Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

Is this poll pointless?

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Howard the Duck is easily the best marvel movie.

game companies should put more of an effort in preserving their products because im tired of seeing absolutely abysmal ports like the silent hill HD collection or almost any sony re-release.

when judging something that bills itself as part of a larger franchise, it being good within the context of that series is just as important as it being functionally or technically good.

if something uses a series name as branding i'm never gonna "just judge it on its own merits" because its already asserted itself to a certain standard purely through use of a name.
I think Fallout 3, 4, 76 or any other Fallout game made by Bethesda is not "Fallout". I also think that Fallout New Vegas is a "Fallout Flavored" Bethesda game made by Obsidian. In fact, it's not even a game, it's a Fallout 3 "mod", made by using Bethesda's tools, runs in Bethesda's engine. If Enderal is a Skyrim mod, then FNV is definitely a FO3 mod. Oh, and yes, FO3 is "Oblivion with guns" and FNV "Oblivion with guns, which have iron sights".
I must say I understand why the west felt so threatened by the Soviets, their concept of defense was a pretty aggresive one. Yet it was excessively effective, no one in NATO would dream of a military assault of the Soviet territories, insted they were busy making weapons and developing tactics of defense, this means you abandon all sense of initiative.

Well, I guess NATO did gain the advantage in hardware when moving into the late 80's. Up until that Zapad -81 and also after it, if NATO troops had invaded, say, East-Germany, they would have been stopped and beaten back. But that's just my opinion about a pretty cataclysmic situation. I'm glad that 'Fulda Gap' -scenario hasn't, at least yet, happened.

Over here we trust guerilla-style tactics mostly because we don't have nukes or huge tank armies. When it comes to winter warfare, I'd say we're still up there in the top 5 worldwide. Russia isn't some kind of vague abstraction to us as it seems to be most Americans, Europeans, etc.
I think Fallout 3, 4, 76 or any other Fallout game made by Bethesda is not "Fallout". I also think that Fallout New Vegas is a "Fallout Flavored" Bethesda game made by Obsidian. In fact, it's not even a game, it's a Fallout 3 "mod", made by using Bethesda's tools, runs in Bethesda's engine. If Enderal is a Skyrim mod, then FNV is definitely a FO3 mod. Oh, and yes, FO3 is "Oblivion with guns" and FNV "Oblivion with guns, which have iron sights".

This is why I enjoy drinking the tears of those who are outraged about Fallout 76 even though they weren't about Fallout 3 and 4. It's true it's a bugged mess, I wouldn't recomend it to anyone in its current state, but I'm going to enjoy 76 just as I "enjoyed" Fallout 3 and 4 as I don't think it's any less Fallout than those two are.

And the Fallout lore is ruined beyond recognition anyway, since Fallout 3 I mean (and there were those outraged about having the Brotherhood in 76), so I guess it's hopeless to wait for a proper sequel ever.
Pride parades are degenerate. sex is a private thing, gay or not. Stop being such massive faggots in public and then acting like you're brave. fucking degens i swear.

Crash Bandicoot Twinsanity is a great game and was the last good crash game.
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i thinks its because of how often the background disappears from panel to panel. it creats a lack of presence and i can't tell where characters are in relation to each other or items in general. or maybe its how he uses tiny panels overlapped onto large ones when some simple motion lines would've better illustrated movement. also the angle will change like 10 times on a single page while providing poor context to where things are in a scene.
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Psionics has no place in scifi and Fallout would be better without it. The fact that we can ignore all of it means that it is useless, from F1 to F4.

Every scifi would, from Starship Troopers to Metro to Underrail to etal.
i thinks its because of how often the background disappears from panel to panel. it creats a lack of presence and i can't tell where characters are in relation to each other or items in general. or maybe its how he uses tiny panels overlapped onto large ones when some simple motion lines would've better illustrated movement. also the angle will change like 10 times on a single page while providing poor context to where things are in a scene.

The hectic and chaotic placement of panels serves to emphasize the speed and brutality of combat. You have little notion of the background because it is largely irrelevant. Right there, on the ground, from Guts' perspective, all you see is carnage, mangled corpses, blood and gore flying and a horde of enemies waiting for slaughter. It is not pretty, it is not focused, it's nigh stroboscopic and it can be confusing.
The art serves to reflect that. Miura is more than capable of drawing calm, focused, extremely detailed yet easily understandable images.

That being said, you could find art difficult to follow because you are:
a) reading a shitty web scan
b) reading too fast.

If it is the former, well, look for a better scan online. Or if you have money buy a physical copy, those are wonderful to read.
If it is the later, you are an idiot.
There are no unpopular opinions.
With the amount of people on this planet, if all of us had enough experience to form opinions on the same things (in this case, a video game, since you'd usually play it before formulating an opinion) I'm sure there would be a lot of similar opinions and less "contrarian" ones. If you ever think, does anyone else ever...? YES they do. Someone out there is likely of the same mindset or realization or whatever. Breakthroughs aren't that common and will likely happen with or without the original finder just at a later point. We all are of the same species and are generally wired up the same. Give it enough runs through the cycle of life and you'll find someone that thinks very similarly to you or at least shared that one weird thought or revelation you had that didn't seem like anyone else knew.
Why do you think that? Is it the engine or the other Bethesda inherited stuff?
Just to say this, New Vegas is a very good game. But.

To make it short, because for me a good Fallout game has to also follow the core principles of Fallout, in yes story teling but also with style and the visual presentation. Which means, top down, turn based combat. Remember, the Fallout 1 develope choose the gameplay BEFORE they chose the story and setting! It was a conscious decision. I am one of those people that think, gameplay matters. The story, in New Vegas was great, definetly worth of a Fallout game, but the presentation wasn't. It was a first person shooter and I played it as such. A first person shooter however, no matter how great as RPG or story, can never be a great or good Fallout game.
For me Fallout is more than just the gameplay. Story, characters, writing, world building, branching paths, choice and consequence and actually making me give shit about playing matter as much. And to me New Vegas is great at all of that.

But yeah, in terms of gameplay it's not a good Fallout game. I wouldn't say it's not a good Fallout game overall though.