How closely were you following the game or the Kickstarter announcements? You're showing plenty of negativity based on false impressions.
Furthermore, you're (hopefully unintentionally) misrepresenting the Torment Kickstarter. Numenera was launched in order to avoid having to lay off writers and designers that would not be needed in the later parts of developing Wasteland 2. Instead of sacking them, they were moved onto a new project. Using this wise move as an excuse to attack inXile is just asinine.
False impressions you say? I'll try to explain my point of view more detailed. But start of this explanations we take more deeper that actions of present days. Fisrtly, i look at all first campaigns on Kickstarter and i know officialy version. I want talk with you about "avoiding fired people".
I hope, you know that in game development all personal have a many specializations. This specialists have a "time of life in game project", other words each specialist have a different range of work and different lenght of this work. Musician write music and his task is over. Concept-artist made concepts on the early stage of development, and scenarist work too - on begining project. Each CEO hire people for different tasks, but no one guy can't hire (for example) musician on all time of game project. Because if lenght of you project two years, and musician make music in 5 months - what he do other 1.5 years? Nothing. If you CEO you must pay for this guy 1.5 year just for fan. This is a realistic situation? No. This guys contract warriors, other words this guy work on contract. You cannot fired this guy because this guy initially work limited time on the project.
You can try to convince me that Brian Fargo hire this people and they sit and do nothing, and it is therefore needed a second game, BUT... i can't believe you, and cannot believe in this version. This is - officialy version. For press, and for public. But... i hope you do not want to say me that you believe in all official versions of anything which you heard around?
For starters, inXile did not crowdsource everything. Systems design, writing, area and level building, everything connected to actually making the game was made on their own. Unless you have some kind of insider information us mere mortals are not privy to, refrain from making baseless accusations. It's in your own interest, as your otherwise very informational and valuable posts are devalued by attacks on inXile.
Off course not. It's been evil nonsense if any firm make a game projects only on crowd-principle. My post cannot devalued because i'm say from position of knowledge. You, and i, and somebody cannot devalue knowledge. Because in any time 2 + 2 = 4. You can don't like me, or other people with similiar point of view, but 2 + 2 still = 4. I'm not try to be polite, i can't search love from each other. I don't need that. All i need - live in world where i can voice my point of view. And I do it. This is not attack in full sence of attack. This is my position and my view.
I don't like when somebody somewhere do post-apocaliptic game like a trash. If this game made by you - i'm be quiet. But this is a Brian Fargo, this is a many skilled guys, this is a huge promo campaign, and more-more-more other things. After all of this piar - i can't see on this poor images and be silent. This is a work of dream-team, yea?. If this true - i want see prove of this. This is no prove. This is a prove unprofessianal work (in part of design, art).
This quality of art can be produced by children and interns. Are you seriously trying to convince me that all these people - interns? No. All these people - professionals. In this connection, I do not understand the reason why the team have no professionals in terms of design and art. And if they are - even more so - their work is disgusting.
I see the horrible interface. I see the terrible graphics. Game have no style. All things looks like a things from different games. And when i speak about it, i'm apparently, made attack on inXile? Am I supposed to love mediocrity? Gotta love the something poor? Or should I shut up and go back where i came from? Do not hope on this.
If you want to know about style - look at works of Adam Adamowicz (rest in peace incredible art warrior, we always remember you and your works). This is a style. This is a work. This is a incredible volume of things and concepts. This is just picture what we look at the Net. You can imagine how many things lie on art shelters Bethesda?
What do inXile? In comparison with the? One, and very big - nothing. I'm not fan of campaigns. I'm a fan of creative people, i'm a fan of deeds of this people. Where inXile deeds? Where real work on style? Nowhere. You think than i'm start attack on inXile? No. I'm not start the attack. I'm scream look at Wasteland 2 style. Another style of another one good post-apocalyptic universe died in unprofessional hands. What is i want to say. This is not attack. This is a statement of fact.
