Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

I never ignored the PC market, I just pointed out that most big publishers first and fore most develop for consoles. There is nothing dishonest about it, just what is and should be apparent to anyone who followed the market for the past decade.Tagaziel said:Ignoring the PC market due to some ignorant notion that "publishers prefer consoles" is intellectually dishonest.
inb4 you rage: I never owned a console, I don't give a shit about consoles, I don't want my PC game developed with console crowd in mind, getting "dumbed down" and or made as cheap ports. I'd rather the big developers recognize the power of PC and develop for it. But that not what is happening... (or rather what happened)
So to me your post is just whine/rage about what should be as opposed to what is and in particular that FO:NV was spinoff title, that despite our opinion at NMA the console crowd didn't liked as much and that Beth will continue to develop FO4 for the same target audience they developed FO3, Skyrim and oblivion.
Tagaziel said:Furthermore, the success of classic RPGs on Kickstarters is food for thought for publishers.

The success of classic RPGs is not because some change in casual audience preferences(learn from other form of entertainment), it is still the same niche market only now digital distribution and alternative funding(kickstarter) made it possible to monetize on it. Hopefully, it will reopen the market for mid-size publishers which became very inactive in the last decade and develop more content we would like(where full VO and the like are not a requirement), but as for big publishers we are still nothing but a blip on the target audience map, nothing changed.