Total Recall remake


Still Mildly Glowing
In response to the upcoming remake of the classic movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, I thought I'd open a thread to discuss it :)
Have you ever seen the original? Did you like the original? If so, what are your thoughts on a remake? Do you think that will be any good?
Not sure. We know how the first ended. How will this movie suprise me? Hot chicks in it though.
The first movie was great entertainment but I always felt that the actual plot was a bit...plot hole-ish...

I'm not looking forward at the remake at all. The eighties had a certain style for action movies that has gone completely lost.
Isn't the new one supposed to be closer to the book or am I mixing that up with something else?
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
The first movie was great entertainment but I always felt that the actual plot was a bit...plot hole-ish...

I'm not looking forward at the remake at all. The eighties had a certain style for action movies that has gone completely lost.

Did you see that "Miami Vice" movie they made?
My god, what a total misfire that was... The original concept, attitude, content, character, vibe is over *heeere*, while the remake was way, way over *theeere*
Also, in the 80s you could get away with brutality that in todays cinema, with todays approach to realism, would seem totally over the top (Miami Vice and John Rambo are excellent examples of the failure of trying to translate 80s butchyness to newer movies)

As a whole, the idea of remakes, for any reason, seems rather childish to me. "We can make it better", a movie is a piece of art. Who goes around re-making old paintings? Sure Guernica could be remade, with "more realism!", "less cubism!", but we all know that it would be total bullshit to do so.
Let movies be unremade :(
zegh8578 said:
Did you see that "Miami Vice" movie they made?

My god, what a total misfire that was... The original concept, attitude, content, character, vibe is over *heeere*, while the remake was way, way over *theeere*

Didn't see it, but what you describe is exactly what I heard.

Also, in the 80s you could get away with brutality that in todays cinema, with todays approach to realism, would seem totally over the top (Miami Vice and John Rambo are excellent examples of the failure of trying to translate 80s butchyness to newer movies)

It's not just that, back then action movies knew how much they had to take themselves seriously. Commando is one of my favourite action movies ever and it's an absolute riot, you could feel how much fun the actors had while filming it. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that a movie like that can be made today.

Obligatory Commando clip.

Incidentally Commando will also have a remake that, reportedly, will have a more realistic approach. Another movie I won't watch.

As a whole, the idea of remakes, for any reason, seems rather childish to me. "We can make it better", a movie is a piece of art.

I don't think that nowadays they remake old stuff because they think they can make it better but simply because they are running out of ideas. :|
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
It's not just that, back then action movies knew how much they had to take themselves seriously. Commando is one of my favourite action movies ever and it's an absolute riot, you could feel how much fun the actors had while filming it. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that a movie like that can be made today.

Obligatory Commando clip.

Very good point, and the clip examplifies it exactly. That dark gallows humor is something that is important in keeping all this excessive violence together.
What would that scene be, without the humor, and with more realism? It would only turn "our hero" into a despicable sadist with no redeeming features - a sensation I felt a lot watching "Miami Vice"
I just have one thing to say to Hollywood: Be original, and please stop making remakes because you know it's almost assured to make money instead of risking in producing new, innovative and original films.

Who is producing this sequel now? MDM Studios? (MDM standing for Metric Driven Movies)
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
I don't think that nowadays they remake old stuff because they think they can make it better but simply because they are running out of ideas. :|
Or because they do it already for the last 80 years. I mean what do you think how many of the "awesome" movies in the 80s have been actually a remake from the movies people saw in the 20s and 50/60s. There are quite some.

Same with songs. Now that I am searching again for many of the old songs from the 80s I slowly realize how many of them have been actually a "copy" from the songs made in the 50s and 60s just this time as rock version or what ever.

A remake can be "good". But it needs time that people forget about it.

Also it turns out the expandebles have been a remake from The Scorpion force.



Oh if only ...
Erm I'd just like to point out that Total Recall wasn't from the 1980's, but from the year 1990...

The plot is most probably going to be different though, Mars isn't even going to be featured in the remake. Hence, the crux of the movie will most likely differ from the original.
Yeah, because the style of a decade ends precisely the on January 1st of the next decade. Come ooon.

Or because they do it already for the last 80 years. I mean what do you think how many of the "awesome" movies in the 80s have been actually a remake from the movies people saw in the 20s and 50/60s. There are quite some.

Maybe I'm just naive but I don't think they were doing those only because they were running out of ideas.
of course not and I am sure they are not doing it today either all the time because they run out of ideas. I have this crazy idea that some people really think it would be great to tell some old story again but in new ways. Its not just black and white. Even though I do agree we would do better if there would be "less" prequels, sequels, remakes here and there.

I am just saying many of the movies we enjoy today as "classics" have been using many old movies as inspiration.

Or the way of story telling. I mean take Star Wars. One of the most successful movies ever. Is the concept they have there really that new after all? You have a typical "fairy tale" here. A fantasy setting. Just in space. Knights, swords, yeah magic even its all there. Evil vs God, father vs son. The story inside of Star Wars is nothing new, neither is the concept unknown. But its not really that important if the concept is old or new. It depends what you do with it and if the way you do it is "good". And that is the difficult part.

People would be surprised for example how close actually the matrix is to an old movie called Dark City. Its not a direct "copy" of course but the core and message is pretty similar. Hell so much that even the "artistical" side of it is extremely similar both movies have a very dark and gritty feel with the world which is almost surreal. And both characters share many similar traits.
The Matrix si very similar to a lot of movies, the Matrix si almost completely devoid of actual creativity it's pretty sad they let the same guys that made them "adapt" V for Vendetta.
Am I the only one who thought Total Recall was cheesy crap. A remake of cheesy crap, is cheesy crap with extra cheese. :roll:
.Pixote. said:
Am I the only one who thought Total Recall was cheesy crap.

It was sort of crap, I suppose. I still do remember that lady's head exploding though from back when I was a kid, it felt really weird for me.

Nevertheless, 2 hours of cheesy action can give you a headache, especially considering a movie like Predator, from a similar era of films, gives far more fun (especially with its one liners).
Walpknut said:
The Matrix si very similar to a lot of movies, the Matrix si almost completely devoid of actual creativity it's pretty sad they let the same guys that made them "adapt" V for Vendetta.

Dude. The first Matrix movie is brilliant. It's the sequels that sucked ass.
lol so Hollywood is so out of ideas that it is now remaking crappy Arnold movies? Don't get me wrong I'm sure the book was a great piece of sci-fi but come ooon.

I do agree though that there's nothing wrong with taking influences and different lore to make something where the end result seems new and fresh (i.e. star wars and the matrix) but all of these remakes are just ridiculous.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
They really don't make many action movies like it anymore, this scene is perfect:

Ultra violence, light my way. :)

The diifference with the same scene in the remake is jarring.

Another weird thing in a lot of action movies in the last 15 years or so is how much character development they shoehorn in, with subplots, flashback and the like. Which very often in the end only slows down the movie and makes it longer, and is useless since the character still end up being unlikable bidimensional cardboard cutout.
Am I the only one that hated Commando? Yeah the remakes are starting to drive me insane, but this one looks like it will be a little different. Staying closer to the book may be a good idea this time around.