This guy speaks the truth about New vegas!

And that Ladies and Gentlemen is what happens when ADD addled Millennials are made to play anything that doesn't have explosions every ten seconds. Also, what was with all the damn Japanimation, was that supposed to be relevant at all?
If this guy hates talking to people in Fallout: New Vegas I'd hate to see what would happen if he plays Planescape: Torment. I also have a feeling he doesn't know it wasn't made by Bethesda.

This person really has such an alien view of how games should be to me. Who wants choices that matter? Who wants actions that would logically lead to failure to lead to failure?
So the long short of this is someone complaining about RPG mechanics and not understanding what kind of game they are playing. To echo everyone else yikes!
He sounds like he's about to cry at about 10 minutes in. I'm not sure why I decided to finish the video.
"Caesar's Legion is overpowered"


"Let me tell you why that's bullshit..."

If you're poorly armed, armored and have poor endurance and everything related to it, sure, Legion may be overpowered
We also have VATS for a reason (Although running out of AP in the middle of combat can be really irritating, but that's what the console command "player.setav actionpoints 1000" is for


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LOL, another person that enjoyed 'oblivion with guns', than actually having a better successor to the originals. Boo hoo, I need my fucking hand held through the whole game.
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Wow I managed to make it 6 minutes in before my brain started to kill itself.

You found the dialogue in Old World Blues boring? Go fuck yourself.
Lol I felt like Talon Merc were more over powered than the freaking legion. These motherfuckers were every where and as many of them were being tossed at the damn super mutants and raiders, it is incredible how many constantly find you.
Half-brains who think themselves deeply intellectual, because they found FO3 to be intelligent and complex, there's nothing you can say except "Actually, FO3 isn't intelligent. You are also not intelligent. This is why you are clinging to this so hard, and then getting angry like a little boy, at FONV or FO2 for being "too boring" or "too much talking" or whatever. You are the same person who will fast-forward dialogue in movies. You are dumb."

(I wasn't gonna lower myself to pick on specifics, but he actually laments that a FEW locations are NOT part of quests? Oh my gooood, someone send that guy a life-supply of diapers, he's never gonna grow out of them)