Trump is winning

Sure, but is rejecting the system worth losing the other battles? It's better to work within the system to change it, than to just reject it and have nothing change. Where at all possible, I do vote third party. I'm registered independent. I try and look at people's actual policy instead of just party. But throwing a temper tantrum, and just leaving isn't thr way to do it. Contact your senators and representatives (state and federal), and urge them to get rid of FPTP, put a stop to gerrymandering, and limit the effects of money in politics, all things that cement the parties' power.
This all sounds well and good, and yet you're still voting for the detestable Hillary because "She's better than the other guy I guess".
I'll be staying home this election.
Sure, but is rejecting the system worth losing the other battles? It's better to work within the system to change it, than to just reject it and have nothing change. Where at all possible, I do vote third party. I'm registered independent. I try and look at people's actual policy instead of just party. But throwing a temper tantrum, and just leaving isn't thr way to do it. Contact your senators and representatives (state and federal), and urge them to get rid of FPTP, put a stop to gerrymandering, and limit the effects of money in politics, all things that cement the parties' power.

Mhmm. Keeping making those jokes man, they are really funny. Oh. You mean you're serious?
Mhmm. Keeping making those jokes man, they are really funny. Oh. You mean you're serious?
Why would I not be. I want to push for IRV, but just going "I'm not voting 'till I get want I want!" isn't going to get anywhere. Short of revaluation, the only way to get things done in this instance is to push for change from within. That means getting groups started, getting people elected who also support it, getting it to the national stage. And I think this election, with two awful candidates, is the perfect time to do so.
Not really. She's a lying, ideologically bankrupt warmonger and power-seeker.
Well, the alternative is an ideologically bankrupt warmonger and power-seeker; the only real difference is that he's a rich douche and she's a traitorous cunt. So that whole Giant Douche/Turd Sandwich comparison is quite accurate, huh.
What actual basis in reality is there for the claim that Trump is a warmonger?
That almost every President of the last 60 years was one.
The road to win the minds and hearts of america is a good nice war! And with war we mean one where (almost) no american dies while 100 000 civilians are hit from rocket guided missiles, preferably from drones, breaching god knows how many foreign airspace.

Does anyone even know what Trump is about? Clearly TwoFace is a terrible choice, but at least you kind of know what she is about. Who the fuck knows what Trump is actually thinking? I am not following this closely, but from the little i saw, it seems he just says whatever fits the moment. Does he even have any concrete policies in mind?
Trump is about being in peoples face.
In power, he will simply have to find faces to be in.
Well obviously the only candidate who wants good relations with Russia must be the one who wants nuclear war. That makes sense right?

“At a certain point, when that sucker comes by you, you gotta shoot, Trump said of Russian planes barrel-rolling over U.S. Air Force planes."
Not sure if Trump really wants good relations with Russia. I have seen a poll that said that Trump is really popular in Russia and I believe it. Then again, so was Nixon. The Russians like US leaders who are as scummy as possible, that way their own scumminess is overshadowed. They can point them out to the little kids and say "Look at that evil yank leader. See how evil he is?" More difficult to do with someone like Hillary.
“At a certain point, when that sucker comes by you, you gotta shoot, Trump said of Russian planes barrel-rolling over U.S. Air Force planes."
I said "good relations" with Russia not "bending over and taking it" from Russia. Obviously even if two countries are friendly they still have to show eachother that they're not pushovers. That comment that Trump made was more reasonable and less hostile than the majority of words said and actions taken by Obama and the other candidates. Not to mention the fact that, that's one quote cherry picked despite there being numerous comments made by both Trump and Putin that show they're both willing and able to have a more amicable relationship, especially compared to the previous administration.
Not sure if Trump really wants good relations with Russia. I have seen a poll that said that Trump is really popular in Russia and I believe it. Then again, so was Nixon. The Russians like US leaders who are as scummy as possible, that way their own scumminess is overshadowed. They can point them out to the little kids and say "Look at that evil yank leader. See how evil he is?" More difficult to do with someone like Hillary.

That's a good one.
I said "good relations" with Russia not "bending over and taking it" from Russia. Obviously even if two countries are friendly they still have to show eachother that they're not pushovers. That comment that Trump made was more reasonable and less hostile than the majority of words said and actions taken by Obama and the other candidates. Not to mention the fact that, that's one quote cherry picked despite there being numerous comments made by both Trump and Putin that show they're both willing and able to have a more amicable relationship, especially compared to the previous administration.

"In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump trumpeted their admiration for each other. But now Putin figures as a villain in the Trump campaign's attack ad on Hillary Clinton, and the Kremlin doesn’t like it one bit.

“We assess this negatively,” Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday when asked about the video Trump posted to Instagram a day earlier, according to Russia Today."

I think you are wasting your time by trying to read something from their comments. Neither of them have a good record at telling the truth and they change their positions almost daily.
"In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump trumpeted their admiration for each other. But now Putin figures as a villain in the Trump campaign's attack ad on Hillary Clinton, and the Kremlin doesn’t like it one bit.
I'd like to know what lovely and unbiased news source this quote and the rest of your opinions came from.

EDIT: Also people keep calling Trump a flip flopper but never give a single example. Please, if you have an actual proof to back up this claim I'd love for someone to post it for once.
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