Trump is winning

Vergil, you ... you don't even realize the hypocrisy in your posts anymore, do you? I am pretty confident, if we would be talkingabout Hillary right now and some 11 year old joke like a conversation where she says something like "cut off his penis", you would be all over it rubbing it under everyones nose how much of a shitty leader she is. But when Trump makes it ... then it is alright. I mean hey! He's your man!

got America into WWII
Yeah man ... this ... damn asshole! How could he get the Germans and Japanese to declare war on the US.
Polls show that the manufactured outrage with the tapes is just that, manufactured bullshit that hasn't effected Trump at all. Also yes it is due process. He's going to get someone to look into her shady business and if they find out she's broken the law (she has) she'll be arrested. He's not going to tear down her down with a SWAT team and just shove her in jail immediately.

I'm kinda interested in what sort of polls made you draw those conclusions. Those I saw were pretty damning against Trump, albeit they were obviously pre-debate, but also before Trump started waging war on Republican establishment in earnest and tried to pretend his own, personal electoral base was enough to win him the election, which is pure delusion if he really believes it.
Vergil, you ... you don't even realize the hyocrizy in your posts anymore, do you? I am pretty confident, if we would be talkingabout Hillary right now and some 11 year old joke like a conversation where she says something like "cut off his penis", you would be all over it rubbing it under everyones nose how much of a shitty leader she is. But when Trump makes it ... then it is alright. I mean hey! He's your man!
Baseless conjecture. Glad to see you've just gone full on making shit up now.
Thanks for telling me how I would 100% factually act in your own hypothetical, made up scenario where you decide what I do. How can Vergil ever recover?
You know I bet if you were in front of me you'd blow me right then and there while telling me how much you "hate niggers". Can't deny it, I just know it's true, your hypothetical actions in this hypothetical situation I just created in my mind is totally factual and a real argument. :D
Yeah man ... this ... damn asshole! How could he get the Germans and Japanese to declare war on the US.
Well yea, the US was the one who provoked Japan by not staying neutral and cutting off Japan from much needed resources and then just letting Pearl Harbour happen despite warning beforehand.
Eh, I meant if Clinton made some kind of ultra-kill-every-male-feminist remark, you know. You can be damn sure that people like Vergil would be in a tantrum right now, to prove how much of a cunt she, a lizard hiding under human skin with the whole target to destroy humanity once she assumes office.

Baseless conjecture. Glad to see you've just gone full on making shit up now.
See, many people here will agree with you that Clinton isn't really a great person either. But at least I am not trying to find excuses for heir scandals you know. The fact that you're finding all kinds of explanations, excuses and downlplaying Trumps attitude isn't simply baseless conjencture.

Well yea, the US was the one who provoked Japan by not staying neutral and cutting off Japan from much needed resources and then just letting Pearl Harbour happen despite warning beforehand.
Yeah man, didn't I already say what an huge and giant asshole of a president he was for telling expansionist and fascist empires to stop their agressive war mongering? I am all with you on that one!
In all seriousness. What did Japan thought would happen when they continued with their expansionist policy, that was even criticised heavily by some Japanese officials, well up to the pont when the military took over and leading the nation in a war they had absolutey zero hope to win.
In all seriousness. What did Japan thought would happen when they continued with their expansionist policy, that was even criticised heavily by some Japanese officials, well up to the pont when the military took over and thew the nation in a war they had absolutey zero hope to win.
They wanted to rival the Colonial powers and affirm their place in the sun? Not to forget they needed lots of resources being an industrial nation without much natural resources.
Eh, I meant if Clinton made some kind of ultra-kill-every-male-feminist remark, you know. You can be damn sure that people like Vergil would be in a tantrum right now, to prove how much of a cunt she, a lizard hiding under human skin with the whole target to destroy humanity once she assumes office.
Hypothetical situations you made up and made hypothetical me give a hypothetical response to in this example where you control everything isn't an argument.
But at least I am not trying to find excuses for heir scandals you know. The fact that you're finding all kinds of explanations, excuses and downlplaying Trumps attitude isn't simply baseless conjencture.
Trump saying bad words with a buddy in the back of a bus 11 years ago isn't a scandal. It's desperate reaching by his enemies to find something against him. I've literally seen you and many others on here say worse things than he did, also in jest and this is a public website.
The fact that you're seriously comparing vulgar jokes to actual sexual assault is almost hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
Yeah man, didn't I already say what an huge and giant asshole of a president he was for telling expansionist and fascist empires to stop their agressive war mongering? I am all with you on that one!
If he really cared he wouldn't have given himself so much power in his own country and then also pretend to be neutral for many years and would have just jumped in to fight them from the start.
In all seriousness. What did Japan thought would happen when they continued with their expansionist policy, that was even criticised heavily by some Japanese officials, well up to the pont when the military took over and leading the nation in a war they had absolutey zero hope to win.
Well they were winning and tearing China a new asshole until America got involved so I'm guessing they'd own most of East Asia.
Yeah, and of course Japan had to colonize the shit out of China and make Korea a literaly a slave state to achieve that. Why don't we ask all the rape victims in Korea is on that matter or the prisoners of unit 731 what their opinion. I am pretty sure they will be very understanding, of course.

