This ghoul has seen it all

THat show was already old 5 years ago...
How young where you when that happened? Because hating something because you realize the people are actors seems kind of stupid.
I was without my PC for 2 days recently, I had to watch Tv instead of watchign stuff online.... I caught an episode of The Walking Dead.... and then I remembered why I stopped watching tv, that was the literally "best" thing that was on for the whole hour.... and it sucked....
Something of note: When did the History channel turn into aliens, aliens, aliens, stupid reality show, no actual history or war documentaries?
For any of you who liked Breaking Bad, I hope you try watching Better Call Saul.
It's like watching someone fuck the corpse of your childhood pet.
Apropros of favourite TV shows. Looks like Top Gear is over. I just can't imagine May and Hammond continuing without Clarkson, or pulling a Metallica and getting a new guy.
Unless they promote the Stig to a full presenter (without changing his role at all).
For any of you who liked Breaking Bad, I hope you try watching Better Call Saul.
Breaking Bad certainly left a lot of unanswered questions about Gus. I agree a show about him could be good.I have yet to decide if it's as good like Breaking Bad. But if I am honest I would actually prefer a TV show about Gus Fringe instead of Saul/Mcgill. But I would not be surprised if they do one in the future.