Trump wins

If anyone it was the cast who got triggered, they felt the need to come about and spout that on stage rather than just do their normal procedure.

The cast were raising a legit concern.
This isn't anything new, people of particular fame have done this for years.
I think it's kind of a good thing, it brings in discussion.
I personaly like the Twilight Zone more, particularly as it fitts much better to the current political situation.

I can't lose the feeling that the only reason why we havn't heard from alien live in the universe yet, is because they somehow actively avoid earth and use it as some kind of reality TV show. We are the entertainment program of the Universe ...kinda like the Truman Show.
I think Trump is going to be the most triggered president. Libel lawsuits and Twitter hissy fits galore!
When Trump is doing it on twitter, it's a legitimate way of expressing concern and criticism. Triggering, safe spaces, whinning and that mumbo jumbo only exists with the left. Get your facts straight! You're a scientist for gods sake!
I personaly like the Twilight Zone more, particularly as it fitts much better to the current political situation.
While we're on the topic of music to go with investigations, why not use a classic.
While both fines choice, I think they convey an atmosphere of eldritch spookiness. I was looking more for a investigative spookery. I even planned on making a joke post like this about who got triggered first.

But I'm lazy so I didn't.
Well now that the Order hivemind (seriously all of you exact same fucks always show up in like a pack all at the same time like chicks whose menstrual cycles have synched up) circlejerk seems to have gone back to their containment subsection of NMA.


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Literally how? Throwing around some "mean" words or some other bullshit doesn't get a man impeached, it's the actions that the man takes.

Considering his words have left a number of racial/sexual effects nationwide, it could be seen as allowing such violence to happen. Alot of people are scared as they no longer feel welcome in America due to what Trump has said.

And if any of these accusations turn out correct, then I guess be has done the action as well.
Considering his words have left a number of racial/sexual effects nationwide, it could be seen as allowing such violence to happen.
lol this is complete bullshit.
The only effects we've seen world wide are ANTI-Trump people starting riots and beating people.
Like the Hillary and Bernie supporters who caused violence at Trump rallies and then weren't denounced by said candidates?
You mean those effects nationwide?
It's not Trump people blocking ambulances and starting riots.
Alot of people are scared as they no longer feel welcome in America due to what Trump has said.
Hmmm I wonder why
Could it be the lying press' fear mongering?
Oh no CNN would never lie clearly it's Trump's fault despite there being zero evidence of him being a sexist/racist and loads of evidence to prove the contrary.

And if any of these accusations turn out correct, then I guess be has done the action as well.
You mean the accusations that have all been thoroughly debunked or is it easier to believe Trump went around grabbing women on flights and concerts that never happened who only raised their voices during a heated election and not in the 30 years inbetween?

Pro tip: Maybe if the media has gotton everything fucking wrong so far you should stop listening to everything they say maybe?
lol this is complete bullshit.
The only effects we've seen world wide are ANTI-Trump people starting riots and beating people.
Like the Hillary and Bernie supporters who caused violence at Trump rallies and then weren't denounced by said candidates?
You mean those effects nationwide?
It's not Trump people blocking ambulances and starting riots.

Hmmm I wonder why
Could it be the lying press' fear mongering?
Oh no CNN would never lie clearly it's Trump's fault despite there being zero evidence of him being a sexist/racist and loads of evidence to prove the contrary.

Yes, besides the Nazi symbols, the 'grab them by the pussy remarks', the homophobic and racism attacks are all not at least exaggerated by Trump's remarks.

And I'm not defending the Clinton lot either, they are just as much in the wrong, but I didn't see Hilary or Bernie inciting or making reference to violence.
I mean jeez, Trump pretty much took the piss out of a disabled guy for being disabled.

I don't like Hilary either, in fact I think both are just as bad and America really needs to question what the fuck it is doing with its own politics before it forces itself into other countries and spread their political influence.

The only good thing I can really say about Trump was that he wasn't the worst in the Republicans.
Fear mongering from the democrats and extreme left has contributed, by FAR, more paranoia and hysteria. This is not rocket science folks.

The whole point of their game plan was to scare people AWAY from republicans. In fact, the right has always been demonized as the party of assholes as compared to the fucking, holier than thou art democrats and leftists.

