What did you NOT like about FO 1 & 2?

Things I didn't like about FO, probably nothing.

About FO2 the easter eggs, got too much after a while, the real world guns like the P90 and G11 and the .223 pistol that kept turning up even though it's meant to be unique. The gansters in pristine suits and hats, maybe one or two guys in an old fedora and rotting suit would of worked. The temple of trials, totally wrong, they should of made a seperate tutorial if they really wanted to include one.

Other things are more political, the censorship by removing the children which I know can be fixed with the child patch and US patch 1.02, but it's still annoying, especially when the UK version of JA2 still has children in it and you can kill them. Probably it's the child killer trait that got them removed, as if you were playing a baddy it would encourage people to kill the kids.
Well, blasphemy or not here's alot of big boo-boo's they did.

#1: The European version was low-violence (acceptable) and had no children in it. When they said "no children" they meant, they simply deleted the graphics files for them, but actually left all the scripts in. So if you're going inside most places in the den, like becky's/etc you have a chance of getting a crucial quest item stolen, and not even knowing about it until it turns up in the shop/dissapears.

#2: Holey moley Fallout 2 needed ALOT of patches. They still didn't get everything! :lol:

#3: New Reno.. Dear god.. I swear that all of New Reno is an enormous easter egg.. Gangsters, getting your car stolen, pimps, prostitutes, A PORN STUDIO?

#4: Tribals.. If they really were Tribals and were isolated, how could of they possibly found out about A G.E.C.K?

No complaints on graphics or anything else.
/me grabs pepper spray to defend against Rosh :shock:

Fallout 1 Stuff :

ER.. This game is perfect. *sob*

The only thing I would ever really change though is the inventory size. I'm kind of tired of having the 1-slot inventory where I have to scroll down all the way to use a medkit or something. The way they made the inventory in FO:T was extremely convient, and if they had something like that for FO2 it would be awesome. For example, you had those tabs and you can give your party stuff and change combat pref, but you can't control your party.

Although, there are those who like Fallout to stay completely unchanged, and I completely agree with them, but it isn't much to ask for a bigger inventory box.

Is Rosh here? *grasps pepper spray* EEekkk!
DarkLegacy said:
getting your car stolen

What's wrong with that? I actually like that quest. The first time I played FO2 and saw my car was gone, I totally freaked out and went on a killing spree to find the guilty ones. New Reno never recovered.

You're right about the FOT inventory, though. One of the few good things in that game.
Actually I'm suprised your car doesn't get stolen more often, or that you're not attacked by car jackers. If you're driving around in the PA world, even in something dumb like a golf cart you're going to be the one eyed man in the world of the blind and generate a lot of envy.

As for the tribals knowing about the GECK, either the Vault Dweller mentioned it, or weren't some of the villagers descended from other inhabitants of V13 who left after the end of the first game. Been a while since I read the FO Bible.
One thing I really missed in both of them was more locations ala the Glow, more abandoned places/cities where one could lurk around and discover stuff and find hidden tunnels etc..

Other than that the interface needed fixing in Fo1, Combat AI in Fo1..

I won't bother with Fo2, because it was just a milk product. Some good stuff in there, but alot of bad stuff.

Too much pop references, special encounters is bad.

Oh and if you're going to insert text/scripts, make sure you don't take away what it was intended to make you do.

No more fed-ex quests, ack.. no more puzzle quests.

The skill system could be revised, AFAIK there were some errors in that. I agree with JES when he wanted to merge Doctor and First Aid, it just seems redundant to have two skills for that.

I don't want to see a bunch of working vehicles ala FOT, because it's just not feasible to see working vehicles in Fallout. Actually I didn't like that car in Fallout 2 that much either, just took the fun away from traveling.

One thing that could have given some more depth was food, make it more realistic. Ie if you character didn't have enough in Outdoorsman, then he couldn't travel that far..or something similar...

But err..wow I seemed to have derailed a little.

End of the line, I want to see and experience a complelling story.
FO2 had a food system, but it wasnt implemented Odin (in the small chance you didnt know.)

And I gotta agree, the glow was a great location. In FO I loved exploring prewar locations, and learing what had happend and such. It fit especily well with mt first characther in FO, too.
FO1: Some minor things like the inventory, and some quests being incomplete. Like I felt that I should be able to turn Iguana Bob in, wasn't the evidence in that locker under the doctor's clinic in Junktown, but there was no way to open it? anyways.... Also the followers of the apocalipse were never really developed I thought, and I positively HATED the level cap.

FO2: Way too many easter eggs. Some of them were just too blunt. In FO1 the easter eggs were somehow more subtle and rare making them that much more fun to discover. New Reno was a little too much but then San Fran was way too much with the whole thing, and allmost every quest within, being some kind of easter egg. Also the whole idea of tribals was badly implemented. While i believe that it was possible for people to live devoid of technology, they also would not be so ignorant of it seeing as evidence of it was all around. It always got on my nerves that they reffered to the GECK as "HOLLY". The temple of trial was stupid, how the hell did they have time and the recources to build such a massive stone structure just to test young men and still live in tents and carry flint spears. That is not even mentioning the fact that the whole ordeal was so damned BORING.
And then there are the plethora of unfinished quests and massive bugs that even the patch never fully fixed.
As much as I am a fan of FO I also remember being sorely dissapointed with FO2 when it first came out. It took me a while to come around to it. I kept seeing it as the game that it could have been, and how somebody screwed it up by rushing it .... for Christmas I think?
....and how annoying was it for Sulik to burst everyone in sight including me and other NPC's, and how Marcus did the same but would also constantly get fraged because he could not wear armor, and Casidy would constantly run ahead into fifty enemies even when I set him to stay next to me, and .... need I really go on...?

