Trump wins

In the election, not the primaries. 218 to 290 is not a landslide
That's why I said "off by 10" because it needs to be 300 to be a landslide.
Vergil, if you'd get yourself out of your echo chamber for a bit you'd note the bigger issue is the fact the President of the United States elect thinks he needs to defend his VP from a bunch of Broadway stars. That's the issue.
Wow Trump making a tweet wow he's got the whole national guard on the scene then. These broadway stars being whiny little cunts and stopping a whole production is fine, don't have any negative words for them, but Trump making a few tweets oh God we need to re do this election.
Also the idea of you out all people lecturing me on what the "real issues" are is pure comedy.

This is as big of a deal as Trump having dinner with his family without inviting the press, that is to say, not at all.
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They should consider themselves lucky considering what happened the last time Hamilton publically mocked a Vice-President
So now wanting to watch a play at a theater without someone going off script to hurl personal insults not in the script is a bad thing?
Oh shit that's racist and promotes safe spaces!
It's not racist if it's against a white person, what a world we live in.

That and the whole show is about how America belongs to everyone not just white people. It was inspired by the fact the creator of the show found out Hamilton might have been mixed race and it inspired him to do a hip hop and rap version of the Founding Fathers along with other non-white media.

It's kind of like Iron Fist has to be white because if he's not white then the whole point of being an outsider who looks like part of the majority in New York doesn't work.

That and the whole show is about how America belongs to everyone not just white people.
Uh, I don't think a story about the Founding Fathers are a good basis for that kinda message then
It was inspired by the fact the creator of the show found out Hamilton might have been mixed race
He was the son of a White man and a half-White half-(possibly, it's not an established fact She was born in the British West Indies, the daughter of a French Huguenot father; her mother's ancestry is open to speculation.) mixed black woman
He was pretty White.
White enough that "SEEKING NON WHITE ACTORS" seems a bit odd.
It's kind of like Iron Fist has to be white because if he's not white then the whole point of being an outsider who looks like part of the majority in New York doesn't work.
Except he wasn't racially an outsider and literally every depiction and description of him has him as lily-White as the rest of them.
Having him portrayed as anything but is revisionism.

I don't really give a fuck but considering how the whole world collectively shrieks at the slightest hint of "White washing" it's a bit annoying.
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Wow so the dopey """"""""""actor""""""""" who couldn't even remember lines that went on a tirade against the evil sexist, racist etc. Vice-President Mike Pence also posts shit like this on Twitter.

Trump privately makes a lewd joke 11 years ago: Media goes wild on how much of a sexist predator he is
Guy publicly says it's a great day to take advantage of drunk chicks (and calls on others to do the same, hmmm I thought the left didn't like rapey comments?): Not a word; man's a liberal hero
I wonder what Trump's White House correspondents dinner speeches are going to be like. Gotta say, Obama made them pretty funny, but I can't really imagine Trump being like that, especially not self-deprecating.
These broadway stars being whiny little cunts and stopping a whole production is fine
So now wanting to watch a play at a theater without someone going off script to hurl personal insults not in the script is a bad thing?
You guys are acting like they actively stopped in the middle of the show to lecture Pence.

It's not like performers ever give speeches to the audience AFTER the musical is over is it?

And I love how Mercenary criticized them for using """"""""""""""Personal Insults""""""""". Because voicing your concern over someone's future presidential administration is about as personal as you can get isn't it?
He went to a play with a bunch of black actors playing White historical figures in a play that refused to hire White actors and they called him a racist.
Except that there is no proof that they were talking explicitly about racism.

In fact, given that Mike Pence when he was governor of Indiana tried to divert HIV funding to "Conversion Therapy", it's far more likely that they were criticising him on homophobia.
Guy publicly says it's a great day to take advantage of drunk chicks (and calls on others to do the same, hmmm I thought the left didn't like rapey comments?): Not a word; man's a liberal hero
Wow, it's almost like there is a difference between a random broadway actor, and a guy who wants to run for the most powerful position in the country.

Are you honestly upset that a Presidential Candidate gets criticised more than a Broadway actor?, Because that seems entirely self-explanatory.
You guys are acting like they actively stopped in the middle of the show to lecture Pence.

It's not like performers ever give speeches to the audience AFTER the musical is over is it?

And I love how Mercenary criticized them for using """"""""""""""Personal Insults""""""""". Because voicing your concern over someone's future presidential administration is about as personal as you can get isn't it?

Except that there is no proof that they were talking explicitly about racism.

In fact, given that Mike Pence when he was governor of Indiana tried to divert HIV funding to "Conversion Therapy", it's far more likely that they were criticising him on homophobia.

Wow, it's almost like there is a difference between a random broadway actor, and a guy who wants to run for the most powerful position in the country.

Are you honestly upset that a Presidential Candidate gets criticised more than a Broadway actor?, Because that seems entirely self-explanatory.
Stopping to personally soapbox and lecture their politically beliefs to a guy who was just taking his daughter to a play and creepily calling on people to take advantage of inebriated women in mass is bad form and no amount of damage control is gonna change that sorry.
No one went to that show to listen to some random """""'actor""""" lecture the VP and make everything politically charged.
The audience paid for a show. Not an uneducated lecture.
Trumps so cool.

lol they're so salty that they're gonna have to go back.


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