Unsurprisingly, Duke Nukem Forever reviews are negative

I think some of the reviews are a bit harsh on it. I've been playing through a pirated copy since I was sure it was gonna suck.

Was it worth a 12+ year wait? Fuck no. NO game is going to live up to that kind of retarded hype machine.

It is a solid if lack luster game. It has its downsides (facial animations, outdated physics engine thanks to running on a HEAVILY modified Unreal 2) It has its retarded design choices (2 gun limit, health regen system forces balance where damage is super high but there is also the fact you often regenerate your full health between telegraphed boss attacks. Forced mouse acceleration is also EXTREMELY annoying.)

It also has its upsides. The textures are surprisingly good in some areas, lots of attention to detail. The interactivity with your environment is a huge part of the fun of the game (just finding little jokes on objects like the "Spick and Spank" brand cleanser. or simply finding out, hey you can hurt yourself by sticking your finger in an electrical outlet!). The combat areas so far have been pretty fun, and feel very much like a 3D version of classic 90s era Doom/Duke/Ect design. This is unfortunately a double edged blade as it also has all of the poor design choices of that era in terms of balancing, or abundance of hallway combat.

The jokes are either pretty obvious or rehashed from previous Duke games, but its sort of a "best of the oldies" kind of thing where the quality of the delivery combined with the amount of time since hearing these things makes them funny again, at least for a while.

Overall in a world currently dominated by hyper realistic FPS games, it is a welcome respite though a huge letdown based on the hype surrounding its long gestation period. Hopefully Duke3D's fan remake is better though.

Note: It is by no means a GOOD game. But it certainly isn't this pile of garbage 2/10 that sites like destructoid have given it. Play it yourself before you fall into the trap of reviewer scores and make your own decision, this will be a pretty polarizing game for some people.
sea said:
Or you can just play Serious Sam HD and get pretty graphics and a game that's actually fun.

I'm not sure why people say Duke Nukem Forever plays like Duke Nukem 3D. Yeah, all those boring, linear corridors, arena fights, turret sections, fighting a maximum of 4 enemies at a time, not having to use any sort of varying tactics, ducking behind cover to regenerate health... sounds exactly like Duke Nukem 3D to me.

Actually I played quite a bit of SSHD during a free weekend on steam. In many ways SS is better, that is true. But the environments and AI(in my experience) in DNF are actually better imo (though graphically SSHD has better looking environments, DNFs are more interesting to look at and detailed.)

Overall? SS is a better game. But DNF beats SS a little in a couple areas, and loses in far more. SS3 looks to be a lot better than DNF in EVERY way.

I hope Duke3d reloaded is good. DNF is a pretty solid 65/100 imo (50/100 being a passing C grade game.) The people that gave it 80/100 (pc gamer) are out of their minds. And the people that gave it 2/10 (destructoid) don't really understand that a 5/10 is supposed to be an average/passable game with 2/10 being something akin to being outright broken, and/or unplayable. (same people that give out perfect 10s like it means nothing)
Ausdoerrt said:
Halo series' MP is average at best. Maybe it's "really good" comparatively, on consoles, but it's got nothing on good old PC giants like Unreal Tournament or CS.

No question there. Give me Quake III and CS over any console MP any day. On the console side of things though, I think that Halo has the best, most polished multiplayer out there. I played it on an unbelievably shitty connection and it was as smooth as a baby's bottom. For a console, it just does not get any better. Even the fact that it takes awhile to die is exactly the way it should be when it takes 5 minutes to thumbstick around 180 degrees.

I hate that the single player has suffered because of it and glad that it is being taken over by someone else.

Having said that, even the console FPS have gotten to a point where it is pretty unbelievable that a turd like DNF will be released for a full price. I am wondering if it will be modded into a good game somehow.
On the console side of things though, I think that Halo has the best, most polished multiplayer out there. I played it on an unbelievably shitty connection and it was as smooth as a baby's bottom. For a console, it just does not get any better. Even the fact that it takes awhile to die is exactly the way it should be when it takes 5 minutes to thumbstick around 180 degrees.

Well, considering that the only other FPS on the consoles that's worth talking about is the CoD series, Halo isn't exactly getting a lot of competition. But yeah, I kind of agree.

Having said that, even the console FPS have gotten to a point where it is pretty unbelievable that a turd like DNF will be released for a full price. I am wondering if it will be modded into a good game somehow.

