I should save my game in a whole new slot
Still bullshit

(I chose the Harry Potter one because magic must be countered with magic)
First, why is there even witchhunter gear in a world without magic?
Second... okay this one is alright but it would be included into mods or patches so a whole DLC dedicated to bring this in is a waste.
Third, they all died out. This is ESTABLISHED LORE!
Fourth, there is no need. Mods and patches.
Fifth, that sounds like a pointless gimmick that would not survive in the reality of a post-apocalyptic world.
Sixth, mods and patches can bring those in so it's again, POINTLESS!
Seventh, holographic enemies are only in the Sierra Madre. ESTABLISHED LORE states that the tech was experimental and only existed in that capacity at the Madre alone.
EDIT: Even if your suggestions are sarcastic, what you are saying are things Bethesdrones are already suggesting on a regular basis to Bethesda all the time. We don't need reminders that their fanbase is filled with those immature children, we get that from trolls already.