The writing is beyond abysmal and the first hint of this is the introduction


First time out of the vault
I haven't actually finished the game, but I've watched some videos of it on youtube sumarising the main quest and it's probably one of the sappiest stories in any popular video game series that I've ever seen. The long pauses, the horrible voice acting, the supposed emotionality of it all.

Anyway, I got the game, installed it and found out that my laptop's not good enough to run it properly. I don't really mind this at all because after spending ~20 minutes in it I realized that I would have to force myself into playing this, which I do not want.

But what about that introduction?

You start off as this everyman/woman casually minding their business. A knock on the door and there's this Vault-Tec rep telling you that you were chosen to house a vault. Cool, huh? I mean, if there's going to be a nuclear apocalypse in the future, your family's covered.

Not 5 minutes pass and nuclear apocalypse happens. That one in a million odd of it happening just after registering yourself into a vault just happened. But hey, this is a videogame, right? We'll just let this incredibly stupid writing gaffe pass.

You and your spouse remeber that decades-ago conversation you had with that Vaul-Tec rep, so you immediately rush to a vault. Where is this vault? A GODDAMN 3 MINUTE WALK FROM YOUR HOUSE. Convenient, huh? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT THE MILITARY'S ALREADY PREPARED FOR NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE? More convenient! What's silly is that the military and civilians act in an incredibly orderly fashion.

Anyway, you end down in this Vault just seconds after the blast hits the surface above you. Very convenient! How do people react? Why, how most people would. They make an orderly queue, don't question the nuclear apocalypse and don't scream and panic that their comfy lives will be replaced with living underground in a bunker. Hey, those friends, relatives and human beings that were burned and irradiated to death probably deserved it.

Another gripe that I have with the intro is that the merc dude just kills your spouse instead of just incapacitating them, because hey, it's not like the frozen people are special or anything. I guess that smacking a man or woman that's just being defrozen is too dangerous for a guy like him.

Plotholes upon plotholes.

Say what you want about Fallout 3, but at least they didn't make the introduction as stupid as this one. It's beyond me how the writer can make money by writing this crap.
Personally, i think F2 didnt even have a good introduction to the game, and it was no basis of how good the game was.
F4 introduction wasnt that bad. I think it was trying to convey a stark difference between the before and after. Could it be better, yes. Was it the worse? i personally dont think so. My personal issue was its consistency, and how deep the rabbit hole goes with the exploration of the history and story rather than the idea of the city. Bethesda decided on the latter.

I do not like the game, i regret buying the game, and now i am enjoying watching a red head big boobie with a lisp playing fallout on twitch. I do not think the introduction is an indication of a bad game even though your points are still valid lol.
I really hate the introduction because it is useless.

I mean, seriously? You were living in a golden age yesterday. Today, you're in a hellhole. Your family is dead. Your friends are dead. Your house is demolished. But nooo.. you don't care.

Oh, I just saw a Super Mutant. A creature with great power and intelligence. So scary. Nah, I don't care.

People say I am sometimes cold blooded IRL or sometimes I just don't care about important things, but I ain't got shit on Mr. & Mrs. 111 here.
By and large, I'm not super impressed by the writing. It's pretty run of the mill Bethsoft level with lots of cliche' melodrama and the same father/son routine that FO3 had. FO4 isn't bad, but it's not great either. It's comfort food. It's fun to play if you want some time to kill.
I really hate the introduction because it is useless.

I mean, seriously? You were living in a golden age yesterday. Today, you're in a hellhole. Your family is dead. Your friends are dead. Your house is demolished. But nooo.. you don't care.

Oh, I just saw a Super Mutant. A creature with great power and intelligence. So scary. Nah, I don't care.

People say I am sometimes cold blooded IRL or sometimes I just don't care about important things, but I ain't got shit on Mr. & Mrs. 111 here.

What makes it worse is the fact that Mr 111 comments upon or reacts to the most mundane of things, like picking locks, hacking terminals and freakin nuka cola in his fridge, but he won't even show any reaction to what's around him in the game proper.
I really hate the introduction because it is useless.

I mean, seriously? You were living in a golden age yesterday. Today, you're in a hellhole. Your family is dead. Your friends are dead. Your house is demolished. But nooo.. you don't care.

