I'm just going to throw out random thoughts in no particular order.
The trailer told me fuck all and was filled with a bunch of useless fluff that doesn't mean anything and since it is not gameplay it can really fuck off as I loathe CGI trailers.
I read the "SJW" thing and apart from the really stupid "body type and pronouns" I don't necessarily think it is SJW'ism. It might just be that the devs are scared shitless of causing controversy and so they will design the game by walking on eggshells whenever it comes to anything that could become a twitter trend. I don't like it. I can understand it, but I don't like it. And depending on how they handle it they could turn the setting into some PC circlejerk. I mean, the previous game didn't handle mental illnesses carefully? Apparently they haven't been paying attention but it is a game about fucking vampires, yes I see what I did there. Vampires are not and SHOULD NOT be mentally sane individuals. All of the sudden a human is thrown into a dark world (literally cause no sun) where their thirst will overcome their ration and they will feed on their fellow man like some sort of vein-rapist. Why the fuck would vampires be stable individuals? What, you think they sit around and counsel one another? Hell no. They can barely stand one another for the most part and divvy their already small population up into factions that distrust one another. Once you're a vampire you're often times completely on your own to fend for yourself. In that world, being that kind of monster, lurking in the shadows of society, never being able to reach out to anyone in the same way again, being forced to abandon your former life and possibly even friends and family out of fear of what they will think or what the vampire clans might do to them if information about vampires is revealed; Any vampire with a mental illness should be portrayed in a negative light.
I also don't like that they are giving a lot of promises but there is not a single mention of stats or skills. Fashion? Employment history? Background? I guess pronouns and assuring people that ought to be in padded cells because of how frail they are that they are going to be super duper careful about mental illnesses is more important than stats and skills... In an RPG... That's inspired from a PnP RPG... :rolleyes:
I don't like the idea of fan-favorite characters returning. Characters that make sense within the plot should return, those that don't fit in the plot should not return. Oh god, imagine what they'll do to Jeanette, they'll definitely bring her back due to her popularity but they'll water down every aspect of her so not to offend people.
Way more dialogue than Bloodlines? Well depending on what your definition one could say that a game like Fallout 4 has way more dialogue since it always offers 4 options, but are those 4 options actually meaningful though? Yknow, this would have been a good thing to include in a trailer. But hey, let's trust their word for it.
What are they doing to guns? Why would I throw away perfectly fine firearms that I just looted? Why would I not just keep them around in case I need them again?
On that note, if guns are a luxury does that mean that the rest of the game will be a melee slamdown? Like Mars War Logs? Cause... Ew.
Now, if dialogue offers personality and branches decently enough, if there are skills and stats and the background and employment history makes a difference between characters, if joining a clan means that we'll have loads of truly branching main narratives, if the choice and consequence that they are hinting at truly means choice and consequence and if the "merit" system means that there will be interested ways in how you have to choose your victims in order to get the kind of build you want then the RPG aspect of the game could be pretty neat.
Combat sounds like it'll be brute sluggin' and I really worry about the writing.
Not a whole lot else to say. I never expected to see a VtmB 2 and now that I see one I either don't like what I'm hearing or I'm very skeptical about it. Honestly, I'd rather not have any VtM video games, ever, than have shit ones pumped out. If they hadn't talked about the mental health stuff, the fucking pronouns bullshit and going on and on about how "we're matured" then there'd be a faint ember of interest glowing. But as it stands it just sounds like an awful lot of promises and nothing to show for it as well as a bunch progressivism that I fear will water down the setting.