The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

wrong choice of words I guess, I mean exactly what you said, sometimes I think about a German word and its meaning, when chosing some Englisch word, like getrimmt, which means in german depending on the context to be designed for (...). Now in my opinion the Hobbit was all made with the purpose of beeing a major success rather then an accurate representation of the book as movie adaption. At least that is the feeling that I had, which is not to say that it was bad, I actually enjoyed both Hobbit movies so far. But I havn't red the book. But even for me its obvious that they tried to go for the money here. Even more so then with LotR.
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I've never had a love-hate relationship with a movie, but I have that with the Hobbit. I think they are shit and everything is wrong and the book deserves better but I saw both in the theater and will definitely go see the third. So, yeah.
I started watching 'Battleship', but I had to stop after about 40 minutes of pure agony. There are a gazillion reasons to hate that movie (for instance Rihanna's tomboy antics), but the worst one is this: how can a superior alien race, capable of traversing the vast emptiness of space, get its butt kicked by primitive humans? It doesn't make any sense. And it's boring. I've seen stuff like that before.

Someone make a movie in which aliens reduce this planet to fucking cinders. I'll even pay to watch.
I think in the x-files the aliens win.

You know, talking about realistic alien invasions, a physicist claimed that the ships in Independence day are not even THAT unrealistic, given the conditions in space, because it is much more likely to have a really big space ship survive in space rather then small ones, from all we know so far. Because of radiation, thick walls help to protect you here a lot, particularly when you move at very high speed, like close to light speed. It is also much easier to simulate the effects of gravity by rotation in a large space ship, infact they need a minimum size for the rotation to work, a couple of 100 meters if I remember correctly, otherwise ... it will simply rotate to fast. It also helps to store all the food, equipment etc. when you have a really large space craft. Though what he really complained about was the effects those ships had on earth, or well the lack of it in the movie. The effect he was talking about was gravity. The biggest ship in the movie, had 1/4 the size of the moon, or something? With beeing in 30-40km orbit from earth. The size of it alone would have a similar effect on earth like the moon, like it does with the tides. Or the smaller vessels that start to destroy all the cities in the movie. Even their size is big enough have some effect. Infact they would not even need their weapons to destroy the cities. They are so large, they would compress the air, and thus destroy all buildings.

From the technology, yeah, its pretty clear that we would have no real chance to stand our ground against a species that has the technology to eventually fold time and space and not only surviving out there but moving from galaxy to galaxy. Or even traveling between the stars in a timeframe that is acceptable.
I thought it was the other way around: Earth's gravity would pull a ship like that apart once it got too close.
hmm, I dont think this would really happen even to such a large structure as long it can maintain a stable orbit around earth, albeit, I am not a scientist so who knows, hassknecht is the one with a real education here. Though if they had the knowledge to fly trough space, they would not get so fucking close to a planet that might destroy their ship anyway. That would be pretty dumb. I mean its save to assume that they know AT LEAST as much about gravity and basic physical laws like we do, if they can move trough space. The Aliens in movies, are usually so stupid, that you have to ask your self how they managed to fly trough space AND survive the journey anyway. They either crash on earth all the time, or lose their fights to some really stupid attack - a computer virus? The human ingenuity? I mean yeah ... I understand, it would not be very entertaining if Aliens would win. Though, I really start to hate the idea that any Alien species would invade earth for its resources. Because it really doesnt seem like our Earth is some kind of unique place in space. Hell, it would be easier to mine the stuff on asteroids, if you have already the technology to fly trough space, then I believe something like that would be no problem either.

A really interesting article about the topic. Pretty much what I believe as well.
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Isn't it the same dumb shit in War of the Worlds? Aliens are wtfpwning humanity with their superior technology that they installed on our planet god knows how long ago and then they forget to screen the air and notice that there are something like bacteria that kill them...

Uhh. Wat? :confused:
So, anyone here watched Sin City 2? Rodriguez Movies take forever to get released here and I am a Huge Sin City fan (both comics and movie) and I wonder if it is any good? Rodriguez has been crapping out some pretty bad movies recently.
Rodriguez has been crapping out some pretty bad movies recently.

That's because the man is a substandard, cliché, kitsch, director. I hate cheese for the sake of cheese, why can't Rodriguez, and his buddy Tarantino make something heartfelt and thoughtful - and no Django Unchained doesn't count IMO, though it was a better attempt.

It would be good to see a Rodriguez/Tarantino film in which people aren't shot to pieces every five minutes. I suppose these two aren't artists, but merely commercial dross.
"Something heartfelt and toughtful", yeah that's not the most subjective thing to throw at anything ever.
It would be good to see a Rodriguez/Tarantino film in which people aren't shot to pieces every five minutes. I suppose these two aren't artists, but merely commercial dross.

Not even decent commercial doss anymore, either. I admit that I really enjoy Tarantino's early films: I think Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown are all highly entertaining movies. But it's been downhill ever since Kill Bill.
Jackie Brown is shit, in my opinion. And I don't dislike it just because I was expecting a more standard Tarantino type fare or whatever. But I think Kill Bill, Inglourious Basterds, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs are all very good and enjoyable films. With Django Unchained I was expecting a more standard Tarantino type fare. See, he had a non-linear plot in Kill Bill, Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Inglourious basterds didn't have that, but it did have multiple story threads, like the others. So I was a bit bummed out that Django turned out to be just an action adventure centered around two heroic main characters in a single linear storyline. Which is funny, because if I didn't know it was Tarantino I probably wouldn't have been bummed out since my expectations wouldn't be the same.
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Havent's seen Deathproof or Jackie Brown, guess I'll have to give them a shot, I enjoyed Black Dynamite a great deal so it was because it's a blaxploitation movie I don't think there would be a problem.
Black Dynamite is more like Blaxploitationsploitation. Although it pulls off the rare feat of being a genre spoof that could also work as an example of the genre itself (and is actually pretty good). Jackie Brown inevitably pays homage to the genre by starring Pam Grier but is not really a part of it. It's probably my favourite Tarantino. Also Pam Grier is freakin' hot.

I started watching 'Battleship'

That was your mistake, right there.
Battleship wasn't THAT bad. You have to look at it from an adventure point of view. If you go into a movie focused on action an expect some kind of great story (or story you've never seen before, it's an alien invasion movie, c'mon guys. You can't go see a movie like that and expect a story you've never seen before) then you're going to be highly disappointed. I've learned how to tell what to expect in movies. There's a quote I like that I saw on a show once that I now watch movies by; "...that also makes me the perfect guy to watch movies with. I don't ask questions and poke holes, I just sit back and enjoy the ride". This doesn't meant I don't think ANY movie is bad (for example, Transformers 3). But, yeah.
I would agree with you, if the movie would not have such bad acting. I don't think they are really complaining because it doesnt have a great or deep story.