Trump wins

The question that you have to ask your self, is if the System that you use is actually effective. It simply reminds me to the movie The Siege. Kinde frigtening when you think about it. I am not saying you should do NOTHING at all, and never check people for their personality and do some screening and profiling, like if you get a Syrian passport which is right now a pretty fucked up nation. But checking every musslim that enters your nation with some survey? How do you even check if they are muslims in the first place? Is there some kind of genetic trait that only muslims have? And then you ask them questions ... "Do you believe in Shariah, Sir?" The first 5 will say yes, and then everyone else will simply say 'No sir! USA! USA! USA!" or what ever they want to hear.
Doing nothing, is of course wrong, but you can also do to much, without any effect:
But checking every musslim that enters your nation with some survey? "Do you believe in Shariah, sir?" THe first 5 will say yes, and then everyone else will simply say 'No sir! USA! USA! USA!" or what ever they want to hear.
Ok be honest do you read my responses before writing your own? Not sarcasm, legitimately wondering at this point. Maybe it's a language barrier thing?
Right because they're literally gonna sit down and ask "u terrorist bro" and they'll say "nah nigga that aint me" and then be let in instantly. I'm sure theres nothing more to what is obviously going to be a one step process.
I'm sure the obscured first half of a first page of documents is enough to glean the entire plan of Trump's administartion to deal with this problem.
Watch the video, it's adressing the part in bold. No one knows yet 'what' exactly their plan will be regarding security. But I kinda feel ... it won't do much. Of course, that's just speculation and nothing more. But looking at our current situation, including Europe and the US, we have more surveillance with better technologies than ever before. And yet ... terrorist attacks still happen.

Besides, what do you think COULD they effectively do to check people? What more could they do compared to the measures that are already in use now?
Watch the video, it's adressing the part in bold. No one knows yet 'what' exactly their plan will be regarding security. But I kinda feel ... it won't do much. Of course, that's just speculation and nothing more. But looking at our current situation, including Europe and the US, we have more surveillance with better technologies than ever before. And yet ... terrorist attacks still happen.
It's almost like the governments are opening the gates to massive amounts of hostile and unproductive migrants willingly.
Besides, what do you think COULD they effectively do to check people? What more could they do compared to the measures that are already in use now?
Stop taking in people from shitty, third world, terrorist breeding countries?
Supporting Trump got me laid this weekend.

Trump supporters have become the rebellious counterculture bad boys - CONFIRMED.

You sure it wasn't because you're Lucius Vorenus?

Watch the video, it's adressing the part in bold. No one knows yet 'what' exactly their plan will be regarding security. But I kinda feel ... it won't do much. Of course, that's just speculation and nothing more. But looking at our current situation, including Europe and the US, we have more surveillance with better technologies than ever before. And yet ... terrorist attacks still happen.

Besides, what do you think COULD they effectively do to check people? What more could they do compared to the measures that are already in use now?

There's no effective measure short of thought-policing and going INGSOC on people. That doesn't mean steps should not be taken to establish deterrents.

I think it was @Vergil who posted a comic about walls and how just because siege towers/equipment exist it doesn't automatically mean fortifications are a waste of time and resources.
Stop taking in people from shitty, third world, terrorist breeding countries?
Yeah ... why hasn't anyone ever thought about that one before ... seems so simple, right. Forget all those experts. Vergil figured it out ... let us fix terrorism tomorrow.
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Yeah ... why hasn't anyone ever thought about that one before ... seems so simple, right. Forget all those experts. Vergil figured it out ... let us fix terrorism tomorrow.

Lots of other people have thought of that, its just that people like you try to block them at every turn.
Hmmm I wonder why
Could it be the lying press' fear mongering?
Oh no CNN would never lie clearly it's Trump's fault despite there being zero evidence of him being a sexist/racist and loads of evidence to prove the contrary
My step-mother's mom was telling us how they and others have started calling CNN the "Communist News Network". :lol:

If anyones been triggered it's all the lefties pissed off about a harmless comment of grabbing them by the pussy. Got to check out Fort Laurens during our bike ride and the soldier's graves including the unnamed soldier died fighting for our freedoms for a bunch of triggered liberals ready to use the words Nazi, racist, etc or beat up those who don't join your hivemind. They would be disgraced with today's society, what it has become.
Sieges and castles vs. terrorism and surveillance ... apples and oranges I guess.

You know ... despite of all the differences, I have to give you one thing. YOu never stop to amaze me.

The mass media is shit and lying. Except when you use them, then it's ok I guess.
The state is shit and you can never ever trust the government with anything. Except when it's about checking on muslims, then it's ok I guess.
Safe spaces and political correcteness are shit. Except when it's against Trump, then it's ok I guess.
Paying taxes is robbery. Except, when they are used to build a wall, to pay for thousands of backround checks and who knows how many other costly surveillance programms. Then it's ok I guess.
The whole old establishment is shit, with all the big money in politics. But when it's Pence or Giuliani, Republican old-timers with some good ties to the industry and certain lobbies, then it's ok I guess.

Lots of other people have thought of that, its just that people like you try to block them at every turn.

