Trump wins

He just added the speech at the end for free.
Kinda like after walking my dog in the park I got some shit stuck to my shoe for free?

You guys are acting like they actively stopped in the middle of the show to lecture Pence.

It's not like performers ever give speeches to the audience AFTER the musical is over is it?

And I love how Mercenary criticized them for using """"""""""""""Personal Insults""""""""". Because voicing your concern over someone's future presidential administration is about as personal as you can get isn't it?
This is why the left will never be taken seriously, forget coming up with a proper argument and instead start talking shit about someone cause why not? They only lost the election for insulting everyone, good job. If someone wants to voice their opinion then why not go to twatter to make pointless comments? It's like making a movie and then at the end credits going out of your way to insult someone you don't like...for free!
This is why the left will never be taken seriously, forget coming up with a proper argument and instead start talking shit about someone cause why not?
It's like making a movie and then at the end credits going out of your way to insult someone you don't like...for free!
Except they never talked shit about Mike Pence, nor did they ever insult him they simply said they had some concerns over his future administration.


Please point out the parts where they were "Talking shit" or "Insulting someone they don't like"
Except they never talked shit about Mike Pence, nor did they ever insult him they simply said they had some concerns over his future administration.


Please point out the parts where they were "Talking shit" or "Insulting someone they don't like"
He was talking down to and lecturing Pence by implying that he's racist/sexist by saying that they think Trump's new administration won't "protect them" because of whatever reason.
The point is Mr. Rapist singling him out publicly and randomly making things political was retarded and bad form.
He was talking down to and lecturing Pence by implying that he's racist/sexist by saying that they think Trump's new administration won't "protect them" because of whateverr reason.
IDK, I think it's kinda a valid point to think that Pence, a guy who supported diverting HIV funding to "Conversion Therpay" may not do everything in his power to protect them.
The point is Mr. Rapist randomly making things political was retarded and bad form.
He had a unique opportunity to speak directly to the Vice President of the United States. Perhaps it may not have been the right time/place, but he did it respectfully as far as I'm concerned.
IDK, I think it's kinda a valid point to think that Pence, a guy who supported diverting HIV funding to "Conversion Therpay" may not do everything in his power to protect them.
Except Pence is just the VP and this man is the actual President

He had a unique opportunity to speak directly to the Vice President of the United States. Perhaps it may not have been the right time/place, but he did it respectfully as far as I'm concerned.
Right singling out a guy whose just trying to take his daughter to a play and lecturing as if you have any sort of intellectual or moral authority as some random dopey actor is nothing but respectful.
Mike Pence is vice president... he has almost no power. Tbh, it would be ironic if the Left put him into power by assassinating Donald Trump.
Mike Pence is vice president... he has almost no power. Tbh, it would be ironic if the Left put him into power by assassinating Donald Trump.

Yeah, like Cheney was just a puppet by Bush Jr. The Vice President, has a very unique position, as he is pretty much the next person to the President. The Vice President, can be one of the most influental people, or the most lonley person in office, if he's not good terms with the President. And considering that Trump will need every politician with experience he can get, it is not far to believe that Pence might be a very close advicor, Pence is after all, a long time player in the political game where as Trump has no experience here. What ever if you like or hate Trump, but that is a fact, he is new when it comes to this kind of politics.

Right singling out a guy whose just trying to take his daughter to a play and lecturing as if you have any sort of intellectual or moral authority as some random dopey actor is nothing but respectful.
Political Correctness and Safe Spaces I guess, are only a problem if it comes from the left. Seriously, if this already starts a 'debate', then one doesn't even want to imagine what might happen when we see some real shit flung at Trump or Pence. Do you want a President or Vice President who is so thin skinned?
You can be pretty sure, that this won't be the last time, nor the worst both Trump and Pence will hear in the next 4 years. That's simply how it is. People who hold such high positions of power - at least in democratic nations, have always to deal with something like that.

And I guess, when we insinuate questionable motives to someone like Trump, Pence or any of his advicors like Bannon, then it is bias and of course wrong. But an actor expressing legitimate concerns, can mean only one thing of course, that it is about racism. What else could it be, right?
Love it when the left media is STILL shoveling bullshit. I wonder if Trump will crush them or just let them wander about, slowly dying and rotting away as their viewers hardly help pay their finances and cause a collapse in their foundation.
Political Correctness and Safe Spaces I guess, are only a problem if it comes from the left.
Yea because calling out someone for being a retard and bringing their own politics into a play because they feel their opinion is so important is the exact same as a safe space.
Epic logic.
Political Correctness and Safe Spaces I guess, are only a problem if it comes from the left. Seriously, if this already starts a 'debate', then one doesn't even want to imagine what might happen when we see some real shit flung at Trump or Pence.
You mean the kind of shit that's been flung at Trump and Pence the whole election and even now?
Do you want a President or Vice President who is so thin skinned?
Considering Trump has taken everything in stride so far considering he's been called all sorts of horrible shit and manages to dish it right back out and Pence even said himself the speech didn't bother him and is doing dine despite half the country saying he's an evil man who wants to electrocute 6millions gays I don't really see the validity in this "thin skin" accusation (then again valid statements arren't exactly your thing it seems).
You can be pretty sure, that this won't be the last time, nor the worst both Trump and Pence will hear in the next 4 years.
It's not even the worst they've heard so far but it doesn't make it any less retarded or open to criticism
And I guess, when we insinuate questionable motives to someone like Trump, Pence or any of his advicors like Bannon, then it is bias and of course wrong.
Well because all your information you use to get those conclusions are proven totally wrong every single fucking time just cause you don't acknowledge it doesn't make it go away.
I see you still think Bannon, a man who runs a fucking organization that has an office in Israel is an anti-semite and all the other lies and slander being thrown at him.
But an actor expressing legitimate concerns, can mean only one thing of course, that it is about racism. What else could it be, right?
"legitimate concerns"

