I think a problem I have Soldat is you dislike two RPG's that may just be the best in the past few years. D:OS for instance. Just making it out the gate in the first town is challenging in D:OS. Sure the difficulty gets easier, and the writing could be stronger, but I really liked the combat and challenge. If you like a relatively mediocre game like Fallout Tactics (without mods at least) because of the combat I assume, then I can't see how the tactical elements in D:OS don't appeal. Do you know how the combat system works in that? Using the elements to interact with the environment? I loved casting the rain spell and electrifying it, or throwing a poison liquid down and catching it on fire. I can only assume you haven't played it since the latest patch as well, which I do believe added two new companions. Hell there are so many different ways to play that game it's crazy. I am eager to play back through with a rogue type character.
I'm a bit confused how one can praise Fallout Tactics, but disregard W2 as well. Are you generally disappointed with the combat? I would have to assume so since that is all Fallout Tactics has going for it in comparison. I've actually been playing Tactics with the Redux mod, which has made it actually enjoyable, but I couldn't say that is how Wasteland 2 should be. Wasteland 2 has more RPG elements to it, but less tactical really. The story in Tactics was pretty awful, so I wager you aren't praising that. Good to see you might tough it out. My purpose in this is seeing if you enjoy W2 eventually. Purely for research purposes

I also like to understand why someone doesn't like something, particularly something that I view to be pretty decent, not without it's flaws, but great potential. I see potential. Too bad Unity is hard as shit to mod for. That may make it difficult for me to do a few things I want. I have similar stories as Crni about games I quit, but ended up loving later. I can't say a few camera quirks are going to bug me, and they damn sure wouldn't cause me to give up playing. I have a completionist streak in me when it comes to RPG's though. This is the sequel to Wasteland, which many are seeming to forget. Most people playing this never played the first one. I've seen people complaining about story elements and factions that are similar to Fallout, because they were in the original Wasteland! So it is rational to try and understand what the problems are to try and make them better. Hence this discussion
If anyone came here to bash one of the games that launched the cRPG and old school Fallout/Wasteland revival, then they should expect others to argue otherwise. So I am curious why you and others are seemingly oblivious to why we don't necessarily agree with you. Like minded community and all that. Gamer cred so to speak comes to play as well, hence the questions about what you played. I do agree the stalking of your Steam account was a bit much, but it did help to stir the discussion more at least.
Moving right along now....
Seems Wasteland 2 may have a loot problem. Random loot is kinda shitty from what I hear. Also, not being able to sneak is a severe downside. I would think it is vital. It makes the game sound more and more like an Xcom lite/RPG. I'm hoping future updates will remedy this. Also, what the fuck is up with the character portraits? Inexcusable. I would rather they take them out rather than leave the shit how it is. Black woman with white portraits? It looks sloppy. I would rather they waited to ship the game when it was more complete. It does make me slightly worried about future prospects if this is the condition the games are launched in. The game would have been rated higher no doubt with a little more polish. I know some would rather play it now, but I'm kinda glad I don't have my copy yet. The latest patch didn't change a whole lot besides change the jamming percentage since people complained too much.
The typos and writing errors are really fucking annoying too. That I cannot look past in a game. Ever. That shit needs to be fixed before I even bother investing all my time into the game. Maybe it isn't as bad as all the screenshots and videos I have seen. I still haven't tried it so this isn't first hand knowledge, but typos and writing fuckups in a RPG kill me. Literally. I die inside each time I see typos in one of these games. I know they boasted how much words they put in the fucking thing, but it doesn't matter if half the shit is poorly written or misspelled. Little things like that do add up. I'll recap my opinion on what the game needs in updates.
What Wasteland 2 needs at the moment:
Fix the numerous problems with the portraits, typos, bugged quests, and such. No brainer really. Either match the portraits up or use something closer. They seem random and that doesn't fly. I can use my imagination, but a black dude with a white portrait is retarded. I don't mind small grammar mistakes either, but outright typos bug the shit out of me. Fix it please. I know of one quest where a guy gets his arm cut off, but he later has it back. Unless he got a robotic arm, that sounds like a bug. I know you guys are tracking that though.
Can you do some hand placed loot at all? The loot sounds pretty borked. Unlocking trapped containers for throwaway shit sounds too much like Divinity: OS and the problems it had with loot. Fallout didn't have that problem. I felt like there were things hidden that were unique. I understand they are trying to make the skill useful, but at least make it worth it. Random trash encounters sounds too much like Tactics. More unique random encounters would make the game shine.
Once again, expanding the tactical elements of the game is a must. Sneaking should be in. Prone should be in, but I can do without if I have to. Xenonauts doesn't have prone and it works out alright. Special grenades are a must though. What kind of elite military unit doesn't have breach and clear type equipment? Grenades guys. More of them. I don't know what all is and isn't in, but I know smoke and flash aren't. WP grenades would be nice if they aren't in. Cryo grenades were cool in New Vegas. Tear gas even. The game needs more elements like that to deal with.
I know some of the little quirks are not easily fixable. The camera sounds like a chore, but workable so I'll deal. I'm sure extra areas could be added in the future. Perks. Some sort of perk or trait system. I know it is possibly in the works, so I won't harp too much, but that is really needed. Combat is king in games like this. Not having unique kill animations for critters is disappointing as well.
