Trump is winning

>poll that has Shillary 10+ points above Trump was conducted by one of her superpacs

>CNN (fun fact, moderator Anderson Cooper was a part of the Clinton Global Initiative in the past) caught coaching voters on what to say

wtf i love the lügenpresse now

Reminder that """"""unbiased""""" media in Britain had remain at 10+ points ahead the day before the referendum.
Maybe it's because you think "McCarthy Was Right" is a thing worth saying, man. You still haven't cited any sources on that.

"I mentioned awhile back some remarks by anti-Semites, all of them absurd: "I hate Jews because they make servants insubordinate, because a Jewish furrier robbed me, etc." Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. It is not that they are afraid of being convinced. They fear only to appear ridiculous or to prejudice by their embarrassment their hope of winning over some third person to their side." --Jean-Paul Sartre
So you don't think that communism was a real threat to the US, and that communist spies and sympathizers had the intention of infiltrating the government (those that had not already succeeded in that task)?

And how is quoting a bad writer's attempt at virtue-signaling relevant?
So you don't think that communism was a real threat to the US, and that communist spies and sympathizers had the intention of infiltrating the government (those that had not already succeeded in that task)?

And how is quoting a bad writer's attempt at virtue-signaling relevant?

I don't think Communism is a problem, if that's what you're asking. And virtue-signaling isn't real you weirdo.

Is there any information on what he got the award for? I thought at first that it might have been because of his foundation that he started in 1988, but does not seem to be so:

Donald Trump established the Donald J. Trump Foundation in 1988 as a private foundation.[6][7][8] Private foundations are generally used to receive donations from "only one individual, family, or corporation."[9] Its original purpose was to give away personal proceeds from the book Trump: The Art of the Deal.

In 1988, Trump set up the Donald J. Trump Foundation to give away royalties from the book's sales, promising four or five million dollars "To the homeless, to Vietnam veterans, for AIDS, multiple sclerosis" in Trump's words.[19][21] According to a Washington Post investigation those donations largely did not happen: the paper said "he gave less to those causes than he did to his older daughter's ballet school."[21] The Washington Post asked Trump's campaign if Trump had donated the $55,000 Trump earned in the first six months of 2016 to charity, as he promised in the 1980s, and it did not respond.

Donald Trump gave a total of $5.4 million to his foundation from 1988 through 2008.[15] Since 2008, Trump has made no personal gifts to the foundation and it has relied solely on outside donors, some of whom have done business with Trump or the Trump Organization.

He did donate 5.4 million dollars, but that's over 20 years and not exactly clear what it was spent on (some of that money (not a big sum though) might have been spent on those Donald Trump paintings and that helmet).
Shouldn't someone change the thread title to reflect reality? Trump will most likely lose pretty big.
Then again, I guess it perfectly illustrates that trumpkins seem to be living in an alternate universe.
If you vote for Trump, he will star a nuclear war.
If you vote for Hillary, she will start a nuclear war.

Gosh. I am so glad that this shitty ellection will be over soon. Seriously, at this point I don't even care who wins. Hillary is a secret lizard alien out there to destroy the human race and Trump is Hitler 2.0. It's like a lot of people know nothing else but extremes.
For gods sake, people need to cut it the fuck out with the fear mongering, nuclear war scenario. The worst that could happen at this point is the stupid proxy fighting continues. Putin KNOWS, ATM, he is no match for the U.S. BUT, he ALSO knows that Obamas a weak little bitch willing to play 'fair', while everyone else cheats like crazy.

So he goads Obama, little by little, to see how many concessions he can extract out of us. We already gave Iran a shit ton of money so why not try to get Obama and the EU to atleast drop sanctions by doing adding damage to an already fucked up ME.

IMO, Bernie brought out the worst in the liberal left with his pandering and so the conservatives fought back with whatever they had, Trump. Seriously, Trump normally would have been laughed out of the room. The absolute EXTREME left, and BLM, among others, came out in droves and literally scared the fucking shit out of the other side. So much so that the right responded with a knee jerk, damage control reaction.

It is so bad that even the clueless Stein and Johnson, who are clearly crazy, are getting more mentions now.

In a way, it is kind of like Brexit. Nigel made this giant fucking hubbub about how the Brits were getting fucked and scared the shit out the right and they all voted to leave.
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If Sanders is extreme left.... Shit, what is Lenin now?

If you listen to the US media, the hard-line USSR communists were "conservatives" back when Reagan was in office. Of course, most of the policies endorsed by the US Communist Party are also endorsed by the Democrats.

You can't even get people to admit the Nazis were socialists, and very Progressive for their time. It's like they never wrote the 25 Points.
If you listen to the US media, the hard-line USSR communists were "conservatives" back when Reagan was in office. Of course, most of the policies endorsed by the US Communist Party are also endorsed by the Democrats.

You can't even get people to admit the Nazis were socialists, and very Progressive for their time. It's like they never wrote the 25 Points.
To be fair Marxist Socialism and National Socialism are two very different things.
To be fair Marxist Socialism and National Socialism are two very different things.

On the surface, I'd agree, but they used the same methods to attain power, and I don't think you could say one was really more brutal to the disfavored than the other. Would you rather be worked to death in a Siberian gulag or a Nazi concentration camp? It almost makes the gas chambers look humane in comparison, although I would never claim the Nazis had compassion for the gassed in mind.
On the surface, I'd agree, but they used the same methods to attain power,
The National Socialists got voted into power and the Communists had a violent revolution where they murdered the entire royal family. Kind of different.
I don't think you could say one was really more brutal to the disfavored than the other.
The number of deaths from each beg to differ.
Would you rather be worked to death in a Siberian gulag or a Nazi concentration camp?
Well I'm not jewish and the main cause of death in the camps was Typhus I'd go with Germany.
It almost makes the gas chambers look humane in comparison, although I would never claim the Nazis had compassion for the gassed in mind.
There were no gas chambers. :V