Probably depends on the engine; I have no idea what it's on - if it's Unreal3, then maybe there'll be some good mods, the modding community is usually pretty good for Unreal. Though I wonder how many people would actually care to do anything for DNF.
fedaykin said:
In practice, my experience was the opposite. It was stupid and easy to beat. But I'm sure it's great in theory -- like Beth's radiant AI...
Your experience was wrong.

Also, I have no idea what Radiant AI is like in theory. To the best of my knowledge, Radiant AI was never presented at a technical conference like GDC, nor were any concrete tech specs ever given by Bethesda. It could be the most sophisticated piece of AI engineering ever seen, or it could be script salad marketed under a pretentious name. However, judging by the (unimpressive) professional background of Bethesda's engineers vs. those of (MIT Media Lab alumnus) Damian Isla and other Bungie folks, I'd say it's safe to bet on the latter.
Ausdoerrt said:
Probably depends on the engine; I have no idea what it's on - if it's Unreal3, then maybe there'll be some good mods, the modding community is usually pretty good for Unreal. Though I wonder how many people would actually care to do anything for DNF.

DNF uses a highly modified version of UE2.5. The file formats are changed enough so that the editors cannot open it directly. Right now all people can do is rip content out of the game for use in other mods/games. You cannot reinsert levels, models, textures, etc. back into DNF.

Ironically, you are able to modify the DNF demo with relative ease. It even has remnants of the official editor with the loading windows and everything. Gearbox went out of their way to gut the retail version and encrypt what was left behind.
I heard that even Notch, creator of Minecraft, thinks DNF is no good....but he is playing it anyway because, well, it's Duke Nukem...

Are any of you guys doing the same? I might when it hits the bargain bin but not for 60 dollars lol..maybe 6 dollars..
Your experience was wrong.

Haha, lol, best comment ever. :lol:

You should go into marketing, my friend. "-Your product sucks! I tried it myself! -Well, sir, your experience was wrong! -Wow, of course you're right, here's all my money" :lol: :lol: :lol:
sea said:
Duke Nukem Forever is significantly worse than most shooters on the market - the only things I'd say are outright worse are some of those budget shooters you can get, like Sniper: Ghost Warrior or Soldier of Fortune 3. On top of that, it's downright offensive and misogynistic to boot, not even in a "cheesy 80s action movie" way, but in a "we depicted women being raped by aliens while Duke makes abortion jokes" way. How does that translate into an above-average score?

If you are offended by the game, then why did you play it?

That is like licking a chainsaw while it is on. It is clearly going to hurt you, it broadcasts it pretty obviously, and proudly that it is a machine designed to damage and tear stuff up. Yet you decide to lick it, and be mad that it tore your face up.
Soldier of Fortune 3 was really, really bad. While I loved 2, the 3 was just... bad. I somehow have my doubts that DNF is even as bad as that.
2k responded to all the negative press:

I find it funny that the things that bring this game down are its use of modern game mechanics. I don't think people should view DNF as a game in the wrong time period, but a critique over its own trends and design. If DNF had stuck with the rules of its predecessor, all these reviewers really would be right about the games lack of modern conventions. But hearing all these reviews about outdated gameplay is just bullshit. Play any shooter from Call of Duty, to Halo, to Gears of War, to games such as Uncharted or Resistance. It's all the same damn thing. To hate this game for what it is yet to praise those other shooters is a huge hypocrisy and a testament to the immaturity of this business.

Do I like this game, no. But I don't like it for the exact same reasons why I don't like any other modern shooter. Show some fucking consistency, critics. You look like ignorant asshats, not some snobbish critic who's opinion means something.
ZeusComplex said:
I find it funny that the things that bring this game down are its use of modern game mechanics. I don't think people should view DNF as a game in the wrong time period, but a critique over its own trends and design. If DNF had stuck with the rules of its predecessor, all these reviewers really would be right about the games lack of modern conventions. But hearing all these reviews about outdated gameplay is just bullshit. Play any shooter from Call of Duty, to Halo, to Gears of War, to games such as Uncharted or Resistance. It's all the same damn thing. To hate this game for what it is yet to praise those other shooters is a huge hypocrisy and a testament to the immaturity of this business.

Do I like this game, no. But I don't like it for the exact same reasons why I don't like any other modern shooter. Show some fucking consistency, critics. You look like ignorant asshats, not some snobbish critic who's opinion means something.
To be fair, they're not criticising modern game mechanics. They're criticising how badly DNF employs these mechanics. :shrugs: