Morrowind was a game he worked on, yes. But he was not creating the loore or concepts for it. Those already existed with the source material. He continued the work of other people, instead of creating his own franchise. And the first project he worked on, was a licence based on the Terminator franchise. He doesn't seem to be an overly creative guy. But he seems to know what actually sells, I have to give him that. He is aparantly a very skilled business man. So Bethesdas success as gamedeveloper today, is probably most of his work. No doubts about that.
The other side, would be Timothy Cain I guess. Extremly creative, very experienced as designer, any of his games have been focused to deliver deep and engaging role playing experiences. And not just with one kind of gameplay, but actually in different mediums, from top down with turn based, like Fallout and Temple of Elemental Evil to real time and first/third person with Vampire - The Masquerade. But, I guess it seems, he was not a very great buisness man.
Just compare the portfolio of Tim with Todd, and it becomes apparant that Todd is what I would describe as a, one trick ponny, with a keen senses on, what sells.
I didn't say that.
Let me put it in another way.
Warren Spector was the director of Deus Ex, yes, but he was also the director of Invisible War, basically the Oblivion to the original's Morrowind. And he then made Epic Mickey, which was full of faults that he saw as selling points and so didn't bother to try to fix them in the sequel.
Todd Howard was the director of Morrowind, then he made Oblivion and he now will never leave Oblivion.
Warren's ego stop him from seeing his faults, Howard's simplicity stop him from making them even more blatant.
Again, I'm not seeing how this is defending FO4's boring, vapid world with shallow mechanics.
Todd will
Well, you will hardly find a game developer out there who hasn't created at least ONE failure or bland product. That's simply how it goes. Hellgate London was a rather mediocre Diablo clone for example. But, it doesn't change the fact that Brevik was part of a team that made one of the most popular action games out there, which most probably defined a whole genre even. In my opinion, this deserves a lot of respect I would say. And gives him some credit.
I just question the quality that was still left in Morrowind from previous Elder Scrolls works to be Todds work actually, as I feel that given the source material, he was actually responsible for the decline of the Elder Scrolls as a whole. Elde Scrolls was Weavers baby. It is hard to say how much of Weaver was still in Morrowind. However, if I remember correctly he was still President of Bethesda Softworks during the development of Morrowind. Nonetheless, the change from Daggerfall to Morrowind was quite huge in some parts. And most of the changes, can be probably directly releated to Todd and his experience with one of his previous projects:
Perhaps most distressing to fans of Arena and Daggerfall was the lack of roguelike elements. In lieu of creating a massive roguelike world, Morrowind instead shifted to a comparatively small, hand-crafted static world centered around the island of Vvardenfell in the province of Morrowind. Cited reasons for doing so was an attempt at making more unique NPCs and quests. While in some cases this was accomplished effectively, there were still far too many filler NPCs to give the impression of a fully functioning virtual world. The tradeoff between the roguelike Daggerfall and hand-set Morrowind wasn't enough, and players ended up with a much smaller world to explore.
Character skills were also pulled back from the 38 skills in Daggerfall to 27 in Morrowind. Most of the communication skills were removed, leaving only Mercantile and Speechcraft. Most of the old communication-based skills were language skills for most of the species of Tamriel. Contrary to first impressions, however, high language skills mostly reduced the likelihood of creatures attacking you on sight as opposed to actually allowing you to speak with them. Instead of taking the opportunity to support these skills and giving them an interactive application, they were removed.
Much of these changes can be attributed to to Todd Howard's sudden promotion to Design Lead on the project. His experiences with the Terminator shooters could be seen as Bethesda effectively turned the Elder Scrolls series from an adventure game with roleplaying elements into a shooter with roleplaying elements.
And it is not much of a surprise, that Oblivion was even more of a simplification to Morrowind, which culminated in to Skyrim and now from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4. That's a rather telling progression in my opinion.
I am just saying, if I ceated a deep and complex RPG experience rooted in some PnP concept, he is not the kind of person that I would trust to make a sequel to that. But, if I bought a franchise like Fallout and wanted to sell it to as many people as possible, than I would probably chose him. This seems to be where his skills as developer are. Changing something so it suits the needs of the masses.