Subhuman said:
The only weak part of both games, for me, is the combat. Standard turn-based point-and-click, nothing very exciting. It certainly doesn't measure up to the rest of the game.
[sarcasm]Yes, standing face to face weaving your weapons in the air while waiting for a timer to go down so you can whip off your generic, one animation attack is so much better.[/sarcasm] Most RPGs (especially MMOs) make me madder than hell with their combat systems. Sitting there watching your person make one fast swipe, then wait a moment standing there, simply because, "oh... it's a greatsword, so it's slow." KOTOR style combat is just as bad as any other, if not worse. They fill the pause with flashy animations that you watch and yell at your character "Holy &*#$ he just left himself open a dozen times with that jump-spin-kick-swing-duck-pose-combo, why the hell didn't you... oh sorry. It wasn't your turn."
Give me either turn-based, or an action-type ala StarOcean3 where I have fairly complete control. And Fallout MUST be turn-based.
Things I disliked:
Lack of life. Completely excusable in the wasteland and in the devastation-carved craters and valleys, but the cities seem less like habitats and more like props.
NPC AI. Take on that camp of raiders? Sure, just stand in the doorway, let them all charge up toward you, then blow eachother away as they stack up single file to get mowed down by their companions behind them.
P90c and G11. I really don't need to elaborate on that one.
Magic and crap. Nuclear radiation enables hulking mutants to summon deathclaws and pot-head shamans to talk to us in our travels, who knew?
Pop culture references. I hate TV, I hate most movies, a number of those references total eluded me, and those I did get made me squirm in discomfort. They just don't belong.
Porn studio. I'm recognized because everyone's seen my movies. Just where do all these people get VCRs in a PA world?