Also confirmed for never actually watching the little "speech" because he makes a point about being afraid they won't protect America's "diversity".
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Well, that is HIS opinion, you can agree or disagree with it based on your own ideas about what this presidency is and isn't. But you can't tell people to shut up, you know.
Well, that is HIS opinion, you can agree or disagree with it based on your own ideas about what this presidency is and isn't. But you can't tell people to shut up, you know.
So like if you get done watching a movie in the theater and I come out and start lecturing you on how great Hitler was you don't have the right to call me a moron for bringing my retarded politics into a random setting that doesn't call for it?

EDIT: Oh yea I forgot you live in a country that actually restricts free speech so I couldn't do that anyway I forgot.
Please "German" who if they say the wrong thing gets put in jail, lecture me on free speech.
It restricts free spech so much, that we have a Turkish-German comedian reading Mein-Kampf on the stage. In schools even! And strange enough ... it's the right that has a problem with that.

But back to Pence. It wasn't a movie theater, it was a stage with real actors, it is not uncommon that actors give a little speech AFTER the play. What they say, might not always be appropiate, sure, but it is their right to express their opinion in that moment. Sure, you can say it sucks, and make a twitter comment about it, but that kinda puts you in the same boat like all those SJWs that do nothing but complaining about people that say something 'they should not say'. And he didn't insult anyone. YOU insuniate that his spech had racial motivations. Which, what considence, is also something PC people and SJWs do constantly ... you don't even realize how much you have in common with them, right? The thing is, you're an extremist and someone who loves populism, but only when it goes your way. If something doesn't fitt your narrative, then it is vile and bad, your enemy. There literaly exists no middle ground for someone like you. Except of course, when it is about your own ideology. You're incapable of empathy to your opposition.
My favourite animal is the land-fish
that we have a Turkish-German comedian reading Mein-Kampf on the stage. In schools even! And strange enough ... it's the right that has a problem with that.
You go to jail if you raise your arm a certain way.
Also a heavily edited version of Mein Kampf with commentary =/= reading Mein Kampf
But back to Pence. It wasn't a movie theater, it was a stage with real actors, it is not uncommon that actors give a little speech AFTER the play.
Is it not uncommon for them to single out members of the crowd and give a condescending lecture?
What they say, might not always be appropiate, sure, but it is their right to express their opinion in that moment. Sure, you can say it sucks, and make a twitter comment about it, but that kinda puts you in the same boat like all those SJWs
Except I never said he didn't have the right to say it or try to make it illegal to say.
But I also have the right to call him out on being a fucking prick.
that do nothing but complaining about people that say something 'they should not say'.
Except SJWs actually want to straight up censor and make it illegal to say certain things which I never advocated for Dr. Assumption
YOU insuniate that his spech had racial motivations. Which, what considence, is also something PC people and SJWs do constantly ...
Ok actually go and read the speech please.
He explicitly references "diversity" and being afraid Trrump's administration (that has loads of minorities and women) won't represent people of differrent races/creeds/orietations etc
you don't even realize how much you have in common with them, right?
>LOL u hav strong beliefs 2???!?!?!?
>ur just liek da sjws xDDDDDDDD
That's fuckin epic dude.
If I called for mass censorship you may have a point but as usual you don't and rely on strawmen and assumptions.
I'm just calling him out on being a fucking retard. If I call someone an asshole to yelling in an restaurant am I an anti-free speech SJW too?
The thing is, you're an extremist and someone who loves populism, but only when it goes your way.
Assumption about me personally is not an argument.
There literaly exists no middle ground for someone like you. Except of course, when it is about your own ideology. You're incapable of empathy to your opposition.
I'm not going to just accept something that's wrong and retarded because "le if you have any strong beleifs you're an extremist just sit on your moderate ass and say everything is complicated".
Theres a difference between "extremism" and "having strong beliefs and morals you actually adhere to".
It's not my fault your side of the political spectrum is so consistently garbage.
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