Voice acting - Liam Neeson has lead role in Fallout 3

And so, Liam's acting career is flashing before his eyes as he finds himself locked down into spouting one terribly atrocious line after another into a microphone, promising to himself to never work for a game-developer-wannabe-movie-studio ever again, while his polygonal likeness on the adjacent screen is emoting sadness by the means of a large frown.
So they wrote the character with an actor in mind?
Bad idea. I'd assume the good way of working is writing the character and THEN finding a suitable voice for him, NOT writing the character so it suits a certain voice.
FeelTheRads said:
So they wrote the character with an actor in mind?
Bad idea. I'd assume the good way of working is writing the character and THEN finding a suitable voice for him, NOT writing the character so it suits a certain voice.
I doubt they actually did that. If they did, that's just ridiculous. It's probably just a figure of speech.

Just like the author of Hellboy saying the part was written for Ron Perlman. It wasn't (although he was obviously their first choice).
Ziltoid said:
I doubt they actually did that. If they did, that's just ridiculous. It's probably just a figure of speech.

Just like the author of Hellboy saying the part was written for Ron Perlman. It wasn't (although he was obviously their first choice).

A figure of speech and, mostly, a typical hype sentence.

The only case I can think of when a character was written for a certain actor is Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. Film would not have been made had he refuse the part.
Kharn said:
The only case I can think of when a character was written for a certain actor is Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. Film would not have been made had he refuse the part.

And that would have been just terrible.
So they wrote the character with an actor in mind?
Bad idea. I'd assume the good way of working is writing the character and THEN finding a suitable voice for him, NOT writing the character so it suits a certain voice.

That's just press release speak. Don't read into that too much.

I just hope I don't picture Neeson while playing the game. But overall I think he's an amazing choice!
TheVaultKeeper said:

"You traveled the world... Now you must journey inwards... to what you really fear... it's inside you... there is no turning back. Your parents' death was not your fault.

He will feature prominently as a ghost? :eek:

Supernatural! :?

Banko said:
As a joke I wish they would add Christopher Walken...
OOh, I get all tickly in my stomach.. "It would have rocked" to borrow something Jack Black might have said.*

Anyway, thumbs, all the way, up if they could pull that one off.

* (Do not get me wrong here. I do not want Jack Black in Fallout. In any way.)
I really don't care much either way. I don't need to have known actors do voice acting on the other hand, it gives you something to look forward to as in how well will they handle that.
Walken has a rather annoying tendency to ham up his videogame roles. Well, except for Privateer: The Darkening. He was good in that.
"Lead role" does seem to send some bad vibes.
Nobody in Fallout 1 and 2 had lead roles. Sure you had awesome actors in it, but their characters came and went. *You* were the star.
If they're going the Oblivion route of your character playing second fiddle to the celebrity guest star... well, that's just not Fallout.