The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

Well, I once had to pick up a friend from the hospital because he had a Panic attack in the middle of a midnight acid trip and ended up walking around the city barefooted for hours. When I first got the call from the Hospital I was pretty worried and went there ASAP, when he told me the story I just couldn't stop makign fun of him. The doctors there were such normies, they were worried because he still was talking too fast and I had to tell them that he was like that sober. Wait we weren't sharing drug stories?

There ought to be a thread for it, but it would probably be a very naughty thing to particupate in
To veer the topic back again - the drug movie of the ages - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

I must admit, watching this when it came out, me and my friends SO wanted to try Ether :D The movie completely affected our young, feeble minds.
As much as I hear people are annoyed by the irratic composition of this movie, I can only love it. Even "druggies" might dislike it, because they want everything to be realistic (or they want to prove to everyone that they know how the drugs work, and therefore point-out-to-death every error they can find), but I see it as what it is meant to be - a mindfucky drug extravaganza taken to the brink of mental death :D
Some of the scenes are just fantastic

I also tend to fall for little details, like when he runs around with a glass full of sandy beer, during the race.. :D
Loathing in las Vegas is pretty awesome.
But let's not forget the most high brow druggie comedy, Wolf of Wall Street....

Also, I am gonna go watch Guardians of the Galaxy this thursday, anyone here that has seen it already? What are your toughts? As fun as the Cap American movies?
Nah, I like hearing drug stories, they are certainly more interesting than alcohol stories.
I find both equally entertaining. But talking about "other people's drug stories" reminds me of a time I was on lunch break at work, and being graveyard shift rather than disperse to momentarily socialize, all of us would eat our lunch in the same spot. They started chatting about bad experiences with tainted weed, because one of them had apparently temporarily lost feeling in half their face from some bad chronic, so each of them began to share their own stories to cheer the first up. After a good 5 minutes of talking about shady dealers and saving a few bucks at the cost of bad product and careless first times and other stories, they realized I was still there seated right behind them, munching away at my lunch, the only one present who wasn't part of their group of friends after our shifts end. My supervisor, the one leading most of the storytelling, stammered, "Uh... we're of course speaking PURELY hypothetically, you understand?" His concerns made me chuckle, and I just waved it off that as much as I didn't indulge, I frankly couldn't care less what others did in their free time in the privacy of their own lives. Still a funny moment. XD
I want some latest actions muvies

I can recommend:

Edge of Tomorrow
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Law Abiding Citizen
Man of Steel

These I recommend you watch with a group of friends, so you can fill up the boring parts with jokes:

Escape Plan
The Last Stand
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Pacific Rim
The Wolverine
Jack Reacher
Finally got around to watching "Man of Steel", what can I say, the previous Superman reboot, where he saves an airplane and spends the rest of the movie crawling around in a boat... yeah. This one had me actually tightening my fist, wanting to shout out "SUPERMAN! YAAAAH!!!"

I never had much relation with American superheroes, but Superman is an exception - still not a lot of comics for me, but I grew up watching the old movies when I was babysat, so, a "proper" Superman rendition has always meant a lot to me. This one, despite the costume details and stuff, I think they got him right! Smashing half of Metropolis, as well as it was full of popcorn, it was a level of seriousness that is required for Superman. Let Batman and Spiderman handle muggers and crazy people with weird machines. When cities fall apart - we need SUPERMAN!
Finally got around to watching "Man of Steel", what can I say, the previous Superman reboot, where he saves an airplane and spends the rest of the movie crawling around in a boat... yeah. This one had me actually tightening my fist, wanting to shout out "SUPERMAN! YAAAAH!!!"

I never had much relation with American superheroes, but Superman is an exception - still not a lot of comics for me, but I grew up watching the old movies when I was babysat, so, a "proper" Superman rendition has always meant a lot to me. This one, despite the costume details and stuff, I think they got him right! Smashing half of Metropolis, as well as it was full of popcorn, it was a level of seriousness that is required for Superman. Let Batman and Spiderman handle muggers and crazy people with weird machines. When cities fall apart - we need SUPERMAN!

I think Russell Crowe was the best part of that movie. I love him in..well most movies he's in.
Finally got around to watching "Man of Steel", what can I say, the previous Superman reboot, where he saves an airplane and spends the rest of the movie crawling around in a boat... yeah. This one had me actually tightening my fist, wanting to shout out "SUPERMAN! YAAAAH!!!"

I never had much relation with American superheroes, but Superman is an exception - still not a lot of comics for me, but I grew up watching the old movies when I was babysat, so, a "proper" Superman rendition has always meant a lot to me. This one, despite the costume details and stuff, I think they got him right! Smashing half of Metropolis, as well as it was full of popcorn, it was a level of seriousness that is required for Superman. Let Batman and Spiderman handle muggers and crazy people with weird machines. When cities fall apart - we need SUPERMAN!

I think Russell Crowe was the best part of that movie. I love him in..well most movies he's in.

Les Miserables? :]

But yeah, keep him from singing, and he's a solid actor.
Haven't seen that one actually. American Gangsters is the fucking shit though. One of my favorite crime movies.
Kevin Costner as Kent was a decent choice in my opinion. Actually I really enjoyed the movie, up to the point where the destruction in Metropolis takes part. That was simply over the top.
Kevin Costner as Kent was a decent choice in my opinion. Actually I really enjoyed the movie, up to the point where the destruction in Metropolis takes part. That was simply over the top.

It reminded me of the Superman vs Doomsday comic (where Superman dies, but doesn't, derp), I felt it fit, because it is a situation where no other superhero will do - only Superman!
I don't know about you guys, but I think Vin Diesel deserves an Oscar for best Actor on Guardians of the Galaxy.
I think I'm going to see Guardians of the Galaxy because it's getting lots of good buzz and because I'd never heard of Guardians of the Galaxy before this movie. I like Vin Diesel, too. He's perfect for the kind of roles he gets. I'm going to wait for a rainy day though. We're in the midst of a stretch of perfect summer weather where I live, and I'm not going to waste it.

I saw Lethal Weapon for the first time the other night. Funny that I'd never seen it before. I guess I wasn't all that impressed, but context has a lot to do with it. If I'd gone to see it in a theater as a summer blockbuster in 1987, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. I suppose the formula has been copied numerous times since then, too, so it doesn't seem novel anymore. I kept thinking of the Will Farrell comedy The Other Guys, which is a parody of this forumla.

This is not to say I didn't like it, but it didn't blow me away (no pun intended).
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You didn't not like it? Man, that's impressive... I saw Lethal Weapon about 2 weeks ago for the first time in maybe 15 years, and I was just cringing the whole way through. It was painful to watch.