For example, take into consideration Bernie Sanders, who likes to call his brand of bullshit, democratic socialism. It is a wonderful play on words. If he wins, then democracy and we are that much closer to kumbayah and unicorns.

If he loses, the American people have effectively SHIT all over democracy and supported social darwinism.


Millim said:
I didn't see Hillary or Bernie inciting violence

Bernie screamed about REVOLUTION, just like all the fucking nut jobs he pandered to and got to vote for him. The guy is essentially an American Lenin. By using stupid ass buzzwords like CLASS CONFLICT, FASCISM, WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION and OLIGARCHY, he is essentially comparing his followers to others who have had a history for changing the status quo through violence. He is essentially saying the establishment has declared WAR on him and his supporters. Notice the penchant that stupid leftists have for comparing themselves, and their work, to being a WARRIOR, despite having experienced absolutely nothing war related.

Leftists do not advocate violence, I call bullshit.
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Yes, besides the Nazi symbols
Oh right I forgot Trump is literally Hitler... moron.
the 'grab them by the pussy remarks',
Holy shit how many times do you dribbling retards need to be handheld through this
People make inappropriate jokes in private.
I get that we may have some sociallly awkward autists in the audience who don't understand that but just because someone makes a lewd joke in P R I V A T E doesn't make them a rapist.
For fucks sake I could take like half of your posts as a sign you're a mentally deranged rapist with this """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""logic"""""""""""""""""""""""""""'
You're the last person who should be clutching their pearls at lewd jokes and bullshittery.
the homophobic and racism attacks
Oh ok so you're just buying into made up bullshit wholeheartedly, got it
Give me videos of the same unprovoked violence being done to anti-Trump people
And I'm not defending the Clinton lot either, they are just as much in the wrong, but I didn't see Hilary or Bernie inciting or making reference to violence.
Did you see either of them condemning the violence against Trump supporters? Fucking nope.
Also the media saying all these lies about Trump and hyping them up sure is inciting fucking violence. For fucks sake how stupid are you? Anti-Trump people are going on riots and you want to talk about that big ole meany Trump's violent neo-nazi FAR RIGHT DEATH SQUADS!
I mean jeez, Trump pretty much took the piss out of a disabled guy for being disabled.
Jesus Chrrist how new are you to this? That's already been debunked TWICE IN TWO SEPERATE THREADS.
He made the same generic "flustered" gestures he makes towards literally anyone else (including himself).
The fucking reporter isn't even spastic the lying media just rolled with it and of course you ate it up like a gullible retard.

I think you should stick to writing gay internet forum fanfiction and reviews for year old games that have already been talked to death.
You mean ... asking people if they are terrorists isn't effective?
Right we should just not vet anyone at all and let massive amounts of hostile migrants into the country unchecked. Great thinking man who lives on a continent swarmed with islamic terror, your opinion on this matter is important to me!
I'm sure the obscured first half of a first page of documents is enough to glean the entire plan of Trump's administartion to deal with this problem.
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Did I said that? Where did I said that! I never said that! Where have I said something like that? But even you must agree that such a question is ... well ... kinda useless, unless you have some system in place where you actually know if people are lieing. It's the same reason why you never say anathing about your private life around here, since you could be simply telling what ever you want.
You could as well ask every Russian if they endorse Putin or tourists from Turkey if they love Erdogan, and after you send the first 5 home, the rest will simply say 'No sir! No love for them, sir! AMERICA GREAT! SIR!"
Did I said that? Where did I said that! I never said that! Where have I said something like that? But even you must agree that such a question is ... well ... kinda useless, unless you have some system in place where you actually know if people are lieing.
You could as well ask every Russian if they endorse Putin or turikish tourists if they love Erdogan, and after you send the first 5 home, the rest will simply say 'No sir! No love for them, sir! AMERICA GREAT! SIR!"

Right because they're literally gonna sit down and ask "u terrorist bro" and they'll say "nah nigga that aint me" and then be let in instantly. I'm sure theres nothing more to what is obviously going to be a one step process.
I'm sure the obscured first half of a first page of documents is enough to glean the entire plan of Trump's administartion to deal with this problem.