First time out of the vault

348: After the war, Springfield moved to the north of Arlington
349: The Apocalypse was not, as in common belief, a war with atomic bombs, but a tragic traffic accident leading to a fatal chain reaction. That explains the absence of bomb craters bar one, where a test subject failed to explode.
350: After the Chosen One defeated the Enclave's President on an oil rig in the Pacific, it turned out that there was another president in DC all along, and he was the real President! And he was a computer!
351: After the complete breakdown of society, after all technology has been destroyed and no fuel for any transport was available any more, a single Irishman can make the journey across the Atlantic Ocean, then travel upriver through mutant infested ruins, then travel inland until he finds the crater of an undetonated atomic bomb where some morons live who worship it, where he will settle down and open up a saloon (because pubs were what you did back home)
352: In the post-apocalyptic world, mankind has not bothered to rebuild society but discovered magic, which they solely use to enchant clothing.
353: A homemade weapon will get better and do more damage the more identical copies of its construction plan you possess
354: When you slip a live frag grenade into someone’s pocket, they will be able to tell it is there, but they won’t be able to find the pocket it is in before it explodes
355: Pressurized water pipes can be sealed using scrap metal without welding and without turning off the water
356: You can make napalm out of coke, soap and paint remover
349: The Apocalypse was not, as in common belief, a war with atomic bombs, but a tragic traffic accident leading to a fatal chain reaction. That explains the absence of bomb craters bar one, where a test subject failed to explode.
350: After the Chosen One defeated the Enclave's President on an oil rig in the Pacific, it turned out that there was another president in DC all along, and he was the real President! And he was a computer!
351: After the complete breakdown of society, after all technology has been destroyed and no fuel for any transport was available any more, a single Irishman can make the journey across the Atlantic Ocean, then travel upriver through mutant infested ruins, then travel inland until he finds the crater of an undetonated atomic bomb where some morons live who worship it, where he will settle down and open up a saloon (because pubs were what you did back home)
352: In the post-apocalyptic world, mankind has not bothered to rebuild society but discovered magic, which they solely use to enchant clothing.
353: A homemade weapon will get better and do more damage the more identical copies of its construction plan you possess
354: When you slip a live frag grenade into someone’s pocket, they will be able to tell it is there, but they won’t be able to find the pocket it is in before it explodes
355: Pressurized water pipes can be sealed using scrap metal without welding and without turning off the water
356: You can make napalm out of coke, soap and paint remover