Oh, I just saw a Super Mutant. A creature with great power and intelligence. So scary. Nah, I don't care.

People say I am sometimes cold blooded IRL or sometimes I just don't care about important things, but I ain't got shit on Mr. & Mrs. 111 here.

What makes it worse is the fact that Mr 111 comments upon or reacts to the most mundane of things, like picking locks, hacking terminals and freakin nuka cola in his fridge, but he won't even show any reaction to what's around him in the game proper.
Neither does The Chosen One or the Vault Dweller. In Fallout 2 you can go straight from The Den to New Reno and lecture Jules about laser weapons.
These are incredibly minor details that you have blown out of proportion.

To you, these might be minor, but to me, my brain keeps being reminded of just how unrealistic and silly the circumstances are. Especially since the introduction tries to be SERIOUS.

Personally, i think F2 didnt even have a good introduction to the game, and it was no basis of how good the game was. F4 introduction wasnt that bad.

Fallout 2's introduction made me not play it the first time I installed it. The tribal background, which was done as a joke, wasn't funny to me. I played as a smartass sciency guy which was hard to believe since my character was raised as a savage. But hey, I overlooked the stupid background and intro and found out that the rest of Fallout 2 was excellent. Can't say that about Fallout 4, can you?
These are incredibly minor details that you have blown out of proportion.

To you, these might be minor, but to me, my brain keeps being reminded of just how unrealistic and silly the circumstances are. Especially since the introduction tries to be SERIOUS.

Personally, i think F2 didnt even have a good introduction to the game, and it was no basis of how good the game was. F4 introduction wasnt that bad.

Fallout 2's introduction made me not play it the first time I installed it. The tribal background, which was done as a joke, wasn't funny to me. I played as a smartass sciency guy which was hard to believe since my character was raised as a savage. But hey, I overlooked the stupid background and intro and found out that the rest of Fallout 2 was excellent. Can't say that about Fallout 4, can you?

Oh i completely agree with you. Your premise was based on the introduction. Im just citing F2 as a reason how an introduction not doing greatly but had a little special about it. Like i said, i regret buying f4 at the moment. I am not in disagreement with you points to be honest, just the main premise of it.
I thought i will like the game, i thought beth might learn a thing from F NV, but it didnt, and i realised that in my tenth hour of the game. im annoyed that i spent 50 bucks on this, and i am not getting any satisfaction, just bitterness.
Ok, Im a writer myself, and I agree that for some guys who get paid for writing, the introduction seems rushed and poorly planned. Havent played the game, but perhaps the intervals between the Vault-Tec man visit and nuclear attack, and the sense of danger, could have had a better treatment, maybe with some news in the TV or something. Will have a more precise opinion when I get the game. Anyway, thats not a point that will make me not to play the game. It is just an introduction!
I mean, you're gonna have to play through that introduction every damn time you create a character. It shouldn't be any longer or more intricate than it is. Skyrim's intro has you sitting on a cart for 20 minutes and then schlepping through Fort Noob before you're allowed to play the game, and it's actually quite well written exposition, but everyone installs a mod to skip it.
You're the worst kind of apologist and make me sick.

What's your agenda here? OP is making very valid points.

Another example of the great, supportive community here. This is a wonderful place in which to spend one's time.

I have been a member of this community for a long time, but I never realized how caustic it actually is until I happened to mention that I like Fallout 4. I mean, I think Fallout 3 was shit because it tried to be Oblivion, and Oblivion was shit. But Fallout 4 is more like Skyrim, and Skyrim is actually quite good. But it seems that everyone here wants the new Fallout games to be in the same genre as the old ones, and I don't think that's possible. It's like asking Michael Bay to write the next chapter in Lord of the Rings. He might make a kickass new Lord of the Rings movie that captivates millions of people, and if you know what standards to go by when you watch that movie, you will have a good time. If you expect it to be like Tolkien's originals, you will be disappointed.
You can bet our impressions would have been more positive if Emil didn't go with the dadson and sondad thing, and they never took the idea of the dialogue wheel seriously. If Fallout 4 had been like Witcher 3 in terms of storytelling and being a sandbox, just about everyone would be happy.