Mad Max RW
Mildly Dipped

Halo multiplayer had some of the most amateurish level design of any FPS before or since.
sea said:Or you can just play Serious Sam HD and get pretty graphics and a game that's actually fun.
I'm not sure why people say Duke Nukem Forever plays like Duke Nukem 3D. Yeah, all those boring, linear corridors, arena fights, turret sections, fighting a maximum of 4 enemies at a time, not having to use any sort of varying tactics, ducking behind cover to regenerate health... sounds exactly like Duke Nukem 3D to me.
Ausdoerrt said:Halo series' MP is average at best. Maybe it's "really good" comparatively, on consoles, but it's got nothing on good old PC giants like Unreal Tournament or CS.
On the console side of things though, I think that Halo has the best, most polished multiplayer out there. I played it on an unbelievably shitty connection and it was as smooth as a baby's bottom. For a console, it just does not get any better. Even the fact that it takes awhile to die is exactly the way it should be when it takes 5 minutes to thumbstick around 180 degrees.
Having said that, even the console FPS have gotten to a point where it is pretty unbelievable that a turd like DNF will be released for a full price. I am wondering if it will be modded into a good game somehow.
Your experience was wrong.fedaykin said:In practice, my experience was the opposite. It was stupid and easy to beat. But I'm sure it's great in theory -- like Beth's radiant AI...
Ausdoerrt said:Probably depends on the engine; I have no idea what it's on - if it's Unreal3, then maybe there'll be some good mods, the modding community is usually pretty good for Unreal. Though I wonder how many people would actually care to do anything for DNF.
Your experience was wrong.
sea said:Duke Nukem Forever is significantly worse than most shooters on the market - the only things I'd say are outright worse are some of those budget shooters you can get, like Sniper: Ghost Warrior or Soldier of Fortune 3. On top of that, it's downright offensive and misogynistic to boot, not even in a "cheesy 80s action movie" way, but in a "we depicted women being raped by aliens while Duke makes abortion jokes" way. How does that translate into an above-average score?
To be fair, they're not criticising modern game mechanics. They're criticising how badly DNF employs these mechanics. :shrugs:ZeusComplex said:I find it funny that the things that bring this game down are its use of modern game mechanics. I don't think people should view DNF as a game in the wrong time period, but a critique over its own trends and design. If DNF had stuck with the rules of its predecessor, all these reviewers really would be right about the games lack of modern conventions. But hearing all these reviews about outdated gameplay is just bullshit. Play any shooter from Call of Duty, to Halo, to Gears of War, to games such as Uncharted or Resistance. It's all the same damn thing. To hate this game for what it is yet to praise those other shooters is a huge hypocrisy and a testament to the immaturity of this business.
Do I like this game, no. But I don't like it for the exact same reasons why I don't like any other modern shooter. Show some fucking consistency, critics. You look like ignorant asshats, not some snobbish critic who's opinion means something.