Trump saying bad words with a buddy in the back of a bus 11 years ago isn't a scandal.
He's constantly talking trash about all kinds of people.

Well they were winning and tearing China a new asshole until America got involved so I'm guessing they'd own most of East Asia.
Not just that, they literaly performed a genoicde there. Japan has been described as the nazis of the Pacific. And that for a reason.
Seriously, what's next guys? Finding excuses for the concentration camps, the hollocaust and anti-semitism?
Yeah, and of course Japan had to colonize the shit out of China and make Korea a literaly a slave state to achieve that. Why don't we ask all the rape victims in Korea is on that matter or the prisoners of unit 731 what their opinion. I am pretty sure they will be very understanding, of course.
This is so relevant.
He's constantly talking trash about all kinds of people.
I know in Germany you can get arrested for saying certain things but we have free speech here. Sorry if he hurt someones feeling :(
You know what, that's no leader I want, we don't need a strong leader, we need feels over reals :(
Talking trash oh Lord someone arrest this madman! I NEED MY SAFE SPACE!
Yeah, a strong leader like Bush I assume who might or might not get you in new wars. But on the other hand ... you might get that with CLinton as well. But hey, it's your tax money.

This is so relevant.
Dude, you're the one who's excusing Japans foreign policy. Aren't you an american or something? No one here is blaming every Japanese or German individual, but there can be no doubt that both nations headed into full confrontation and knew very well that their politics would get them in to war sooner or later.
Yeah, a strong leader like Bush I assume who might or might not get you in new wars. But on the other hand ... you might get that with CLinton as well. But hey, it's your tax money.
What the hell are you even talking about now? Bush was a fucking chimp in a suit his entire presidency. Trump just got done stomping a Bush into the dirt during the primary and now he's just like them?
Dude, you're the one who's excusing Japans foreign policy. Aren't you an american or something? No one here is blaming every Japanese or German individual, but there can be no doubt that both nations headed into full confrontation and knew very well that their politics would get them in to war sooner or later.
Well it was the jews fault so you can't really blame them there.
[QUOTE="Vergil, post: 4189061, member: 76689"Well it was the jews fault so you can't really blame them there.[/QUOTE]

I feel like when someone says this in a serious political discussion, it's ok to stop listening to them because they literally have no basis in reality for their politics.
I feel like when someone says this in a serious political discussion, it's ok to stop listening to them because they literally have no basis in reality for their politics.
I literally could have put "THIS IS A JOKE" in big red letters right next to it and it still wouldn't have been anymore blatantly obvious that I wasn't being serious. Congratulations sweetheart, you played yourself.
Polls show that the manufactured outrage with the tapes is just that, manufactured bullshit that hasn't effected Trump at all.
Actually the polls are saying that he got damaged by the tapes:
Although voters overall are split over the impact of the 2005 tape of Trump describing kissing and touching women's bodies without their consent, less than a quarter of Republicans say that the revelations should be grounds for other GOP Senate and House candidates to drop their backing of Trump (nine percent) or call for him to drop out of the race (14 percent.)

A total of 52 percent of respondents say that the audiotape should be an issue in the campaign, while 42 percent say it should not be an issue.

While 31 percent of voters say Trump's comments about women were "Inappropriate, but typical of how some men talk in private with other men," a larger share - 41 percent - say the remarks were "completely unacceptable."
And here:

It doesn't sound good for Trump at all. :eyebrow:
With these kinds of opinions your either a 40 year old neo nazi with muscles and tatoos, or some kid who just got out of high school and is a bit confused

And I'm seriously doubting the former.
While I strongly disagree with Vergil on many things... you realize that kind of bullshit is EXACTLY what many neo-nazis or Holocaust deniers use to show how stupid and sheeplike everyone is because they use petty insults (ironic I know)?

There's more to a neo nazi then those two stereotypes.
There's more to a neo nazi then those two stereotypes.

Only one kind's any good for anything tho