I have answer on this "why?". But this is not polite and unofficial version. Especially In world where people live and walk in pink goggles. And i have no reasons to show this. Becase i love people who love - think. If you try think you find a real pictures of the past, present and future day. If you cannot this - listen TV, press, and grands people.
About official and unofficial versions. I hope you know some pages from the History of Second World War. Old warriors, veterans very rarely talk about what really was this war. Now, in our day - tell almost no one. Because many of this great soldiers is died. In official archives you cannot find a real historical documents. But in peoples memory live memories of grandparents and great-grandparents.
In 1949 year (anniversary, he was 70 years old.) Joseph Stalin make the little gift for himself. Clear the story and clear the streets. What that mean? After war many soldiers come back from war with extremly and terrible injuries. People returning from the war with no arms, no legs, and sometimes without arms and legs at the same time. It was creepy. They lost homes, families, they did not have a job - they are begging on the streets. But then they started to fade. One by one. It is not known where. After a year on the streets of Moscow and other cities was impossible to see a lot of legless, armless - they be gone. Young boys 18-20 years old, mangled and mutilated. What's the official version ot this?
Died from wounds. Like in fable, "they live happy, long and die in one day". But this people just a lost. Clear the story and clear the streets. This is a order. From Stalin. People were transported to the camp, someone was shot. In general, cleaned the hell out of sight.
Is it possible to read in the textbooks? In the news? Shooting a movie about it? No. If you say something like that - half of the people will say you that you're an idiot. But the question remains. Where did they disappear? After talking with the veterans - we can understand where and how.
The government does not say anything now, and nothing say in the past. Veterans been "cleaned" in the central cities for the most part. Therefore, no one believes that it was. On the periphery - they survived.
Who i am after this version of World History? Liar? Minion leftist? Government-hater? Or maybe just a man who sometimes thinks? You can make self answer. I'll never believe in all that i heard. Never.
If you think about reasons to start second Torment game campaign you can think some of this:
- First part of cash is out (Wasteland 2 funds) but game is not complete yet. Need a second wave of funds for completing.
- Wasteland 2 is not complete yet. Leading of company understand that if Wasteland 2 be failed inXile never recieve new funds until not prove that they can made good games. Without funds - it's a hard task. Solution? Start a second campaign.
I'm sure that you are not believe me. Try to analize. Look at another Kickstarter projects. Let's see:
Dead State: The Zombie Survival RPG
Kickstarter page:
Budget $332,635
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Divinity: Original Sin
Kickstarter page:
Budget $944,282
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Shadowrun Returns
Kickstarter page:
Budget $1,836,447
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Wasteland 2
Kickstarter page:
Budget $2,933,252
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Game with the biggest budget does not look very stylish. Strange, right? If we cut from screens vegetation (grass sprites) what you will see? Couple objects without style. On previous screens you can find this art style. This is especially noticeable in game Shadowrun Returns. Question of the day - what's wrong with Wasteland 2? Maybe most important things it is texts, dialogues, role-play system and balance? Maybe. Maybe it's incredible game mechanics. But i think that budget has been distributed a very strange.
Why in other games with a lower budget we can see the Style? Does this mean that by making such art style - games (samples look above) is not able to make a good game mechanics, because they spent money on art?
Sorry, but in fact that Larian Studios failed game mechanics - i cant believe. I saw game-play videos of Shadowrun Returns and i like that i saw. Dead State? Him early game-play demos looks better than Wasteland 2 pre-relise version (I hope you will remember that before the release of Wasteland 2 remaining two months). Who looks more cool W2 or Dead State? And if you compare the budgets what you will see? $332,635 and $2,933,252!
Wasteland 2 have budget almost in ten (10) times as large than Dead State. Wasteland 2 made on the Unity3D - best choice and huge base of assets, Dead State using a Torque 3D, more light engine and more hard in work with them.
Deeds always speak better than something else.