Plenty of genuinely good shows come and go, most have been said allready - so I'm gonna pick a random one, that hasn't been on tv for a while "I shouldn't be alive" as well as "Banged up abroad", both of these shows
fill me with joy!
It has mainly to do with the fact that unlike most accident/disaster scenarios, these guys brought it on themselves almost every damn time.
"I thought it would be easy to sneak a kilo of heroin into Manila :0 seemed like a good deal :0" BAM, prison, BAM, horrific mistreatment, BAM, some big fat filippino's prison-bitch

"I thought it seemed like a good idea to explore the jungle/the desert/the mountain plateaus!" Yeah, ever wondered why those places are typically devoid of people? Yeah, think about it for a while, you'll figure it out eventually :'D
People come here (to Norway) and do that too, Germans in particular, they go to the mountain to live out some barbarian-viking-dream of sorts "Ich bin ein Vikiiing!" and next day, reported missing, never found again

GONE, in the mountains
I shouldn't laugh. But seriously, warnings are everywhere, if you come here, and go to the mountains, people will be all over you telling you to respect the wilderness, bring a map and compass, and a hundred more precautions, that are brushed aside as "wussy", and poof - GONE - in the mountains :'D never found again
I am also a sucker for details, and the intro theme for "I shouldn't be alive" had several guttural screams mixed into it, like, dramatic music, random clips, dude abandoned in jungle "NOOOOO!" some poor schmuck lost in mountain "AAAAAAA!" some idiot breaking down in a horrible, dank prison dungeon "WAAAAA!"
good times! Excellent tv!
Oh, and one more - and please don't get me wrong here, many have before, and it's embarassing every time, because I expect them to know me better, but here in particular people don't know me very well: Dr. Phil!

Purely from a freak-show point of view, though - it is just... fascinating... both to observe his guests, but sometimes it's fun to observe him too. Sometimes people poke at his ego, and he gets very excited by it - "Now you listen here!" super-heavy Texas-accent "This ain't my first rodeo - " *people cheering WOOH YOU GO DR PHIL!* "When I'm talking - you listen!" yeah, sheesh, cool it there Dr. Badass, you just have to be a therapist and listen. I've seen actual psychologists, and they don't get their egos all bruised that easily, nono, I get it, the cameras and all, he has to "pull rank" a bit - but yeah, fun/painful to watch, depending, but it satiates some of my morbid curiousity with humanity's more hopeless sides