The writing is beyond abysmal and the first hint of this is the introduction

It's not a good Fallout game tho. The only good FPS Fallout game has been New Vegas, and Bethesda didn't make it.
Fine, then, it's a good game that has the word Fallout in the title. Fallout New Vegas is definitely by far the best of the modern ones from an RPG point of view (It's the only one I played long enough to bother modding, though I have never finished the game). Fallout 4 is a good combat/crafting/exploration game, and Fallout 3 is just... beh.

I feel like we're just treading water here, I'll refrain from commenting on whether the game is good or not from now on.
And I'm shocked that anyone who's not into Fallout would be on Fallout forum for almost a decade. I mean did you not get the "zealotry" when Fallout 3 was released?

Fuck man Bethesda ruined "our" favorite game and you act like it's just a thing that happened.

And yes I did say that. BY ME. Not speaking for the rest of the forum here. Fallout should be Fallout and NOT a Bethesda game. It's as easy as that.
I know I may have joined this site last year but I started to dislike Fallout 3 when I took more critical eye to the series thanks to people here and they opened eyes and I realized Fallout 3 is really mediocre. I'm not going to act like Fallout 3 is a thing that just happened because now I genuinely dislike Bethesda for making shit stories and shit roleplay in their games. If you want change to happen then talk with Obsidian and make a petition to get Bethesda to sign the right of the Fallout IP over to Obsidian for better Fallout games.
And one more thing! The decline in the Fallout series started WAY before Bethesda took over! Remember that buggy mess Fallout Tactics and the even worse Brotherhood of Steel? The series was dead. I lament that it was Bethesda and not Bioware who revived it, but that is what it is. I don't blame Bethesda for finally making a good Fallout game, even if it is a shoot-and-loot and not an RPG.
So what if it was in a decline? So what if it died? That doesn't excuse what Bethesda did. And Bethesda didn't provide a good Fallout game because Fallout 3 isn't really a Fallout game. It is by mere technicalities that you can apply the label of Fallout to it but even if it has the label it still doesn't make it a Fallout game. I can toss a carrot into a former jar of pickles and claim it is a jar of pickles but that don't mean the content is a pickle. It seems to me like all you want is a good game that carries the label of Fallout rather than wanting a Fallout game. Just cause a game is good on its own merits does not automatically make it a good [insert title here].
And one more thing! The decline in the Fallout series started WAY before Bethesda took over! Remember that buggy mess Fallout Tactics and the even worse Brotherhood of Steel? The series was dead. I lament that it was Bethesda and not Bioware who revived it, but that is what it is. I don't blame Bethesda for finally making a good Fallout game, even if it is a shoot-and-loot and not an RPG.

Fallout 3: Van Buren? Tactics wasn't amazing and it didn't understand what Fallout is but it was somewhat decent still. BoS was another spin-off just like Tactics which wasn't even made by the original devs so who cares honestly? Van Buren was still coming out at that point. The series eventually died because Interplay fucked up hard.

E: and yeah, combat/crafting/exploration game is about the only kind of game it is. Even then "exploration" in a wider sense can still be considered pretty flawed. Art and environments are what is carrying exploration mostly.

Same with crafting but there's some things that seem to work pretty well actually. There's simply a lot of improvement that can be made to it.
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Fallout 3 is still better than Fallout 4 tho'. That shouldn't be overlooked. I mean leave out the weird alien DLCs and the base game still had some Fallout feeling even with stupid shit like Harrold and role playing elements.

Fallout 4 now is a straight up shooter with some town building and character shaping, but the RPG is gone.
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You're the worst kind of apologist and make me sick.

What's your agenda here? OP is making very valid points.

Another example of the great, supportive community here. This is a wonderful place in which to spend one's time.

I have been a member of this community for a long time, but I never realized how caustic it actually is until I happened to mention that I like Fallout 4. I mean, I think Fallout 3 was shit because it tried to be Oblivion, and Oblivion was shit. But Fallout 4 is more like Skyrim, and Skyrim is actually quite good. But it seems that everyone here wants the new Fallout games to be in the same genre as the old ones, and I don't think that's possible. It's like asking Michael Bay to write the next chapter in Lord of the Rings. He might make a kickass new Lord of the Rings movie that captivates millions of people, and if you know what standards to go by when you watch that movie, you will have a good time. If you expect it to be like Tolkien's originals, you will be disappointed.

Mate the main reason I got a new username and posted again is because of the bile directed in your direction. All over a game. My biggest question over this whole thing is over how much could have been achieved with the time that people have spent posting hateful criticism of Bethesda Fallout games. Regardless of their quality (that's a different discussion altogether), think for a moment of how much could have been achieved with the collected time spent moaning about a video game. You could have made your own Fallout sequel with that amount of time. Seriously.
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And I'm shocked that anyone who's not into Fallout would be on Fallout forum for almost a decade. I mean did you not get the "zealotry" when Fallout 3 was released?

Fuck man Bethesda ruined "our" favorite game and you act like it's just a thing that happened.

And yes I did say that. BY ME. Not speaking for the rest of the forum here. Fallout should be Fallout and NOT a Bethesda game. It's as easy as that.

