Care to elaborate?UniversalWolf said:[spoiler:0b7f2361ba]Apparently if you go by the novelizations that follow and incorporate VtmB's plotline, he was wrong.[/spoiler:0b7f2361ba]
Another thing I noticed: if you read the Vampire Apocrypha from the Society of Leopold, it mentions that there are sketches of the sarcophagus. Right next to the Apocrypha is a sketch of a sarcophagus - but it's not the sarcophagus in the game. I wonder whether there isn't a real Ankaran Sarcophagus somewhere (not that the one in the game isn't real, but it's not the same one mentioned in the ancient texts).[/spoler]
Ausdoerrt said:[spoiler:81fff94cd9]
Another thing I noticed: if you read the Vampire Apocrypha from the Society of Leopold, it mentions that there are sketches of the sarcophagus. Right next to the Apocrypha is a sketch of a sarcophagus - but it's not the sarcophagus in the game. I wonder whether there isn't a real Ankaran Sarcophagus somewhere (not that the one in the game isn't real, but it's not the same one mentioned in the ancient texts).[/spoler]
Yeah, I noticed that on 1st playthrough when I still bothered to read everything... I think that's sort of
the game's way of hinting you that the sarcophagus in Lacroix's chambers does in fact have any ancient inside, or at the very least suggest that it's not the Ankharan S. that the Society of Leopold knows of. And yes, I do believe that it suggests that there's a "real" A.S. somewhere, though again, how "real" it is is quite a question.[/spoiler:81fff94cd9]
UniversalWolf said:[spoiler:f94757daea]...side with LaCroix. I paid close attention to Beckett, and it's clear he's on a mission to prove the non-existence of antidiluvians and Gehenna. He's not on a mission to discover the truth.
Even though it's unfair to dissect the game to this degree, it is fun, so I'll put forth my biggest qualm with the story. Suppose you're a Norwegian archaeologist, and you've just uncovered an ancient sarcophagus in Turkey. Why would you load it on a cargo ship bound for Los Angeles when you don't even work at the museum there?
Keep in mind, I haven't actually read the novel that follows Bloodlines, but as I understand it...Hauptmann said:Care to elaborate?
Except that you'll be playing the game more than once, presumably.Ausdoerrt said:I'd not recommend playing Malk first, it's TOO "special" and you miss out on a lot of stuff.
Clearly there's a secret vampire society at work here!Nathaniel Hawthorne said:The crimson hand expressed the ineludible gripe in which mortality clutches the highest and purest of earthly mould, degrading them into kindred with the lowest, and even with the very brutes, like whom their visible frames return to dust.
Ausdoerrt said:The insight is also cryptic enough to not be able to pick up on it unless you're already familiar with the setting. That's why I think you shouldn't start with a Malk.
I disagree. You don't need any special knowledge of the game to hear or understand the insight stuff. You're well aware of your insanity, and even if you're not paying attention, one trip through Grout's mansion should be enough to cue you in. The first time you play the game, you will be paying attention.Ausdoerrt said:The insight is also cryptic enough to not be able to pick up on it unless you're already familiar with the setting. That's why I think you shouldn't start with a Malk.