Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

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What'd you like about it?
I found the gameplay and level design to be fun. Art style was nice too and getting new parts and testing them out was also neat. The little test area reminded me of a skatepark me and my cousins would go to at the time so that was neat. They shouldn't have completely abandoned traditional platforming though. having something to break up the vehicle parts would have been better.
Best game rare has done since MS bought them.
'Psychological' horror films seem to be just an excuse for the director to fail to properly leave a trail for his shoddy plot and rarely harbor any psychological insights. It is the perfect sub-genre for pseudo-intellectual hipsters to sip their fruity craft beer and pontificate with their coked out girlfriend (just friends) and other like minded hot-sauce and beard wax enthusiasts on basic ideas like, "don't you SEE the Babadook is merely a product of their depression and mental state... it's like a MIRROR into their own minds, man."
"don't you SEE the Babadook is merely a product of their depression and mental state... it's like a MIRROR into their own minds, man."

Is he right @babadook?
"don't you SEE the Babadook is merely a product of their depression and mental state... it's like a MIRROR into their own minds, man."

Is he right @babadook?
Tonight I'm whoever you need me to be. <3

Edit: wait, what is this? General discussion? Ewwww. You lured me out of my safe place.
Marilyn monroe's supposed sexiness is mostly a meme from her breaking cultural norms.

Pam Greir blows marilyn out of the water any day.
Sure but it's actually racist for a white guy to be attracted to a black girl. Don't even think about having/adopting black kids.
In certain parts of the internet you would be banned right now. Banned.
In certain parts of the internet you would be banned right now. Banned.
Certain parts of the internet dont feature actual humans and instead only allow potatoes to post on their sites. If a member is found to have a brain they are sent to the spice mines of kessle.
Sure but it's actually racist for a white guy to be attracted to a black girl. Don't even think about having/adopting black kids.

That sarcastic statement reminds me of this video. Just a note before watching, if you haven't seen this comedian he is based in the USA and right-leaning, but I don't think he is racist (but very much anti-SJW, anti-PC, and anti-socialism). I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but on this I think he is making a very valid point.

I am a die hard leftist and it makes me laugh.
~ this also qualifies as unpopular opinion. (In some circles, believe me)
Marilyn monroe
She's an AstroTurfed whore who got where she was, fucking all the right guys on her way to riding JFK's presidential cock (according to rumor), she had no talent except for her hand-to-mouth technique and it goes to show how far that'll get you in society that she's the person who has stayed in the mainstream despite other talented, and better looking actresses who were working at that time. Married to commie faggot Arthur Miller as well at one point.

Well all I'm saying for sure is that for supposedly one of the most beautiful women of all time she looks shockingly like a drag queen in a lot of her photos.


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That's not really an unpopular opinion, far as I'm aware
The popular opinion is that the original is 'cool' but the gameplay is horrible and the characters are boring while Mass effect 2 was the pinnacle that improved on everything ever, and Mass Effect 3 was the perfect synthesis of the originals rpg mechanics and Mass Effect 2's action. If it only weren't that gosh darn ending. Though the original has been getting more praise as of recent.
Oh and the Citadel dlc is the best part of the series ever because you get to throw a heckin' cool party with all of your friends and you get to bang your love interest again, all wrapped around a silly space caper with *gasp* clone SHEPARD!

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Original did have pretty bad gameplay tbqh, though the sequels weren't exactly better. They were just bland as fuck as opposed to being janky and repetitive.

Story was by far the best though, basically inarguable. Though I did like the vibe of the Normandy and the crew in 2 better despite the story being literally nothing.