Divinity Original Sin.
Divinity Original Sin. I created a character I did not care about at all, and I could not make a character that I cared about. The tone seems all over the place. I was supposed to investigate a murder of someone I did not know who was or cared about. The combat I did try, consisted of me using the attack ability.
I don't care about Divinity: Original Sin. I don't say it is a bad game. If someone gives it 10/10 I am fine with that.
Wasteland 2, its combat and how it holds up compared to Fallout Tactics because it is a good example of the subjectmatter done well.
So far, the tactical combat in Wasteland 2 have consisted of me getting in range with whatever firearm and attacking. It works very well so far. And that is as far as my tactical mind have had to go so far. And that is fine(I guess).
I do however like the combat more in Fallout and a lot more in Fallout Tactics.
What makes gunfights fun in these RPG games
What makes the combat fun for me?
For starters, the weaponry.
History is very interesting to me, including that of conflict and armament.
So having a real life weapon, with the correct graphics, the correct ammunition type, the correct properties of the ammunition, and the correct tactical role and properties of the weapon.
Or something that simulates or represent that.
And the correct description and information about the weapon.
If not a real life weapon, then made up weapons, like in Fallout. A made up weapon that I believe would be feasible and makes sense. It have a cool description and backstory that maybe tells us it comes from a real life armaments manufacturer.
Now I care about the weapon I have acquired in the game, and I am excited about using it in the game.
When actually using the weapon, it most look for lack of a better word 'cool' when my character uses the weapon.
It must feel good to use the weapon. The sound, the reaction from my character and the reaction from my opponent getting hit by the weapon. Having a believable range.
Fallout and Fallout Tactics succeeds very well in all this for my taste.
In wasteland 2 everything I have just tried to explain seem to be the opposit.
First off, if you put points into a weapon skill, your character will start with a weapon of that skill category. That is very boring. When I first played Fallout, and saw the energy weapon skill, I thought it was a joke. There could not possibily be working high tech weaponry still in excistance. But when you find one, that is very exciting, and it is a fantastic contrast tot he world. This super high tech and high powered piece of tech in this almost lifeless, crude and destroyed world. It is very satisfying to have found a technological goldnugget in an otherwise stoneage looking world.
Instead you can start out with phase-pistols, heavy machineguns and sniperrifles. Well, there won't be any satisfaction in aquireing lost pre war tech world tech.
But let's have a look at these weapons.
Wasteland 2 and toy guns
In wasteland 2 I started out with an M2 heavy machine gun. The name and the graphics are clearly modelled on the M2 Browning .50 cal heavy machine gun.
Instead the wasteland 2 version uses .223 cal/5.56mm ammo (pee shooter ammo compared to the .50 cal bricks) a machine gun that have not strength requirements.
Heavy weapons mean; Something a man cannot shoulder and operate effectively.
The Wasteland M2 kills a person in 1-3 bursts, without any noticeable armor.
For my concern Wasteland 2 have now ruined the M2 machine gun.
(I can repeat what I just said for most other weapons I have seen.)
Fallout and real guns
In Fallout Tactics, you can get an M2 Browning heavy machine gun, it weighs a 'ton'
You need 9 strength to operate the weapon properly. So even a power armored person might not even be able to wield it.
It fires .50 cal ammo that also weigh a 'ton'
The weapon have a very long range only rivaled buy sniper rifles. Eat mussels ammo and not even the hardiest of enemies can stand against it.
The guns in Wasteland 2 comes of as toy imitations, a cheap bb gun that have a range of a couple of meters.
Fallout Tactics, tactics
In Fallout Tactics, the firearms have a much much more range so you can have something else than a toy gun battle, this can open up for tactics.
I remember one scenario, where I placed 5 people with long range rifles on top of a building, and then used my 6th guy to lure the opposition into the open
where the 5 other people had free line of fire to cover the 6th guy that was running for his life.
In another scenario I placed people with burst fire weapons around a corner and then waited for a enemy patrol or lured the enemy around that corner
and then get blown bits by automatic fire. Or I could have placed mines.
I have tried to sneak my team inside a building to get up close to the enemy, and murder them all before they knew what hit them.
In another scenario I have attacked a building from multiple entrances and openings. People rushing inside, people throwing grenades inside,
people stealthing inside to get good positions and people from a far putting in sniper fire.
Wasteland 2 tactics
I see none of these things in Wasteland 2. The level design does not really give you an opportunity to do something tactically creative.
Neither does the combat system. It does not give you any real opportunity to set up an ambush, stealth attack or mine an area.
All it does is activate turned based combat, let the enemy go first, and in a few meters short of melee range we have a toy gun battle.
No strategy, no tactics, just clicking attack until it is over.
I found the story in Fallout Tactics to be more engaging and relatable than anything I have seen in Wasteland 2.
In Fallout Tactics People act more like real people, the orginisation I work for seem to focus on the important things at hand.
Not so much in Wasteland 2.
When I am now sitting and playing Wasteland 2, I think; maybe I am being harsh on the game. But then I come here on the forum, you guys write interesting things, and pose interesting questions that makes me think, and the problems pile up even further the longer I get into the game and it compounds in on itself and I am so far in the game, that it is beyond repair.