You know... honestly if it wasn't for the fact that they neve made another FO after FO2, I think FO2 would have been just a bad apple in a great series (given of course that #3 was as good as #1 for its time). As it is we never really got another quality product and so we are left with FO2. There is also not other quality post-apoc that I know of at all, so FO2 remains by default a highpoint in the entire genre.
gonzo13 said:
Also the whole idea of tribals was badly implemented. While i believe that it was possible for people to live devoid of technology, they also would not be so ignorant of it seeing as evidence of it was all around. It always got on my nerves that they reffered to the GECK as "HOLLY".
Have you read Earth Abides by George R. Stewart? I think that's a pretty good account of people devolving to superstitious tribalism within a couple of generations while being surrounded by the remains of a technological society. The characters in that book had examples of that technology still working and access to people who knew how to use it and still reverted to a simpler existence. Totally fictional but still believable.

gonzo13 said:
The temple of trial was stupid, how the hell did they have time and the recources to build such a massive stone structure just to test young men and still live in tents and carry flint spears.
Wasn't it mentioned in one of the bibles that they converted the temple from an existing building? But even if not, history is full of primitive cultures devoting their resources to build religious monuments and structures while living in what we would consider abject poverty.
FO1: Some minor things like the inventory, and some quests being incomplete. Like I felt that I should be able to turn Iguana Bob in, wasn't the evidence in that locker under the doctor's clinic in Junktown, but there was no way to open it? anyways.... Also the followers of the apocalipse were never really developed I thought, and I positively HATED the level cap.

Actually, you could never really catch Iguana Bob. I opened the locker in Junktown, but it only contained like 900 caps, and some medical supplies.

I went to Iguana Bob and told him that he was selling human organs, and he simply left The Hub, never to be seen again. In NCR in Fallout2, his son is selling organs *sigh*.

I felt it was pretty dumb that all of the guards in the NCR had Bozars on them. It made me feel weak strutting around in Advanced Power Armor but dieing in one shot from their criticals.

"You were critically hit for 328 damage, turning your body into a bloody ragdoll."
I thought most of the NCR guards has Pancor Jackhammers, and busters gun shop guards were the oens with bozors.


With Iguana Bob, you can blackmail him for money if you have the right stats.
Urr..., no?

I think only the 2 guards in the midget's shop carried bozars.

I believe some NCR guards carried gauss pistols, and the Pancors.

Just steal from them and see what bullets they have.
All the guards around the midgets tent have bozars, there is four i think....

But i havent seen any guards carrying those anywhere else in NCR.
Smaug One said:
All the guards around the midgets tent have bozars, there is four i think....

But i havent seen any guards carrying those anywhere else in NCR.

My mistake.. Anyway most of them carry Pancors and the most important people have Gauss Rifles :wink:

Blargh, carrot soup.

*update* Oh yeah, you can blackmail Iguana Bob! :oops:

As great as Fallout 1 was, there were a few points that could have been improved. First of all, as so many others have pointed out, the world was too small, and far too undynamic. It seemed like time froze whenever I wasn't in a particular area.

On a similar note, progress was far too quick. The initial quest (the water chip) didn't really do much for the game, as the timer forced the player to rush through the first part of the game. For the second part of the game, it didn't seem like the mutants were really on the offensive at all - if anything, it felt like my character was on the offense from day one, never once suffering a setback of any kind.

There were a few annoying parts as far as mechanics goes, too. The hand tool annoyed the hell out of me throughout the game, as things either kept getting stuck behind opaque objects, or I kept grabbing the wrong item. Similarly, I hated how hard it was to select things inside a building from the outside (such as a door on the northern side of the building). This was one of the few things FO:T got right - the way it 'cut down' the walls worked far better than the 'bubble' from the original. The final point I found particularly annoying was the way the inventory worked, another point that FO:T actually managed to get right.

Can't really say much about FO2, since I haven't played that game for ages, and the disc seems to have gotten lost. My new copy should be in the mail soon, though :D

Even though it might look like I didn't like Fallout much, nothing could be farther from the truth. Despite some flaws in the way the story was told and the way the mechanics worked, there was something about the game that just pulled me in. The post-apocalyptic setting, however bone-chilling the prospect might be, has something disturbingly attractive quality to it. On the mechanics side, the SPECIAL system rocked. Also... in what other game can you hit people in the groin with a super-sledge? :twisted:
-Killing the self-righteous, slave driving Wrights gave you minus karma points
-NCR, too few quests. The whole town seemed incomplete and not well thought out
-Unlike in FO1 Nuka Cola had no effect and you couldn't get addicted
-No food system, they even removed the sporadic FO1-food system
Odin said:
One thing I really missed in both of them was more locations ala the Glow, more abandoned places/cities where one could lurk around and discover stuff and find hidden tunnels etc..

Took the thoughts right out of my mind!

My favorite parts of any RPG involve exploring places and wondering (if not discovering) why and how they came to be. The Glow is a perfect example. I hate when games make you revolve around inhabited area's...I like the loneliness of a lot of area's in the Wasteland Universe...leaves you time to discover stuff yourself and not by asking some textboard NPC.

The Vault Dweller
Roamer said:
-Unlike in FO1 Nuka Cola had no effect and you couldn't get addicted
-No food system, they even removed the sporadic FO1-food system

Both of these were exactly the same in both games, y'know.

The_Vault_Dweller said:
My favorite parts of any RPG involve exploring places and wondering (if not discovering) why and how they came to be. The Glow is a perfect example.

Vendigroth in Arcanum could have been like that as well, but it disappointed me for some reason. Nice graphics and so, but a little claustrophobic, and with clichéd enemies. I think my favourite CRPG location is Ust Natha in BG2 - underground, yet inhabited.