Things we learned from Fallout 3

388. In 'post-apocalyptia', after several days of 'questing', I can become the meanest son of a bitch to roam the land, with the ability to shot straight, hack any computer, unlock the toughest lock, see the farthest sight, you get the picture.
389. Food has no expiration date, and doesn't just decay after 200 years.
WelcomeToNewReno said:
389. Food has no expiration date, and doesn't just decay after 200 years.

I think this was actually inspired by those urban legends that microwave dinners and other prepackaged foods have so much preservatives that they remain edible for centuries, not saying it's factual but I can see where they were coming from here.

To be honest in a game with laser pistols and suits of power armor this is one of the more realistic things.
Yeah, realistic... not being looted already while the 200 years?
Lexx said:
Yeah, realistic... not being looted already while the 200 years?

I never said that was realistic, I said the food being edible was realistic (well it's not really realistic either, more of a nod to an urban legend).
My assumption was always that they were reaching for more variety in healing items for their action-RPG and the inclusion of processed pre-war food was an incredibly inept nod to the Frozen Dinner and the Box of Noodles from the original Fallouts-- the ineptitude, of course, coming from the fact that the originals took pains to stress how thoroughly inedible this food was.
Yamu said:
My assumption was always that they were reaching for more variety in healing items for their action-RPG and the inclusion of processed pre-war food was an incredibly inept nod to the Frozen Dinner and the Box of Noodles from the original Fallouts-- the ineptitude, of course, coming from the fact that the originals took pains to stress how thoroughly inedible this food was.
Yeah and not found in bulk on the store and in the fridge of every store and house.
Wintermind said:
Additionally "minigun" can refer to (inaccurately, but it's not really relevant) to any sort of rotary cannon or 'gatling gun' (Gatling gun, again, meaning a more specific gun, but still used to referred to all guns of a similar style), which range from the M134 that LinkPain is referring to the 30mm GAU-8 Avenger that the A-10 was built around.

And yes, as Yamu put, water will ruin a bullet's day, the angle of the shot will only serve to ruin it faster or slower. Mythbusters did a whole episode on shooting into water. Nothing was moving past a foot into the water, tops.

An inch in water...actually the pipe was out of the water but in graphic terms the whole minigun is in water (wheter an inch or not doesn't matter apparently) so it applies the same on all points. And the bullets don't "break", they just don't appear at all. I saw Mythbusters episode too but this was ridiculous, thanks to Gamebryo. Funny how it's possible to kill creatures in the water if you fire from land.
So they should include a mechanic to simulate water so bullets can penetrate slightly into it?

And I wouldn't fire an electrically powered machine gun in water. Just saying.

Though it probably wouldn't fire at all, most guns are not designed to fire in water. You'd probably break the cocksucker fairly easily, actually.
That seems to be just enormous nit picking Link Pain, there are other more important details in the game to criticize other than bullets not acting like i nreal life and there not being a physiscsengien to simulate something that specific.
392. Rivet City citizens don't even care that mutant crabs(?) live in theier boat and could come up and kill them at any time.
394. After having spent nearly two decades living underground in areas with unnatural, simulated light, getting out into direct sun exposure doesn't hurt your eyes or perception at all.
Atomkilla said:
394. After having spent nearly two decades living underground in areas with unnatural, simulated light, getting out into direct sun exposure doesn't hurt your eyes or perception at all.


Guess they were just smarter on the west coast.

395. A .32 Pistol can load rifle rounds.... or a .32 Rifle can load pistol rounds.
Faceless Stranger said:

Guess they were just smarter on the west coast.


395. After 200 years (with war or no war), random pieces of office paper can still be found scattered on floors of buildings, streets, public toilets...