Trump wins

Yeah, it's a real damn shame when the REPUBLICANS scoop up the working classes better then the left does. Last time I checked, the point of the left was to make working conditions better.
And instead of some critical thinking we get people blaming white men, sexism, racism, fucking Gamergate, and everyone but the Democrats for Trump's win. It's hilarious and sad.
In Germany we recently had an article that actually blamed sports because sports on TV are all macho and about winning and so on.
And instead of some critical thinking we get people blaming white men, sexism, racism, fucking Gamergate, and everyone but the Democrats for Trump's win. It's hilarious and sad.
In Germany we recently had an article that actually blamed sports because sports on TV are all macho and about winning and so on.
Yeesh, the left has really went down the drain. I guess that's because of vilification of anything socialist or leftist, due to the Soviet Union, in the US. Seeing as that was discouraged and disagreed with (USSR ain't exactly the... nicest of nations) most leftists instead aimed at something else rather then worker's rights (because that was too close to what the dirty commies wanted) and hence became more about the rights of the minorities which is both safe AND looks good (gone were the days of casual and widespread racism). Sadly, they aimed at them far too much now and never went back because they won. They're the good guys now and have no reason to try something new.

Also, I love Germany but sometimes...
Not a biased source at all but whatever:
UPDATE: GrubHub Loses MILLIONS After CEO Demands Trump Voters Resign
"On Wednesday, the CEO of online food delivery service GrubHub, Matt Maloney, sent out an message to all of his employees bashing President-elect Donald Trump and saying that any employees who agreed with Trump should turn in their resignations.

While anti-Trump liberals cheered the purportedly principled move, investors and consumers booed, as was reflected by the significant dip their market shares took following the announcement, according to Investing.

Shares of GrubHub were down roughly 5 percent on the day, about -$1.70 per share, bringing the value of GrubHub stock down to about $35.37. Over the two days since Maloney’s statement was released, shares were down more than 9.4 percent total."

You make it sound like I support some revolutionary far left movement or whatever. I want the current (european) mainstream left to change because while I (used to) agree with a lot of their points on social democracy, I strongly disagree with the pseudomarxist/poststructuralist/intersectionalist influence that undermines the mainstream left right now. My hope is that the current mainstream left realizes that they can't go on like this, that these influences make them toxic.
An educated man does not favor attributes. An educated man examines every side with equal detail and scrutiny.
In life, there are layers of knowledge, I am familiar to the one you are suggesting, but I am not saying that you a wrong at your perception at that level, I am calling at your level of perception specifically, suggesting your pathways got lazy. Do your homework. Be the man of science and knowledge.
Right now, your opinion does not sound like your own.
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An educated man does not favor attributes. An educated man examine every side with equal detail and scrutiny.
In life, there are layers of knowledge, I am familiar to the one you are suggesting, but I am not saying that you a wrong at your perception at that level, I am calling at your level of perception specifically, suggesting your pathways got lazy. Do your homework. Be the man of science and knowledge.
Right now, your opinion does not sound like your own.
What the fuck are you even talking about? You don't really know anything about my specific political beliefs and what I do or do not favour. Seriously. You don't get to call me lazy when you don't know shit about my positions or how I got to them. Fuck off.
What the fuck are you even talking about? You don't really know anything about my specific political beliefs and what I do or do not favour. Seriously. You don't get to call me lazy when you don't know shit about my positions or how I got to them. Fuck off.
Why so angry?
There are not many things that I hate more than this kind of behaviour, accusing people of mental laziness and stupidity out of sheer arrogance.
What the fuck are you even talking about? You don't really know anything about me. Seriously. You don't get to call me arrogant when you don't know shit about my positions or how I got to them. Fuck off.
Right now, your opinion does not sound like your own.
And yours is? Or mine for that matter? Seriously, who has a really 'original' opinion in this time and age anyway ... I am not saying this to insult someone. But we are all just the sum of our experiences in the end. I doubt that someone herein this topic, has REALLY formed his own thesis and theory on something or what ever. Let us be serious, everybody here puts his pants on the same way as you.
Accusing Hass of being 'un-original' simply seems kinda smug.
It wasn't really a point on originality, more-so, questioning what you know. This is a battle I can't win, so I will throw in the towel. Everyone has an opinion that they are entitled to, and that opinion is valid to them.
There is nothing wrong with deconstructing ones own views and the information that is abound. That is what I was suggesting. Questioning what you know. I also said it in a way that was, what I felt was respectful, not smug or arrogant. For a person to think that their thought process and conclusions are infallible, suggests close minded arrogance. Suggesting someone consider that there is more to the picture then they lead to believe is not.

Arrogance: an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people.

I didn't do that.

Cognitive Laziness: To accept our initial impression of the problem that it encounters, settle on an initial perspective we don’t seek alternative ways of looking at the problem.

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Yeesh, the left has really went down the drain. I guess that's because of vilification of anything socialist or leftist, due to the Soviet Union, in the US. Seeing as that was discouraged and disagreed with (USSR ain't exactly the... nicest of nations) most leftists instead aimed at something else rather then worker's rights (because that was too close to what the dirty commies wanted) and hence became more about the rights of the minorities which is both safe AND looks good (gone were the days of casual and widespread racism). Sadly, they aimed at them far too much now and never went back because they won. They're the good guys now and have no reason to try something new.

Also, I love Germany but sometimes...

Of course, the USA has always hated the Left well before the Nazis let alone the Soviet Union. In the time before World War 1, they were actually bombing the unionist riots because the United States government has always sided with the rich over the working man. The Businessman's plot being one particular infamous example of how little the establishment respects even throwing the barest fig leaf toward the populace as a whole. Ask why the Democrats abandoned the working class in the USA and you have to assume they were really behind them. Individuals like FDR and Teddy may steer things toward them at times but neither party has ever had a sustainable majority interest in looking after them.
Instead of real compromise, the left has gone extreme. Workers rights have been shit on in favor of super green hippiness.

Hillary could have gotten the coal vote but she was too busy promising to shut down these peoples plants/their livelihoods. Pandering to Berners who had made it clear that they would NEVER vote for her?

Saying stupid shit like copying what Bernie said about how 'White people/other minorities do not know what it feels like to be poor.' He is essentially saying that no other minority knows about being poor EXCEPT blacks.

The age old cry of 'poverty=equals crime', which is total bullshit as other poor migrants of different ethnicities have PROVEN.

Dems went from making some sense to being totally fucking absurd.
Hamilton cast vs. Pence! Trump horrified at the singing pretty brown people!
Keep calling Trump racist.
The more times you say this stupid shit the more powerful he and the Right becomes. It's amazing after getting landslided against in the election you liberals still just don't get it.

btw lol nice crying about "muh wacism" considering they refused to even hire Whites for a play about White people.

Please cry more about evil whitey whitewashing everything tho.
It wasn't a landslide
My bad, he was off by 10 delegates.
Hey, remember when we laughed about "safe spaces" and hurt feelings and special snowflakes?
Fear not, Trump is gonna make safe spaces great again!
Theres a difference between a safe space and the cast of a play stopping the play everyone came to watch and soapbox their retarded politics to an audience who came there to see a play not watch people cry about losing the election some more.
If you were watching a movie at a theater and suddenly the projectionist stopped playing the movie and got on a mic and started talking about how Hitler did nothing wrong would you not be annoyed and tell him to fuck off?
Vergil, if you'd get yourself out of your echo chamber for a bit you'd note the bigger issue is the fact the President of the United States elect thinks he needs to defend his VP from a bunch of Broadway stars. That's the issue.

It's like Nixon criticizing the cast of Hairspray.