Yes, because they often cost a ton of money, are questionable - constitution, what's that? - And criminalize a whole group of people, regardless if they did something or not. After 9/11 a lot of measures have been put in to action, of which some are still there and also used against US citizens - see patriot act. Or do you need a second Snowden to realize that what ever you do against terrorists, could be also applied against normal citizens? But nothing to hidde, nothing to fear I guess ... and what harm can a few perverts watching you or reading your emails do?
But I guess profiling the 'normal' and 'typical' muslim, is alright, all while the family of Osama Bin Laden was allowed to leave the nation freely after the 9/11 attack. Unquestioned. Profiling of Muslims based on religion is very ineffective, if you simply don't go for the right people.

Not all terrorists have a Muslim-sounding name, and they don't all look Middle Eastern. Plenty of government officials, including Michael Chertoff, former secretary of Homeland Security under President Bush, have said that profiling would be a bad policy to employ. Chertoff recently pointed out on "Meet the Press" that Adam Gadahn, formerly known as Adam Pearlman, an al-Qaida figure originally from California and raised by parents who converted from Judaism to Christianity, would not have been be caught using the profiling method.

The U.S. government has made the determination, however, that all people from certain "countries of interest" should be scrutinized with increased searches prior to boarding a flight bound for the United States. So be it. But scrutinizing an in-bound foreigner is entirely different from scrutinizing American citizens who happen to be Muslim. We must keep in mind why being politically correct for American-Muslims was determined "correct" in the first place.

It is rightfull to be catious about the political Islam and Islamic terrorism, but we already saw a lot of measures, and we still see more and more put in place, but it seems they do not much in solving the problem.
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You can't tell people that shit Crni. They keep hearing IRAN and ISIS and 800,000 billion immigrants a month while stuffing their fat fucking faces with McDonalds not realizing that the Cheeseburger and Coke will kill them before any Jihad will.
Sieges and castles vs. terrorism and surveillance ... apples and oranges I guess.

You know ... despite of all the differences, I have to give you one thing. YOu never stop to amaze me.

The mass media is shit and lying. Except when you use them, then it's ok I guess.
The state is shit. Except when it's about checking on muslims, then it's ok I guess.
Safe spaces and political correcteness are shit. Except when it's against Trump, then it's ok I guess.
Paying taxes is robbery. Except, when they are used to build a wall, thousands of backround checks and who knows how many other costly surveillance programms. Then it's ok I guess.

Yes, because they often cost a ton of money, are questionable - constitution, what's that? - And criminalize a whole group of people, regardless if they did something or not. After 9/11 a lot of measures have been put in to action, of which some are still there and also used against US citizens - see patriot act. Or do you need a second Snowden to realize that what ever you do against terrorists, could be also applied against normal citizens? But nothing to hidde, nothing to fear I guess ... and what harm can a few perverts watching you or reading your emails do?
But I guess profiling the 'normal' and 'typical' muslim, is alright, all while the family of Osama Bin Laden was allowed to leave the nation freely after the 9/11 attack. Unquestioned. Profiling of Muslims based on religion is very ineffective, if you simply don't go for the right people.

Not all terrorists have a Muslim-sounding name, and they don't all look Middle Eastern. Plenty of government officials, including Michael Chertoff, former secretary of Homeland Security under President Bush, have said that profiling would be a bad policy to employ. Chertoff recently pointed out on "Meet the Press" that Adam Gadahn, formerly known as Adam Pearlman, an al-Qaida figure originally from California and raised by parents who converted from Judaism to Christianity, would not have been be caught using the profiling method.

The U.S. government has made the determination, however, that all people from certain "countries of interest" should be scrutinized with increased searches prior to boarding a flight bound for the United States. So be it. But scrutinizing an in-bound foreigner is entirely different from scrutinizing American citizens who happen to be Muslim. We must keep in mind why being politically correct for American-Muslims was determined "correct" in the first place.

It is rightfull to be catious about the political Islam and Islamic terrorism, but we already saw a lot of measures, and we still see more and more put in place, but it seems they do not much in solving the problem.

I wasn't talking about surveillance.

I was talking about not importing people from shitty war torn third world hellscapes who have proven time and time again that they breed violent fundamentalism at a rate significantly higher than anywhere else in the world.

We dont want them. We dont need them. Let them rot there.
Most of them will rot there and in a few decades if they don't all kill each other they will develop one of the worlds new superpowers. YAY!
Memes and love for Trump? They sound anawfull lot like the parents of a certain user on this board with V and er and gil.

I wasn't talking about surveillance.

I was talking about not importing people from shitty war torn third world hellscapes who have proven time and time again that they breed violent fundamentalism at a rate significantly higher than anywhere else in the world.

We dont want them. We dont need them. Let them rot there.
How many of them actually come in to the US each year? Also, no one ever said that you should not do checks. THe question is simply, at which point do you decide, that enough is enough? You know, I like suggar in my coffee, but just a spoon or two, not 5000 grams per cup.
I was talking about not importing people from shitty war torn third world hellscapes who have proven time and time again that they breed violent fundamentalism at a rate significantly higher than anywhere else in the world.

We dont want them. We dont need them. Let them rot there.
Reported for racism
Considering his words have left a number of racial/sexual effects nationwide, it could be seen as allowing such violence to happen. Alot of people are scared as they no longer feel welcome in America due to what Trump has said.

Please tell me what he said that would be outright racist. I'm interested.

People usually take his statements and contort them and don't usually make a problem out of them unless they do so themselves.