Things we learned from Fallout 3

221. People in the future can survive by eating scrap metal. They need no farms.

222. You can kill deathclaws, enclave soldiers, raiders, etc. and survive. But that damn kid with the baseball bat shrugs off a .45 round and crushes your skull.

223. Super Behemoths are nothing but a FEV injected Mark McGuire.

224. In the future, people cook their food by putting matchbox cars in an oven and shooting them. BOOM! Chicken baby.

225. Hobos give up on life if you deny them water.

That's all I have.
69. Super Mutants are cannibals

I wasn't bothered by the fact that mutants were eating humans in the game, human flash tastes like pork. Junktown->Hub-> Iguana-on-a-stick :) ..... what really bothered me was spending 10 bullets from a hunting rifle to kill a rabid dog.

Sorry for my bad sentience construction.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
219. While becoming a 200 year old smoldering crater after being nuked, the buildings around the white house will be just fine

Addendum: nuclear weapons seem to be a lot less powerful in the future, having more in common with precision bombs.

Tactical Nukes maybe?

Honestly, they could've used precision bombs... all those nuclear cars, and power plants would still have irradiated the area for about two or three years. So, the proliferation of nuclear technology could possibly explain the destruction of the world, rather than direct use of nuclear missiles...

and it would all make sense, except for the fact radiation decays exponentionally, and even the water would be safe and drinkable in less than three generations.
mulaalia said:
69. Super Mutants are cannibals

I wasn't bothered by the fact that mutants were eating humans in the game, human flash tastes like pork.

Sorry for my bad sentience construction.

I think I want to know how you know human flesh tastes like pork.

Does it goes well with beans?
173. Crippled limbs can be cured by using stimpacks.

You're kidding me? It's that bad?
Now why would they fuck up one of the best healing systems in gaming. With health being seperated from serious injury.
174. Instead of using actual fire-hydrants, Super Mutant Behemoths construct custom ones almost three times as big as the regular model, then beat people with 'em.

175. Tall slave ghouls have been given the ability to wear power armour, even though the BoS likes to take pot-shots at any ghouls they see.

176. In the post-apocalyptic future they have the medical technology to easily allow full facial reconstruction surgery, curing addiction and magically curing a crippled limb, but they don't have the ability to cure the horrible leprosy which makes people's limbs fly off when a gnat sneezes at them.
Uhh, what's up with the numbers jumping from 225 to 69 then 173?

226. Survival isn't a serious matter, so people have lots of free time, that they use on collecting nuka-cola and making a tour about it in their shacks.
227. Humans are no longer born, they are spawned.

228. Communism is the definition of failure.

229. Children magically appear in caves provided there are no adults around.

230. You can not aim a shot at a persons groin, ever.
Username said:
You're kidding me? It's that bad?
Now why would they fuck up one of the best healing systems in gaming. With health being seperated from serious injury.
For the poor kids (or adults acting like kids ...) that feel overstrained by the fact of taking care during a firefight or even *gasp* the need to stop after it for some time to search a doctor or omg! using your medicine skills for something usefull (instead the medicine skill does only increase the reate of healing when using stimpacks and other chemicals ... yaaay! for simplification)
Dragula said:
You really needed Fallout 3 to teach you that?
well no, but liberty prime confirmed it in such a way that there is no doubting it so i thought it was worthy of a mention.
Giant killer robot > communist & enclave
radioactive_penguin said:
Dragula said:
You really needed Fallout 3 to teach you that?
well no, but liberty prime confirmed it in such a way that there is no doubting it so i thought it was worthy of a mention.
Giant killer robot > communist & enclave

Except ofcourse he's killing the failed capitalist government of the US, aka the Enclave.

Sorry I just had to :) The irony always makes me smile :)
Crni Vuk said:
Username said:
You're kidding me? It's that bad?
Now why would they fuck up one of the best healing systems in gaming. With health being seperated from serious injury.
For the poor kids (or adults acting like kids ...) that feel overstrained by the fact of taking care during a firefight or even *gasp* the need to stop after it for some time to search a doctor or omg! using your medicine skills for something usefull (instead the medicine skill does only increase the reate of healing when using stimpacks and other chemicals ... yaaay! for simplification)

God fucking damnit.
Username said:
radioactive_penguin said:
Dragula said:
You really needed Fallout 3 to teach you that?
well no, but liberty prime confirmed it in such a way that there is no doubting it so i thought it was worthy of a mention.
Giant killer robot > communist & enclave

Except ofcourse he's killing the failed capitalist government of the US, aka the Enclave.

Sorry I just had to :) The irony always makes me smile :)

Well with the current state of the government who says we wont be communist by 2077 :(

enclave = irrational evil, communism = irrational evil, therefore enclave = communists
Awesome thread.

232. If ever you want someone to dissolve into a uncontrollable fit of murderous rage, repeat the words, "I've got my eyes on you...", over and over and over for no damn reason at all. Works like a charm.
234. killing flesh eating bloodsucking vampire people is WRONG and people will like you less if you do despite the fact they sent you to kill them.