Todd Howard and his inspiration video to gamers everywhere.

Probably thought chess was too hard with too many rules and restrictions. It's why he created games like "Skyrim: Hiking Simulator of the Year", "Fallout 3: Another Shitstain on the Franchise", and we can't forget "Call of Fallout Mass Duty lands Effect 4: Zombies and Orcs Rule Boston".
What did he said about chess? And no, chess isn't a boring game.

I find it boring. Due to limited options (same army, EXACTLY?), simplistic rules (don't bullshit me here, the game has really simple rules) and that it's not my kind of tactical/ strategy (I prefer more detailed board/table top games that a) have lot's of options and b) various circumstances and situations).
Did he try to play chess in real-time too ?

Of course he did; it's an outdated mechanic. Alas, those ignorant chess-players never understood Todd's vision. He even came up with a mechanic that allowed both players to win so they can feel significant without effort.

If it wasn't for those elitists who kicked Todd out of their club, chess might have been the most popular game on earth today...
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You just suck at the game, Dr Fallout, admit it.

Actually I'm decent, not extremely good (like some people I know, phew can they play the game), probably because I rarely play it. When I do, I do well but not anything special. So you could say that I suck at it, only if you find averages shitty. I'm pretty good at other board games, even if my luck is shitty.
Did he try to play chess in real-time too ?

Of course he did; it's an outdated mechanic. Alas, those ignorant chess-players never understood Todd's vision. He even came up with a mechanic that allowed both players to win so they can feel significant without effort.

If it wasn't for those elitists who kicked Todd out of their club, chess might have been the most popular game on earth today...

The point when he also suggested to the club to play it in first person, with paint guns, runing trough the woods in the forest, though was when they decided that the chess club wasn't the correct environment for him anymore ...
Chess isn't limited. If it was then people wouldn't be writing theoretical books and treatises about it since the 16th Century. The literature about chess is without doubt bigger than all the other games combine together.

Simple rules don't make a game simple and limited, otherwise weiqi/go would be the more limited game ever.

I'm not going to explain why chess is complex and awesome, because I don't really care. But if you found the game boring, it's probably because you were playing low level chess, or against low level player (which is the same).
He wanted to use his turn to shoot their chess pieces in the head instead of moving one of his pieces since he had all 8s for is stats.
What did he said about chess? And no, chess isn't a boring game.

I find it boring. Due to limited options (same army, EXACTLY?), simplistic rules (don't bullshit me here, the game has really simple rules) and that it's not my kind of tactical/ strategy (I prefer more detailed board/table top games that a) have lot's of options and b) various circumstances and situations).

You are downright wrong about the simplicity of Chess. Really simple rules? Ever heard simple to learn, difficult to master?
I find it boring. Due to limited options (same army, EXACTLY?), simplistic rules (don't bullshit me here, the game has really simple rules) and that it's not my kind of tactical/ strategy (I prefer more detailed board/table top games that a) have lot's of options and b) various circumstances and situations).
Limited? Chess has more possibilities of strategy than a lot of strategy video games out there. Saying chess doesn't have "various circumstances and situations" leads me to believe you don't actually know much about chess, considering the huge amount of situations you can end up with, multiplied by all the ones that can come up depending on how you or your opponent react. Add potential factors like time, how many pieces are left, etc. and you'll understand why chess has been a classic for so long. Just because the rules are, on paper, simplistic, doesn't mean the game isn't interesting and varied, because that small amount of rules is sufficiently complex to branch out to a multitude of scenarios (which is why the learning curve is so steep at higher levels). But that's a topic for another time.
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