Honestly man, you need some form of readjustment. Other people made Fallout. It is THEIR game. Not yours. You are a consumer. A fan. You deserve nothing. Creators create. Consumers consume. If you don't like it, make something yourself and stop this embarrassing, maladjusted, self centred bitching. It's embarrassing.
South Park already did an episode about this. You better catch up kid.

Kid? Mate you got no idea. I've got no clue which of my two posts you're referring to, so please enlighten me and I'll respond.

I understand you feel offended, but tone down the name-calling. Your username won't protect you for long if you keep picking fights. Most of the people here are actually really funny and interesting, but they are rabid RPG fans, and Fallout 3 and 4 are not good RPGs nor a good continuation of the great originals, so any attempt to treat them as such will be met with violence.

I used to really hate Bethesda for their ideas about games and thought the series was dead, but then New Vegas came out and I was happy again. Then I fell in love with Skyrim, and now Fallout 4 is basically a new Skyrim for me, so I like it even if it's not Fallout. But most people don't feel that way, and trying to convince them otherwise won't work.
You're the worst kind of apologist and make me sick.

What's your agenda here? OP is making very valid points.

Another example of the great, supportive community here. This is a wonderful place in which to spend one's time.

I have been a member of this community for a long time, but I never realized how caustic it actually is until I happened to mention that I like Fallout 4. I mean, I think Fallout 3 was shit because it tried to be Oblivion, and Oblivion was shit. But Fallout 4 is more like Skyrim, and Skyrim is actually quite good. But it seems that everyone here wants the new Fallout games to be in the same genre as the old ones, and I don't think that's possible. It's like asking Michael Bay to write the next chapter in Lord of the Rings. He might make a kickass new Lord of the Rings movie that captivates millions of people, and if you know what standards to go by when you watch that movie, you will have a good time. If you expect it to be like Tolkien's originals, you will be disappointed.

Mate the main reason I got a new username and posted again is because of the bile directed in your direction. All over a game. My biggest question over this whole thing is over how much could have been achieved with the time that people have spent posting hateful criticism of Bethesda Fallout games. Regardless of their quality (that's a different discussion altogether), think for a moment of how much could have been achieved with the collected time spent moaning about a video game. You could have made your own Fallout sequel with that amount of time. Seriously.
Isn't this pot calling the kettle black? Or are you the arbiter of how much time should be spent criticizing a product before one goes overboard? And you're commenting on that it is a waste of time? That this ain't productive? Well guess what? So is gaming. That ain't productive. Still, you play games. Why? Cause you enjoy it. We bitch at this forum because we get a sense of satisfaction or entertainment or stimulus out of it. Unless you're an automaton that lives for nothing but productivity you don't really get to sit on a high horse and call out other people on how what they're doing is a waste of time without being a total hypocrite.
Mate the main reason I got a new username and posted again is because of the bile directed in your direction. All over a game. My biggest question over this whole thing is over how much could have been achieved with the time that people have spent posting hateful criticism of Bethesda Fallout games. Regardless of their quality (that's a different discussion altogether), think for a moment of how much could have been achieved with the collected time spent moaning about a video game. You could have made your own Fallout sequel with that amount of time. Seriously.

Yeah, Morty, and in an alternate reality Hitler might have cured cancer. But who cares? That has as much relevance here like your comment.
South Park already did an episode about this. You better catch up kid.

Kid? Mate you got no idea. I've got no clue which of my two posts you're referring to, so please enlighten me and I'll respond.
@Magnus He called me mate. That's hardly offensive.

As to your question I was referring to post #49 and your opinion that a fan has no right to expect certain quality of a developer. Which of course is not true since games and movies are cultural property as soon as they hit a certain degree of impact.

You can't just change Indiana Jones or Star Wars without some backlash (see the South Park reference). Same goes obviously for one of the greatest cRPG franchise in video game history.

Backlash in this case means some enraged nerds ranting about it on a message board. I don't see what's the problem or why do you feel the need to white knight here?

I don't shout in Todd Howard's face or bombard Bethesda with emails? I'm trying to vent some frustration in a safe space here and can do without people who don't want to understand what it means to see a beloved thing (be it as trivial as a hobby like playing computer games) getting ruined by some greedy corporation.

And Bethesda DIDN'T make Fallout. You wanna ask Feargus Urquhart what he thinks of Fallout 4?
Mate the main reason I got a new username and posted again is because of the bile directed in your direction. All over a game. My biggest question over this whole thing is over how much could have been achieved with the time that people have spent posting hateful criticism of Bethesda Fallout games. Regardless of their quality (that's a different discussion altogether), think for a moment of how much could have been achieved with the collected time spent moaning about a video game. You could have made your own Fallout sequel with that amount of time. Seriously.

Yeah, Morty, and in an alternate reality Hitler might have cured cancer. But who cares? That has as much relevance here like your comment.

You're *urp* you're just a creepy, little *BUUUURP*, creepy person, Morty!
Also, one last thing before I'm off to find more Grognak magazines:

(correct use of the word "zealotry")
It's not zealousness(zealotry ain't a real word). It's simply about having principles and standards and respecting the concept of artistic integrity.