The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Sorry to veer off THE HOBBIT, feel free to skip this... (I did see it in IMAX, thought it was gorgeous but plodding.)

Besides the above, I haven't seen a new movie in ages. Thankfully I got my Oscar screeners so catching up a bit thanks to the holidays. (NO SPOILERS, PROMISE!) Watched PROMISED LAND a few days ago. A fine film, but it isn't sure what it wants to be. It wants to make everyone happy politically while still hinting at how evil corporatios can be, but the lack of POV hurts it. Frances McDormand is amazing as usual, however.

THIS IS 40. I'm a comedy nerd and loved Apatow since the 90's, but his work is (evolving, devolving- choose your poison) into movies that mirror his family life exactly. This movie is insanely indulgent, but with some great funny moments and performances. I'd wait for Netglix.

FRIENDS WITH KIDS... even with my Chris O'Dowd crush and the lovely Adam.Scott, this was unwatchable. Hated KISSING JESSICA STEIN and I hated this.
The Hobbit movie is an act of cultural vandalism.

I finally saw Once, which was pretty good. I'm not sure it lived up to the glowing praise I've heard of it, but it was a nice movie and I liked it.
I watched by mere chance Green Street last night, it was.... Decent, and altho I got the message of the movie, is nice to see a fight scene that is pure brawl with broken noses and fisticuffs than watching another Gun fetish, cable crazy action scene.
Mjolnir said:
How dare those plebeians ruin that masterpiece of a children's book!
Plebians? More like movie-industry mass-marketeers and one chubby dimwit (Peter Jackson): as much part of the ruling class as anyone.

It's a good movie to see if you don't like Tolkien. Even better if you hold some kind of personal grudge against him and want to see his legacy tarnished as much as possible.
It's a good movie to see if you don't like Tolkien. Even better if you hold some kind of personal grudge against him and want to see his legacy tarnished as much as possible.

Ah, so you've met Tolkien himself and got his opinion on the movies? Fascinating. By all means, tell us how.

Oh, so you haven't? Well quit making sweeping generalizations and speak for yourself. I've loved the books since I was 12, read most of the supplementary material, and while they actionized things a bit too much, as far as adaptations go the movies are very good ones.
Weirdly enough, I've read very positive impressions from Tolkien scholars on The Hobbit. It's a compromise on many levels, but it also approaches the problems Tolkien had with the book head-on, gently nudging it towards the more epic tone of the Lord of the Rings without really harming the original's atmosphere. Jackson has two more movies to muck it up and give me a bad impression, but so far I'm much more favorable to The Hobbit than to his Lord of the Rings' adaptation.

Calling it "cultural vandalism" is p. much bullshit, imo.
Django Unchained was pretty solid.

Official Tarantino Film Ranking:
Pulp Fiction > Inglourious Basterds = Reservoir Dogs > Django >>> everything else
Having not seen IB, I can say that PF > RD >> everything else >>> Death Proof.
Tarantino himself said Death Proof was his worse.

Also, you must see Inglorious Basterds if you like his work in any way, shape or form.
Ilosar said:
Tarantino himself said Death Proof was his worse.

Also, you must see Inglorious Basterds if you like his work in any way, shape or form.

You're right. It's number 20 on my top 100.

I also saw Four Lions, Lord of War and am going to watch Dredd.

Lord of war is amazing. Four lions is great too, but not really that great. It's greatness comes from the unique story and situations. It's just so charming in it's originality, but not in it's quality. At least, not completely.
I really didn't like Inglorious Basterds - at all. What a soup of a movie...
In fact, most of Tarantino's films are soups.
zegh8578 said:
I really didn't like Inglorious Basterds - at all. What a soup of a movie...

Watch it again. You probably completely missed the point.

It's easily Tarantino's "deepest" movie, albeit not his best.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Outside of the Sergio Leone films, which I'm steaming through, what other Westerns are good?

3:10 to Yuma, the original and the remake.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.
Unforgiven and Silverado are OK. Dr Quinn: the Moive.

Edit: High Noon?
Unforgiven rivals 'The Outlaw Josey Wales' as the best of Eastwood's western epics.

Jeremiah Johnson and Little Big Man being the best non-Eastwood western epics.
Wyatt Earp with Costner is one of my favorite movies of all time. (Not that bitchass Wyatt Earp played by Snake Plissken in Tombstone, who cries like a baby in one scene.)