Trump wins

Is it not uncommon for them to single out members of the crowd and give a condescending lecture?
A. They were thanking him for being there

B. It was the equivalent of "We have some concerns, we hope you take the message of this musical in to account.", it was barely a lecture.

C. If the FUTURE VICE PRESIDENT of the United States isn't comfortable with people telling him what they think of his administration, and how they think he should run it, then maybe he isn't fit for the job.
C. If the FUTURE VICE PRESIDENT of the United States isn't comfortable with people telling him what they think of his administration, and how they think he should run it, then maybe he isn't fit for the job.
I recommend actually reading threads before replying to them because I already mentioned Pence saying he personally wasn't offended so thank you for this redundant post.

No amount of damage control is gonna make the rapist of the opera over here's behavior any less of an example of bad form and soapboxing.
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Wow leftist admits to being a lying little shit and making shit up to spread disinformation.
You're definitely on the right side man. You can tell because your guys are self admitted liars, Hillary really was the perfect leftist candidate I guess.
Considering he's already a self admitted disinfo-shill and the fucking obvious fakes his sites are I doubt his claims to have tricked "so many people" considering I've never even heard of any of his shit until now.

Also how many dumbfuck leftys still think Mike Brown said "hands up, don't shoot" and other retarded false medai narrritives?
But nah it's totally only those currazee right wingers that believe retarded shit that's peddled to them, your side is perfect. This retardation is why you keep losing.
Gonna love seeing you guys squirm for eight years of Trump tbh
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You mean like your pals at Prisonplanet and Breitbert and Fox News? Fucking hypocrites man. Gotta love 'em.
You mean like your pals at Prisonplanet and Breitbert and Fox News? Fucking hypocrites man. Gotta love 'em.
Lol any news source that is at all conservative or right leaning ia terribad but all your left leaning mainstream liberal ones are a-okay. Fucking hypocrites man. Gotta love 'em.

Honestly how triggered are you that everyday for likecthe past week you come to this thread with your butthurt? If you cant handle there being one pro Trump thread without your asshole getting blown out maybe you should stick to your containment subsection
Lol any news source that is at all conservative or right leaning ia terribad but all your left leaning mainstream liberal ones are a-okay. Fucking hypocrites man. Gotta love 'em.

Honestly how triggered are you that everyday for likecthe past week you come to this thread with your butthurt? If you cant handle there being one pro Trump thread without your asshole getting blown out maybe you should stick to your containment subsection

I say they are all shit. I say any of them that spreads disinformation/propaganda are assholes that are part of the problem. I think it's funny how people eat this shit up. When people are getting their news from Facebook and blindly believing it, they are why "Change" never works out. Meet the new boss same as the old boss.

What you might not realize is I would be just as dissatisfied if Clinton won. I find it amazing how the left can be oblivious to what their problem is. Then we have Trump calling for political correctness to stop while whining that SNL is making fun of him, like they have with every single fucking candidate ever. What is even more amusing is the legions of trolls that are memeing up the internet all the while fueling the very thing that they hate - liberals and their persecution complex.

We have leaders of the alt right movement spouting off Nazi phrases while people are baffled how people could possibly be concerned with a Trump presidency. The left is no better either with their bullshit, so shut the fuck up with the whining about how they are this and that. It isn't all black and white. Didn't you faggots play Fallout? Probably started with Fallout 3, eh?

I'm just enjoying the show you delicate little cunts. Is commenting on your new messiah against the rules around here? I know you right wing neo-nazi noobs have taken over recently, but the rest of us aren't going away. You fucking toddlers and your triggered shit.

Me bitter? Fuck no. I think it's hilarious.

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Lol any news source that is at all conservative or right leaning ia terribad but all your left leaning mainstream liberal ones are a-okay. Fucking hypocrites man. Gotta love 'em.
A news source isn't bad if it's conservative, a news source is bad if it spreads bullshit. I'm sure there are plenty of liberals news sites that spread bullshit, but there are also a lot that try and report honestly. Similarly there are conservative news sites that spread bullshit, and some that are just trying to report honestly.

I'm not sure about the other two, but Fox News are known for bullshitting. Don't tell me you honestly trust everything you see on Fox.

They had an "expert" who claimed that the entirety of Birmingham was under Sharia law, and that non-muslims actively avoid the city. While there are plenty of jokes about Birmingham, literally nobody here in the UK would associate them with radical islam, nor be fearful of going in there.

Lets not forget how Fox News constantly spreads disinformation about areas of London and Paris are "No-Go Zones", which is complete bull.

Or how about cases like this where they make full-out blunders:
I say this to everyone but the democrats put out their worst person while the republicans put out their best.

This whole thing has really made me question the politics of the left and that's sad because I consider myself left as well.

But the whole 'I'm with her' thing was amazing. Really?! You're with a warmongering corrupt cooperate whore?

Or how about that this was sexist. So a democratic election is now sexism apparently.

I didn't want Trump to win as much as the next guy but we gotta hope for everyone's sake, that he is a good president.

On another note, he got extremely triggered at the cast of Hamilton for having a polite jab at Pence while Trump was insulting everyone throughout the year.
On another note, he got extremely triggered at the cast of Hamilton for having a polite jab at Pence while Trump was insulting everyone throughout the year.

If anyone it was the cast who got triggered, they felt the need to come about and spout that on stage rather than just do their normal procedure.
The important thing is that we figure out who was more triggered, let's do that right now.
I'd say the cast was about yea triggered by the presence of Pence, who was then 6.4 triggered by them addressing him when he thought he was in a safe space. So on a scale of green to potato, we have a triggering ratio of about yea to 6.4. I'd say these results are very clear and everyone can stop triggering me by being triggered by this bullshit right about now.

Inb4 ">le something something sjw cuck media Hitler was alright, I guess"