In response to Bethesda still trying to keep the "war, war never changes" catchphrase alive, I respond with this:
"They say war, war never changes. Men do, by the roads they walk. And this road, has come to an end."
Right in the feels.
About "war never changes", it's funny actually. Bethesda says it, what, four, five times in the intro only ? While presenting the first Fallout title in which the war has changed in every single way.
Fallout's wars are like circles in the water : they are echoes of the past. They highlight the main thematic : "how to deal with our past ? How to avoid the same mistakes ?"
Then comes Fallout 4's war.
The Brotherhood wants to eliminate a potential, future threat, in the name of moral values and sanctity of human life. That doesn't mimic any war from the past, not even the crusades.
The railroad wages war to liberate slaves. While a bad historian could think about the secession war, it's actually very far from it. Hell, even the germanic tribes didn't wage war against Rome for that.
The Institute wages war to be kept alone. I can't find any similiarity with a previous war.
The Minutemen wage war so that their country can stay isolated, and in need of their services. While I can think of the Samurais in the last Shogunats, I doubt that it was the original plan.
So there we are.
"War never changes", said four times in the intro. While every single war presented in the title HAS changed in every way possible. Sigh.
Anyway, about my favorite quotes...
"Who are you who do not know your history ?" is, to me, the best Fallout quote.
"Leave now. Leave, while you still have hope" hits me right in the feels everytime.
"Victory is our tradition" is pretty badass.
"We shall see how brave you are, when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing West so you may watch your world die" is probably the most intimidating threat I ever heard in a game.
"Germs ! I hate germs !" never fails to make me laugh.