What BoS division do you speculate is in Boston?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Taking in Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, Fallout 3, and everything you know about Fallout 4 right now, I would like to ask a question. This personally interest me a lot, as I don't know why, but Fallout Tactics had a pretty good impact on me when I played it back in the day, not as much as Fallout 2 had but I thought it was a really fun immersive Fallout BoS experience. So to the question,

Their has been speculation about the Midwest BoS being the BoS division in Fallout 4, just speculation. Their is Rothchild's brief comment about the BoS in Chicago in Fallout 3, the airship we see in Fallout 4, and the "midwest BoS logo" which unless I have missed something is just a general BoS logo. Some think the logo more resembles the midwest logo, but again, unless I am missing something it is just the universal general BoS logo.

The thing is though the midwest BoS was sent out from the West division via airships, so technically speaking it could be the West as much or more as it could be the Midwest. They both could build Airships, then The Pre War Hub made some good points on how it doubtfully is the Lyon's, thankfully. I really have no love for the Lyon's division, but I would be very pleasantly surprised if it turns out that the BoS division we see in Fallout 4 is sourced directly from the West or Midwest divisions.

Pre War Hub's Midwest BoS in Fallout 4 speculation video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX_heB9sfcQ

So I figure I would ask you guys, what BoS division do you think may possibly be in Fallout 4? Obviously their is no way of knowing anything for certain, its just speculation, and guessing.

Your input appreciated.

Edit: Oh yes but of course my speculation is, I think it will be a new BoS division created/formed out of the West or East. That is not what I want though, what I hope or wish is that it is the midwest BoS directly from Tactics coming over to Boston to take over.
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I think a BoS with a vision more like the BoS in the west (specificallyl capture and control pre-war technology before the Wastelanders blow each other up with it) fits more naturally into the Fallout 4 environment. Since the Institute might well be the most technologically advanced entity in the post-war United States, there's a natural tension between the two that you would lose if the BoS were more of the goodie-two-shoes Fallout 3 variety.

I even suspect that Bethesda realized that Fallout 3 was far too black and white when it came to morality and politics, particularly given that Skyrim did these things a lot better than Fallout 3 and "high fantasy" is a place where "objective standards of good and evil" is a lot more natural than "post-apocalypse."
I think a BoS with a vision more like the BoS in the west (specificallyl capture and control pre-war technology before the Wastelanders blow each other up with it) fits more naturally into the Fallout 4 environment. Since the Institute might well be the most technologically advanced entity in the post-war United States, there's a natural tension between the two that you would lose if the BoS were more of the goodie-two-shoes Fallout 3 variety.

I even suspect that Bethesda realized that Fallout 3 was far too black and white when it came to morality and politics, particularly given that Skyrim did these things a lot better than Fallout 3 and "high fantasy" is a place where "objective standards of good and evil" is a lot more natural than "post-apocalypse."

I like this

I am fairly sure that is again the Lyons' Jedis of Steel.

That would be so awful
One of the airships was Prydewind or something to that effect so it's 90% likely East Coast BoS as opposed to Midwest..unfortunately.
Holyshit, I have never noticed this, and I know Fallout lore. That is no general BoS logo, I missed it. The Pre War Hub is right, that is undeniably the Midwest BoS logo. I mean I am not saying it definitely is the Midwest BoS, like their video said it is just speculation, but I will say it does make me wonder. Before their was like 0 chance that Bethesda would throw the BoS from Tactics in Fallout 4, but shoo, that logo, I mean oh man. I am just setting myself up for major disappointment but I am saying Midwest.

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Yea I am thinking it is the Midwest BoS, the West division banners in Fallout Tactics shown in the videos with Barnaky are just banners they brought over from the West. Then they made their own variation of the symbol for their division. The midwest symbol is consistent throughout Fallout Tactics, on the armor, on the vehicles, etc.

The airship Prydwen shown in Fallout 4's gameplay trailer, and the Fallout 4 concept art with a BoS power armored soldier, all shows the midwest symbol variation.
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I really hope this is NOT the Midwest BoS. Why? Because I love the Midwest BoS. They have just the right mix of religious zeal, military pragmatism and fascist undertones. If they were handled by Bethesda they would either become sickeningly good, or Hitler-nazi evil. I don't believe they are capable of handling that BoS chapter well and give it justice.

It think(and hope) it's just gonna be the cuddly-let-me-love-you Lyon's fabulous pride BoS of the East Coast. They can butcher it all they want, I hate them anyway.
But one other way is for them to be The Outcasts. With Lyon's BoS becoming dominant in DC area, they went north to the institute to do what BoS is supposed to do. And the fact that they're portrayed as complete assholes in F3 helps with painting them as the new villains in F4.
Maybe they used BOTH of them? I doubt it but they might as well. Can't be any worse than the other things they have done.
Maybe they used BOTH of them? I doubt it but they might as well. Can't be any worse than the other things they have done.

I mean, Fallout 3 had two different BoS factions, so that's totally plausible. It would just make more sense for the "we want to shut down the Institute" faction of the BoS to be the one most active in the region.
Yeah, but they never did anything with it. Except for the player to collect some garbage. The outcast could also be removed from the game and no one would miss it.

Having two BoS factions might even be interesting, if you really want to explore that concept, without hamfisting some moral decision or clear black-vs-evil fight for the player in there.

I mean have one as the known xenophobic humanity-is-not-ready-yet-for-technology like group and the other if you want a we-need-to-teach-humanity-how-to-use-technology-correctly faction and show the player good AND bad outcomes of both concepts. Actuall depth!
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I doubt Bethesda is capable of it. Neither Fallout 3 nor Skyrim had much gray morality in them, and it was hardly ever objective. It was always they are bad, we're good kind of stuff.
... just might be the midwest bos.

with their run in with the calculator, they know a lot about robots/synths.
I don't like any Power Armor, but the T-45d looks pretty crappy and junky. But that might be because of the animation and modelling in FO3/NV.