson was a unique talent. CG has become so ubiquitous in movies, it's like it killed all other forms of special effects dead. Which is a pity, because the green screen stuff is so disassociated, and is always lacking in some kind of tactile, temporal feel. You'll never get another Tom Savini, everything now is so slick and overproduced. I can't muster any interest in the epic CG slugfests at all. Cities crashing, giant robots fighting, superheroes ragdolling each other, this shit doesn't move me in the least.

Mad props for the Savini love. Dude needs to stage a comeback.
Anyone planning on seeing Jurassic World?

I loved the movie and the book equally as a kid, and the film is still one of my favourites today (Granted, it's probably due to nostalgia.). I don't particularly want to watch one of my favourite films get a braindead Micheal Bay sequel that soils the new generation's perspective of what Jurassic Park is. On the other hand, I kind of want to see it out of curiosity, the prospect that it could be decent, and the inevitable scenes that play on the audience's nostalgia and make references to the original.
I want to see it, I liked the first movie and thought the third one, while not really that good, wasn't as "HORRRIBULLLL!!!!" as most people say. Now I am not really a huge fan but well, Velociraptors on Bikes, if anything it will at least be entertaining.
...narrated by Wil Wheaton no less...
Oh, no! I guess Wil Wheaton has to do something.

Making a movie out of that must be hell to navigate through all the copyright law.
No kidding. Everything from Pac-Man to Alex P. Keaton to Tears for Fears.

Steven Spielberg is currently signed to direct it. I'm not sure how I feel about that. My preference would be for a director who actually remembers all that 1980s stuff from a young person's perspective. I don't know just who that would be, however. Cline apparently wanted Robert Zemekis.

I'd love to see what a guy like David Fincher could do with that material. He's only 52. I'm sure that's not going to happen though.
I don't know what's with the Wheaton popularity? I mean I have watched his shows and shit and he is pretty unfunny, as far as I know he was like the Jarjar Binks of Star Trek but then poof, suddenly is super popular on the internet for some reason...