What if X made Fallout Y?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
What if [developer] made whichever instalment of FO that's coming next.

GSC Game World
Ion Storm Inc. from c. 2001
After playing Mass Effect, I'm certain that BioWare blew all their creative juices on KoTOR and KOTOR2.

Is Troika even in business? I thought they were dead.

I'm a pretty big Square Enix fan (and they don't shit all over their franchises) so, from a personal standpoint, I'd be interested in a Square/Enix Fallout.
No, Troika is indeed gone, thus the smiley.

I really would have loved to see what they could have done with Fallout (or any PA game for that matter), with that engine they put together. The tech demo was fantastic.
rcorporon said:
After playing Mass Effect, I'm certain that BioWare blew all their creative juices on KoTOR and KOTOR2.

Is Troika even in business? I thought they were dead.

I'm a pretty big Square Enix fan (and they don't shit all over their franchises) so, from a personal standpoint, I'd be interested in a Square/Enix Fallout.

Oh great.. moody, linear, emo, bright and colorful post-apocalyptic world. Square makes a good story-telling JRPG, their rendition of Fallout would be... incomprehensible?
Rev. Layle said:
Oh great.. moody, linear, emo, bright and colorful post-apocalyptic world. Square makes a good story-telling JRPG, their rendition of Fallout would be... incomprehensible?

That's why I said it would be my selfish choice.
Sicblades said:
I would not even think of buying it if BioWare made it.

So the real Fallout 3 is actually better than a hypothetical Bioware FO in your book?

What if it was BioWare circa 2000 when they made Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, etc.?
L'Armée Troika!


Brother None said:
Or CD Projekt Red.

lol, trying to make enemies, Kharn ol' boy?
I deliberately left out Troika because everyone wanted them and I was wondering what other choices are there.

Also a Fallout Ex game would be awesome.
You mean the LucasArts of 8+ years ago? Before they started swimming in cashmoney and sacrificing their feeble minds to the consumer-friendly crowd.

I certainly wouldn't want today's LucasArts touch any game ever again in a 200LY radius
Nodder said:
So the real Fallout 3 is actually better than a hypothetical Bioware FO in your book?

What if it was BioWare circa 2000 when they made Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, etc.?

Hardly the BioWare that made Jade Empire etc. Kind of the same thing as the Bethesda that made TES I & II vs Oblivion. Had any other developers done it I would have followed it and thought about it, but certainly not if Bioware has having a crack at it.
Nodder said:
So the real Fallout 3 is actually better than a hypothetical Bioware FO in your book?

What if it was BioWare circa 2000 when they made Baldur's Gate 2, Icewind Dale, etc.?
Wait, so your question is 'pick a dev team from any point in time'?
Okay. The original Fallout team.

Also, I liked Mass Effect a lot better than I'm liking Fallout 3 so far, mostly because Bioware is better at creating a good atmosphere than Bethesda seems to be, most of the gameplay is pretty similar.
Rev. Layle said:
You mean the LucasArts of 8+ years ago? Before they started swimming in cashmoney and sacrificing their feeble minds to the consumer-friendly crowd.

I certainly wouldn't want today's LucasArts touch any game ever again in a 200LY radius

I really don't know any LucasArts games after KOTOR, so I wouldn't know what your talking about. That being said, it was kind of a joke, see my sig/avatar